Torrid Zone



Tropical action/drama set on a banana plantation in Honduras centering around Nick Butler (Cagney) and his boss, the plantation owner Steve Case (O'Brien). Butler and Case have a strong dislike for each other, but they seemingly need each other. Butler wants to go back to the states, but coniving Case convinces him to stay and help manage the harvesting and transportation of the bananas. Along the way a girl (Sheridan) comes into the story and Case, and eventually Butler, try to force her to leave. Also in the equation is a bandit named Rosario (Tobias), who keeps raiding and attacking trying to win back the plantation's land. It contains many humerous scenes and the acting is very good.

Stars: James Cagney, Ann Sheridan, Pat O'Brien, Andy Devine, George Tobias, Helen Vinson, George Reeves
Director: William Keighley
Setting: Honduras
Genre: Drama

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