
I thought I would share with you a few miscellaneous links I tend to go to pretty often. Hope you like 'em!

Africam Africam is one of the great procrastination tools on the web and is the most popular website in Africa. There are cameras set up at various watering holes in African game reserves - just click on the camera and see who's getting a drink! The cameras update every thirty seconds. You can also submit your screen capture for their coolest pic of the day section. Trust me, it's addictive.
Cinematter This is a great resource if you love movies. In chronological order, it tells you what is scheduled to be released and where, "until the end of time." There is a search field if you're looking for a specific movie, but it's also fun to just scroll down and find out what's going to be released this summer or what projects are planned for 2005.
Extreme Tracking If you have a website, you want this! This tracking service does more than counts hits, it shows number of unique visitors, what browsers and screen resolution they use, what time and day is most popular, what search engines and websites are referring people to you, and even what words they used. That's only the beginning, and on top of that it's TOTALLY FREE!!!! Pretty simple to use too. For example, 86.13% of you guys have Javascript enabled and there are 148 websites that link to my site. Cool.
IMDb I have this site elsewhere, but it bears repeating because, well, it rocks. To find out just about anything on just about anybody in showbiz, this is the place to go. It often has links to trailers to upcoming or just-released movies, and it also has links that tell you when an actor will be on TV that week and what channel, movie, etc. Yep, rocks.
Jeopardy! Online Here's another procrastination tool: Love to watch Jeopardy? Then you'll love to play Jeopardy online! Play real-time against other people who *think* they're smarter than you (you can chat in between rounds BTW), or play by yourself against their computer. Yep, you can even win prizes.
The Krib: Aquaria Fish This is, I believe, the oldest website on the net for Freshwater or Saltwater fish. If you need info on fish, plants, water chemistry, diseases, filtration - this is the site to go to! This site has over 38 megs of information so you're gonna find out what you need to know. There's even a handy-dandy subject index you can search.
Link Exchange Another FREE website tool. Link Exchange/SiteOwner lets you submit your site to 7 of the biggie search engines (except Yahoo), tests your site for errors, helps build Meta Tags, finds out what search engine position your site's in, finds out who's has links to your page, and tests your gifs. Neat.
Menu Okay, this one is just for kicks, I thought you guys might get a couple of laughs seeing what they plan to serve us each month at the dorm dining halls at Wellesley. Yum, can't wait for the Sweet n' Sour Swedish Meatballs again... (yes, that was sarcasm and no, I'm not kidding.)
Moviefone Here's *another* site for you movie buffs. With Moviefone you can buy movie tickets without ever waiting in line! Since it accepts all major credit cards, it is also helpful when one is broke and yet craves movies.
Non-dithering Colors Another useful tool for those with websites. Browsers limit the number of colors that can be used to 256. You can view every one of these colors (sorted by Hue) along with their RGB values and Hex code (used by HTML). Useful!
Publicize Your Site Want more hits? Learn how to publicize your website, and find out how keywords, Meta and Title tags, root URLs can affect search engines. Lots of links to helpful pages.
RGB to Hex Converter Okay, so maybe you know the RGB values for a color you want to use on your website, but still need the Hex code? Here's the tool to get it. This is a great online store for every sort of sheetmusic, including the latest and greatest. Way cool.
Weather Underground This is a great weather site, with lots of details such as wind speeds, etc. Has extended forecasts for the week. Yep, I'm one of those annoying people who love to send email postcards and has some great ones. Check out the Japanese postcards - they're really cute.

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