Shani's Guardian Angel

A Guardian Angel for Shani.

Please be patient, as this page is under construction.
I hope to make it a collection of angels for Shani...

Shani passed away due to complications of Lupus. She is a very loved and special lady, mother of a very special son, Nicholas *Nicky*. It's very hard to experience death at any age and under any circumstances. Having his beloved mother pass away at such a young age has been extremely hard for Nicky to handle in a lot of ways. Losing a daughter, sister and friend has been hard on the family and friends! Whenever a loved one passes away a part of that person is forever with those who are left behind so they are never truly gone!

Shani loved to sing! She enjoyed Karoke and loved to sing the songs of The Judds and Stevie Nicks as well as others!

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