The X-Files has it all right know. Big ratings, a hip cachet, a fanatical following and a prestigious reputation. This program is brought to our tv screens by the paranormal brainchild of a California surfer with a gift for producing millennial paranoia that people like. His name Chris Carter. The show also turned there stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson into more than celebrities----their embodiments of FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are now pop culture touchtones. What follows is all the information that X-Philes call the "mythology" theme of the series, the government-conspiracy subtext that runs through the best episodes.

The Conspiracy So Far So far, in thier "mythology" episodes the producers have created a universe so paranoid and complex it would make Oliver Stones head spin: alien corpses,mutant DNA, green toxic blood, devious vaccines, and scariest of all, laser dentistry Whether you are an X-Files tyro or junkie, you will need this basic, twist and turn filled map of the mythology to date.

SAMANTHA MULDER: If Mulder is this storys crusader, his sister is the holy grail. The G-Mans unrelenting passion for the truth and little green men comes from one incident: The abduction of his sister when he was 12and she was 8, by aliens. (at least that's how the adult Fox remembers it under hypnotherapy.)Which brings us to......

THE ALIENS:In Carter's universe, they come in all shapes adn sizes: from gender-bending sexaholics, light warping predators,big headed E.T. types, oily irraiating bodyjumpers, and greasy parasitic worms. The nature of their visit is unclear, but benifeting humanity probablyisn't on the top of their list. And in that respect, extraterrestrials aren't all that different from X-Files humans. There are the occasional nice guys, but mostly the aliens are up to no good.As in the green-blooded shape-shifters, seemingly in cahoots with some very bad men. Namely..........

THE SYNDICATE: This bunch of old white guys, apparently controls the world from theirsmokey, badly light HQ on West 46th street in NYC. The cast of caracters includes the The Fat Man, The Well- Manicured Man, who describes their job to Scully:" We predict the future, and the best way to predict the future is to invent it." These men have links to the government--especially the CIA and the military--as well as a web of equally nefarious cohorts around the globe. They've been involved in all manner of malevolece since World War II. including Nazi-like testing on human subjects. But their grandest passion is aliens, whom they have known about-or they say so- since a UFO crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 1953. The Syndicate seem to have joined forces with the shape shifters (indeed, they have hired one as a terminator known only as the Bounty Hunter) and has made contact with-or at least recovered DNA from - your garden variety bug-eyed alien. Wheter The Syndicate is controlling the aliens or vice-versa, remains to be seen.

THE PROJECT:The Syndicate and it's alien friend have engaged in a hush hush scheme to produce a super human race, a herrenvolk. Like any big project it is a step by step project.

STEP ONE: set up a kicking filing system. Under the guise of smallpox vaccines, inject everyone born since 1954 with a tiny DNA tag. After that assign them a SEP(Smallpox Eradication Project) number and store codes in the social security system.
STEP TWO: Research, Research, Research. Abduct thousands of human guinea pigs and perform various invasive experiments.(Just make sure they don't know if their captors are humans or aliens or both.)Also plant electronic doodads (seemingly made with alien technology) in their gums, nasal passages, and necks as either tracking devices or memory collectors.
STEP THREE: Human DNA meets Alien DNA. Using reasearch perfected by evil scientist during the WWII, fuse humans with extraterrestrials, possibly to create an Uberarmy immune to biological warfare. Destroy all evidence, dumping the little hybrid bodies (merchandise) in to mass graves of buried box cars.
STEP FOUR: Make copies of your creation. In other words have fun with cloning.

The above information has come to us in maddening little bits. In then fourth season opener, a rare belevolent alien, a clone named Jeremiah Smith, led Mulder to a bizarre Canadian compound filled with killer bees and rows of unearthly shrubbery. Tending both were a community of mute clones, the girls dead ringers for Samantha, Mulder's sister, "Hegemony"was how Smith explained the on goings,"A new origin of species." This may be true or clear as of what the on-goings are but only one man knows for sure. This man is........

CANCER MAN:This "Black lunged son of a bitch" as Mulder once called him, has a resume chockful of alleged evil deeds( everything from shooting JFK, to rigging Buffulo Bill Games and writing bad spy novels.) Never without smoking a butt, he answers to The Syndicate, lurks around the FBI HQ, and pokes around the Pentagon. But he has his own agenda to. Keeping Mulder alive. Why? Only he knows for sure. Cancer Man thwarts our hero, threatens him, but ultimatly won't kill him. "You risk turning one mans religion into a crusade," our raspy voiced villian has said more than once.We've seen plenty of hints that were Mulder is concerned it's personal. Not only have we seen that Cancer Man worked with Mulder's dad but in last seasons cliff hanger we see the possibility of romance between Cancer Man and Mulder's mom. But in any event there is definatly something suspicious about.........

BILL MULDER:We know that he is mentioned in the governments MJ files( top secret documents containing extraterrestrial contact), that in addition to Cancer Man, he worked for the Well Manicured Man, and that he was way into alien-human hybridization. Bill apparenltly felt guilty and threatened to expose the whole thing so the powers decided to let him pick which child to give up and he chose Samantha. Mrs. Mulder left him for that and probably knows more than she say. Keeping mom is a good idea. Bill was shot for trying to attempt to tell his son all he knew.

These are just some of the things that go on. Of course other than aliens, hybrids and government conspiracys, they have followed everything from vampires to the unforgettable Fluke Boy.

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By: Jen Hocker


Everything about Mulder and Scully

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