If you have been wandering here a while, or visited our fair land's daily Visitor's Book (VB) you may be wondering what the language is. It is Flatlian/chattish, or Flatchat for short. It is a combination of acronyms, glyphs, emoticons and a little English (with a great many typos if the chat room is crowded!). To help you understand the conversations please read on, and, hopefully you too will quickly learn how to Flatchat! Enjoy, Slainte!

 Flatchat Dictionary

AFK Away from KB, used in chat when staying logged on but not reading
BAK Back at KB, when you return
BBL  Be back later, leaving for an extended time
BBS Be back soon, leaving for a not so extended time 
BRB Be right back, leaving for a very short time! 
BKB B!**dy KB! (exclamation commonly heard when KB spells it wrong...again!) 
BTB Butt To Bed! Originated when a certain young lady would collapse in front of a 'puter terminal in the hospital whilst in the chat room rather than leave and go to bed. 
BTW By the way.....
C U L8R See you later!
CYa  A farewell, translates to "See you" 
FIRST!!! Found typed at the very bottom of the (original) VB when an "oldie" is overcome with excitement cuz they have "Reloaded" just after Diarmaid (LoTD Webmaster) has created yet another new page in the annals of the VB! Also sometimes claimed in the STR when someone is fastest at greeting a new arrival in the chat room. (this is all thanks to dear Shamus!)
FOF Firstly - the illustrious Karen, Friends of Flatley... Pubmistress extraordinaire.. proprietor of the most well-known and wonderful site, the Friends of Flatley Irish American Pub.
FOF Feet of Flames - the official name of the GF [sigh]...  held on July 25th, 1998, in Hyde Park, London where the Royal Family presented the performance of all performances... with up to 84 dancers on stage, from all 3 branches of the Family..... now the 'vehicle' by which Michael has returned to the stage!
[g] Giggle or grin...whichever
GFI  Go fo it!!!! 
ICQ "I Seek You" Software,used by Flatheads to see when their buds are online  - click here for info...
IMO In my opinion..... 
IMHO  In my humble opinion..... 
IHIWTH I hate it when that happens! 
KB Key Board (voice of the chatroom!)
LOL Laugh out loud
LOL@.. Laugh out Loud at.........(person's name)
MF Our King! We believe known affectionately as Mufasa to his Royal Family
MFM Mary Francine M....someone (can't remember now!) permanently sent to the dungeons of Flatleyland, carries out Bible-bashing classes on Monday and Wednesday's. Booking taken at door of Cell 4 Level F in the Dungeons..... 
NNN NO NO NO- in contrast ot our King's cry of YYY (see below) 
RC or 
Royal Castle of Flatleyland, where many of the Royal Court reside and have a great deal of fun! Click here to go visit.....
RD The show that first gave Michael the chance to put his ideas on stage.
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing (for when someone says something very funny) 
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off(for when someone says something reeeally very funny) 
ROTFLMMO Rolling on the floor laughing my mahoonie off (for when someone says something reeeally very funny and you are laughing in Gaelic as "Mahoonie" = @ss in Gaelic! :-) )
ROTFLH Rolling on the floor laughing hysterically(for when someone says something reeeally reeeeeally very funny) 
SCS Synchronised CD Session, when we play the LoTD CD in unison around the world!!! An unbelieveable experience!!! ALMOST as good as being at the show again...[sigh].....Regular SCS's held in the STR.
STR YOGRI Story Telling Room, just off the Great Hall...have your CD ready if you want to join in the SCS, otherwise just come and have some fun!
TAPS!!! Usually heard cried out during a SCS in the STR.....esp tracks 16 &17.
TTL  Top Ten List - A handy guide to various aspects of life in Flatleyland, composed by Jake, Court Jester, and ocassionally submitted by his assistants in humour, including, Jim, Bruce, Pat, Jac, Erin and Karen (to see TTL's and have a good laugh see Front page in FOF Pub) 
TYTYTY  Thank you, thank you, thank you,... (said profusely!) 
[veg] Very evil grin........
VICTORY!!! Heard yelled in chatroom, especially when LOTD CD played in synchronicity around the world! YYY! 
[weg] Kinda a VVEG (very very evil grin) that grew up to be a WEG....wicked evil grin!!!
WTG Way to go!!! 
YOGRI Where you are now, silly! Ye Olde Greene Room Inn!! 
YYY!!! Oft heard cry of joy in Flatleyland, YES! YES! YES!, as pronounced by our King in his performances. 
ZZZZzzzz ..when you fall asleep at the KB...and it is time to get your BTB!!!