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But beware there is a Slayer lurking somewhere...


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I believe in the forbidden (love) between Buffy and Xander. Do you? Join the Forbidden (Love) ring!

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Well, you've stopped right before entering one of Sunnyhell's greatest, or possibly the best--okay, okay...so it's not the best but according to some it's a cool page, that is a must bookmark. Check out the new non frames version...it's pretty niffty! Enjoy, and don't forget to sign the guestbook, and read everyone else's "neat" entry...

Sorry! After August 24, 1998 I will not be making any updates except for a few more new fanfic and updating the new Buffy/Xander section. If there are any typos, blame it on the fact that I put on nail polish while watching What's My Line Part 1. Anyways, I just wanted to warn you that although during the rest of summer, there will be TONS of updates! But when school starts *a sad, sullen tune humming in the background*, *sob* probably no more updates! Please understand, I have no choice! There's a evil mutant vampire holding my wrist for a bite! No, not really but you get the pic, right? Failing means death and doom, so I am, or will be learn-girl! The Page however will NOT be shut down anytimes soon. So come back, and back, and back... =)!!!



Keeper of Xander's embarrassed naked guy scream (Nightmares)


Xander's yawn (I, Robot--You, Jane)

You want your on BtVS stuff? Go to the Official Keeper's Site, very cool...


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© 1997 ravenspy101@yahoo.com

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