Travel and ASCII art page 1994



1. Travel in India and Nepal. Click on the link below. There is also a letter in swedish

2. Travel in north China.

3. Travel in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

4. Information about Akademiska folkdanslaget, dancing swedish folkdances.

5. ASCII art library

6. The book Zen, the guide to internet

7. General practice including research within the area and links to related sites.

8. Free Medline access

Book your own journey at the Travel Store:

Book your own travel here

Click on any subject you like:

Travel to India and Nepal
Travel to Beijing and Xian
Travel in Thailand
Travel from Thailand to Malaysia, Tioman Island and Singapore
The internet travelguide to China
Travel notes from S:t Petersburg

Information om Akademiska folkdanslaget

The ASCII art library, part 1
The ASCII art library, part 2

ASCII art cartoons
additional ASCII art
Skulls and ASCII anatomy

Revolving qbasic ASCII art earth globe (to copy and download)

The book ZEN, the guide to internet
How to access ftp, usenet and gopher by email only

Answers on 34 common medical questions published in the Swedish monthly magazine Viva.

Text arkiv:

Part 1 (in Swedish)
Part2 (in Swedish)
Part3 (in Swedish)

Family medicine research:

The REBUS epidemiological health research project (Rebus projektet)

Karolinska institute, medical university

Free Medline searches:

NIH medline
NIH official medline data base

Healthgate offers free Medline access with an easy-to-use interface. Although it is supposed to be available only to users in the United States, this service has been successsfully and repeatedly accessed from Europe.

Medscape also offers free and easy access after a simple registration procedure. They also provide the ability to search their own publications and database, and many articles can be obtained here which deal with infectious diseases.

Knowledge Finder«
The Web version of the excellent CD-ROM based Medline search system. You can also download Aries System's own software which functions with both their CD-ROM package and their Web server.

This service, provided by the NCBI, is a molecular biology subset of Medline entries, although it is quite complete for some years. Entrez provides links to DNA and protein sequence databases. It also provides a "neighboring" feature which is particularly useful and well worth trying.

Community of Science has developed a powerful new Web version of MEDLINE in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University. It's free of charge now during its introductory promotional period

Free Library searches:

Swedish database with 3 million book titles and their location in libraries, mostly research libraries. Här kan du söka bland 3 miljoner böcker och tidskrifter hos cirka 160 bibliotek, främst forskningsbibliotek. Så gott som alla svenska titlar från 1866 och framåt finns med, liksom många utländska. Du kan också se på vilka bibliotek litteraturen finns. Sök ning är avgiftsfri.


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