All About Me, Sabrina Dunbar
All About Me, Sabrina Dunbar

Sabrina's Sites on the Net

Sites Under Construction. . .

Sabrina's Stats:

Name: Sabrina Elizabeth Matilda Dunbar
Birthday: July 2, 1977, 2:58 P.M. at DeWitt Hospital, Fort Belvoir, Virginia U.S.A.
Height: Five feet and 3 and 3/4 inches (or, as my brother says, short)
Weight: (Do you honestly think I'd tell you that?!)
Hair Color: Near to the shade of a nicely cooked pancake
Eye Color: Green-within-amber-within-blue-within-indigo
Shoe Size: 7 to an 8 1/2
The Family: Mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, 1 full brother, 1 stepbrother, 3 stepsisters, 3 cats

Two Former Incarnations of Sabrina

Sabrina's Inter-Pals

A Gallery of my friends, ladies and gentlemen I have met on the net.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Sabrina's Acquaintance

What Sabrina Does When her Computer F.U.B.A.R.s. . .

I use, of course, Floyd the Magic Flamethrower, my favorite weapon of mass technological destruction.

Sabrina's Preferences

Favorite Foods: Macaroni and cheese, Kentucky Fried and/or Roy Rogers chicken, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Favorite Drinks: Pink lemonade, peppermint tea, orange juice, and milk
Favorite Colors: Black, purple, silver, and green
Some Favorite Songs: Most Detested Foods: Pickled beets and sauerkraut
Most Detested Drinks: Coffee (in all forms) and grapefruit juice
Most Detested Colors: Chartreuse and drab
Some Songs I Really Dislike:
Addictions and Obsessions