Leonardo DiCaprio@cwf "People want you to be a crazy, out-of-control teen brat. They want you miserable, just like them. They don't want heroes; what they want is to see you fall."
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Leo movie concentration game, in fun & games and more pics!
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On the Big Screen!
May 30th was a great day! Why? Leo won the 1998 MTV Movie Award for Best Male Performance. Not to be forgotten, Leo was named Favorite Male in a Drama at The 4th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards for his performance in Titanic.
Off Screen
Leo was spotted leaving a New York club with 18 year old model, Alyssa Sourovova. Also, someone spotted him at a gas station, down the block from "The X-files Movie" premiere. He was reported to be driving a black GMC truck and wearing a black cap.
Leonardo DiCaprio has agreed to play Theodore Hall, the most influential yet least known man of the 20th century. DiCaprio is attached to star in the screen version of "Bombshell: The Secret Story of America's Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy". ATTENTION!
Titanic is coming to video this fall! You can preorder it for $9.99!

Last Update
Aug 9, 1998
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Video Clips
Trailer of Leo in "Titanic" [6.7MB] in qt
need Quicktime.
Trailer of Leo in "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" [3.46MB] or shorter trailer of "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" in AVI [1.01MB]
Short clip of Leo during filming of "the Woody Allen project" [817kb]
R+J 1, R+J 2, R+J 3, R+J 4, Interview clip about R+J role.

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