A Southern Gentleman

Check out these cool pics. Thank you kind sir. *s*...*curtsey's*
This extra played a colonial infantry soldier and an artillaryman. He says it was a lot of work but he loved every minute. He'd like to do this ALL the time.
(so listen up all you talent scouts and producers out there)

"oh how we made them pay"
"just entertaining the troops"
"What?... are you kidding ... look at the size of that guy!!!... "
Mel Laughing at a Comrads Close Encounter With the Ever Present Road Apples
Battle In The Ruins
Going, Going, Gone
Some Folks Can Be Such Pigs
The Men Go Marching On To War Hurah, Hurah
Hearth and Home, A Reason To Fight
A Filmakers Work Is Never Done, Even At Sundown
Waiting, Wishing Them To Either Shoot Or Let Us Go Home

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all images copyright to patriotgirl@drink.to/melgibson