

One of if not the finest of Charlie Chaplin's talking films. In it Chaplin plays Calvero, a once famous comedian who is now a poor drunk who has trouble finding a job. Bloom plays the ballerina whom Calvero saves from suicide and nurses back to health. The ending is dramatically well done as is the music score which Chaplin wrote himself and for which he later won an Academy Award. Buster Keaton has a small part, marking the only time in film history the two greats of silent film comedy worked together in the same movie. Also in the film is Chaplin's son Syndney, who plays the musician in love with Bloom. Three other of Chaplin's children, including a very young Geraldine Chaplin appear in a cameo bit near the beginning of the film. Superb acting by a superb cast. An outstanding movie.

Stars: Charlie Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Nigel Bruce, Buster Keaton, Sydney Chaplin
Director: Charlie Chaplin
Writer: Charlie Chaplin
Setting: London
Genre: Comedy/Drama

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