Imagine having important needs and ideas to communicate, but being unable to express them.
Perhaps feeling bombarded by sights and sounds, unable to focus your attention. Or trying to read or
add but not being able to make sense of the letters or numbers.
You may not need to imagine. You may be the parent or teacher of a child experiencing academic
problems, or have someone in your family diagnosed as learning disabled. Or possibly as a child you
were told you had a reading problem called dyslexia or some other learning handicap.
Although different from person to person, these difficulties makeup the common daily experiences of
many learning disabled children, adolescents, and adults. A person with a learning disability may
experience a cycle of academic failure and lowered self-esteem. Having these handicaps--or living
with someone who has them--can bring overwhelming frustration.
But the prospects are hopeful. It is important to remember that a person with a learning disability can
learn. The disability usually only affects certain limited areas of a child's development. In fact, rarely
are learning disabilities severe enough to impair a person's potential to live a happy, normal life.
This booklet and introducion is provided by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Federal agency that
supports research nationwide on the brain, mental illnesses, and mental health. Scientists supported
by NIMH are dedicated to understanding the workings and interrelationships of the various regions
of the brain, and to finding preventions and treatments to overcome brain dysfunctions that handicap
people in school, work, and play.
The booklet provides up--to-date information on learning disabilities and the role of
NIMH-sponsored research in discovering underlying causes and effective treatments. It describes
treatment options, strategies for coping, and sources of information and support. Among these
sources are doctors, special education teachers, and mental health professionals who can help
identify learning disabilities and recommend the right combination of medical, psychosocial, and
educational treatment.
In this booklet, you'll also read the stories of Susan, Wallace, and Dennis, three people who have
learning disabilities. Although each had a rough start, with help they learned to cope with their
handicaps. You'll see their early frustrations, their steps toward getting help, and their hopes for the
The stories of Susan, Wallace, and Dennis are representative of people with learning
disabilities, but the characters are not real. Of course, people with learning disabilities are not
all alike, so these stories may not fit any particular individual.
Understanding the Problem
At age 14, Susan still tends to be quiet. Ever since she was a child,she was so withdrawn that people
sometimes forgot she was there. She seemed to drift into a world of her own. When she did talk, she
often called objects by the wrong names. She had few friends and mostly played with dolls or her
little sister. In school, Susan hated reading and math because none of the letters, numbers or "+" and
"-" signs made any sense. She felt awful about herself. She'd been told--and was convinced--that
she was retarded.
Wallace has lived 46 years, and still has trouble understanding what people say. Even as a boy,
many words sounded alike. His father patiently said things over and over. But whenever his mother
was drunk, she flew into a rage and spanked him for not listening. Wallace's speech also came out
funny. He had such problems saying words that in school his teacher sometimes couldn't understand
him. When classmates called him a "dummy," his fists just seemed to take over.
Dennis is 23 years old and still seems to have too much energy. But he had always been an
overactive boy, sometimes jumping on the sofa for hours until he collapsed with exhaustion. In grade
school, he never sat still. He interrupted lessons. But he was a friendly, well-meaning kid, so adults
didn't get too angry. His academic problems became evident in third grade, when his teacher realized
that Dennis could only recognize a few words and wrote like a first grader. She recommended that
Dennis repeat third grade, to give him time to "catch up." After another full year, his behavior was
still out of control, and his reading and writing had not improved.
What Is a Learning Disability?
Unlike other disabilities, such as paralysis or blindness, a learning disability (LD) is a hidden
handicap. A learning disability doesn't disfigure or leave visible signs that would invite others to be
understanding or offer support. A woman once blurted to Wallace, "You seem so intelligent--you
don't look handicapped!"
LD is a disorder that affects people's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or to link
information from different parts of the brain. These limitations can show up in many ways--as specific
difficulties with spoken and written language, coordination, self-control, or attention. Such difficulties
extend to school work and can impede learning to read or write, or to do math.
Learning disabilities can be lifelong conditions that, in some cases, affect many parts of a person's
life: school or work, daily routines, family life, and sometimes even friendships and lay. In some
people, many overlapping learning disabilities may be apparent. Other people may have a single,
isolated learning problem that has little impact on other areas of their lives.
What Are the Types of Learning Disabilities?
"Learning disability" is not a diagnosis in the same sense as "chickenpox" or "mumps." Chickenpox
and mumps imply a single, known cause with a predictable set of symptoms. Rather, LD is a broad
term that covers a pool of possible causes, symptoms, treatments, and outcomes. Partly because
learning disabilities can show up in so many forms, it is difficult to diagnose or to pinpoint the causes.
And no one knows of a pill or remedy that will cure them.
Not all learning problems are necessarily learning disabilities. Many children are simply slower in
developing certain skills. Because children show natural differences in their rate of development,
sometimes what seems to be a learning disability may simply be a delay in maturation. To be
diagnosed as a learning disability, specific criteria must be met.
The criteria and characteristics for diagnosing learning disabilities appear in a reference book called
the DSM (short for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The DSM
diagnosis is commonly used when applying for health insurance coverage of diagnostic and treatment
Learning disabilities can be divided into three broad categories:
Developmental speech and language disorders
Academic skills disorders
"Other," a catch-all that includes certain coordination disorders and learning handicaps not
covered by the other terms
Each of these categories includes a number of more specific disorders.
Developmental Speech and Language Disorders
Speech and language problems are often the earliest indicators of a learning disability. People with
developmental speech and language disorders have difficulty producing speech sounds, using spoken
language to communicate, or understanding what other people say. Depending on the problem, the
specific diagnosis may be:
Developmental articulation disorder
Developmental expressive language disorder
Developmental receptive language disorder
Developmental Articulation Disorder --Children with this disorder may have trouble controlling
their rate of speech. Or they may lag behind playmates in learning to make speech sounds. For
example, Wallace at age 6 still said "wabbit" instead of "rabbit" and "thwim" for "swim."
Developmental articulation disorders are common. They appear in at least 10 percent of children
younger than age 8. Fortunately, articulation disorders can often be outgrown or successfully treated
with speech therapy.
Developmental Expressive Language Disorder -- Some children with language impairments
have problems expressing themselves in speech. Their disorder is called, therefore, a developmental
expressive language disorder. Susan, who often calls objects by the wrong names, has an expressive
language disorder. Of course, an expressive language disorder can take other forms. A 4-year-old
who speaks only in two-word phrases and a 6-year-old who can't answer simple questions also
have an expressive language disability.
Developmental Receptive Language Disorder -- Some people have trouble understanding
certain aspects of speech. It's as if their brains are set to a different frequency and the reception is
poor. There's the toddler who doesn't respond to his name, a preschooler who hands you a bell
when you asked for a ball, or the worker who consistently can't follow simple directions. Their
hearing is fine, but they can't make sense of certain sounds, words, or sentences they hear. They may
even seem inattentive. These people have a receptive language disorder. Because using and
understanding speech are strongly related, many people with receptive language disorders also have
an expressive language disability.
Of course, in preschoolers, some misuse of sounds, words, or grammar is a normal part of learning
to speak. It's only when these problems persist that there is any cause for concern.
Academic Skills Disorders
Students with academic skills disorders are often years behind their classmates in developing
reading, writing, or arithmetic skills. The diagnoses in this category include:
Developmental reading disorder
Developmental writing disorder
Developmental arithmetic disorder
Developmental Reading Disorder -- This type of disorder, also known as dyslexia, is quite
widespread. In fact, reading disabilities affect 2 to 8 percent of elementary school children.
When you think of what is involved in the "three R's"--reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic--it's astounding
that most of us do learn them. Consider that to read, you must simultaneously:
Focus attention on the printed marks and control eye movements across the page
Recognize the sounds associated with letters
Understand words and grammar
Build ideas and images
Compare new ideas to what you already know
Store ideas in memory
Such mental juggling requires a rich, intact network of nerve cells that connect the brain's centers of
vision, language, and memory.
A person can have problems in any of the tasks involved in reading. However, scientists found that a
significant number of people with dyslexia share an inability to distinguish or separate the sounds in
spoken words. Dennis, for example, can't identify the word "bat" by sounding out the individual
letters, b-a-t. Other children with dyslexia may have trouble with rhyming games, such as rhyming
"cat" with "bat." Yet scientists have found these skills fundamental to learning to read. Fortunately,
remedial reading specialists have developed techniques that can help many children with dyslexia
acquire these skills.
However, there is more to reading than recognizing words. If the brain is unable to form images or
relate new ideas to those stored in memory, the reader can't understand or remember the new
concepts. So other types of reading disabilities can appear in the upper grades when the focus of
reading shifts from word identification to comprehension.
Developmental Writing Disorder -- Writing, too, involves several brain areas and functions. The
brain networks for vocabulary, grammar, hand movement, and memory must all be in good working
order. So a developmental writing disorder may result from problems in any of these areas. For
example, Dennis, who was unable to distinguish the sequence of sounds in a word, had problems
with spelling. A child with a writing disability, particularly an expressive language disorder, might be
unable to compose complete, grammatical sentences.
Developmental Arithmetic Disorder -- If you doubt that arithmetic is a complex process, think of
the steps you take to solve this simple problem: 25 divided by 3 equals ?
Arithmetic involves recognizing numbers and symbols, memorizing facts such as the multiplication
table, aligning numbers, and understanding abstract concepts like place value and fractions. Any of
these may be difficult for children with developmental arithmetic disorders. Problems with numbers
or basic concepts are likely to show up early. Disabilities that appear in the later grades are more
often tied to problems in reasoning.
"Other" Learning Disabilities
The DSM also lists additional categories, such as "motor skills disorders" and "specific
developmental disorders not otherwise specified." These diagnoses include delays in acquiring
language,academic, and motor skills that can affect the ability to learn, but do not meet the criteria
for a specific learning disability. Also included are coordination disorders that can lead to poor
penmanship, as well as certain spelling and memory disorders.
Attention Disorders
Nearly 4 million school-age children have learning disabilities. Of these, at least 20 percent have a
type of disorder that leaves them unable to focus their attention.
Some children and adults who have attention disorders appear to daydream excessively. And once
you get their attention, they're often easily distracted. Susan, for example, tends to mentally drift off
into a world of her own. Children like Susan may have a number of learning difficulties. If, like
Susan, they are quiet and don't cause problems, their problems may go unnoticed. They may be
passed along from grade to grade, without getting the special assistance they need.
In a large proportion of affected children--mostly boys--the attention deficit is accompanied by
hyperactivity. Dennis is an example of a person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder--ADHD.
They act impulsively, running into traffic or toppling desks. Like young Dennis, who jumped on the
sofa to exhaustion, hyperactive children can't sit still. They blurt out answers and interrupt. In games,
they can't wait their turn. These children's problems are usually hard to miss. Because of their
constant motion and explosive energy, hyperactive children often get into trouble with parents,
teachers, and peers.
By adolescence, physical hyperactivity usually subsides into fidgeting and restlessness. But the
problems with attention and concentration often continue into adulthood. At work, adults with
ADHD often have trouble organizing tasks or completing their work. They don't seem to listen to or
follow directions. Their work may be messy and appear careless.
Attention disorders, with or without hyperactivity, are not considered learning disabilities in
themselves. However, because attention problems can seriously interfere with school performance,
they often accompany academic skills disorders.
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