Members of the Adults with AD/HD Chat
updated 17 May 2000
If the chat room account is not online and you're looking for someone to talk to this would be a place to start. You can use this page to locate other ADDers to chat with. The box to the right of their name will let you know if they are online (if the box reads "disabled" it is because that user has not checked the web aware box in their ICQ users preferences). Use the "add/find users" button on your ICQ window to communicate with them. All users listed here have been included in this list with their permission. If anyone wants to be added to this list, or removed from it, please contact me directly at ADDflower with icqstatus page in the subject line (otherwise I'm not sure if you mean you just want to be on the contact list or added to this page). Make sure that you include your ICQ # (also called a UIN)... it makes adding you to the page SOOOO much easier!
You may want to reload this page each time you visit to make sure you are getting the most current online status of other users.
Leo Il Leone UIN# 6164132
Salathe98 UIN# 17535214
&NCMOM UIN# 23527608 NCMOM's Homepage
Nona UIN# 6035333
Tanstaafl UIN# 7413844
Rocketl UIN# 2772734 -the same user at work- rocketmn UIN# 9423087
FMaryP UIN# 1754863
the don UIN# 13463919
Lester UIN# 5284408
Jonathan UIN# 12541849
Beekeeper UIN# 17624052
Dr. Evans UIN# 9063103
Dee UIN# 873296
D-man UIN# 2672136
Matt UIN# 1546823
Stella UIN# 7263417
Brian UIN# 5039748
David UIN# 1325901
Lorilu UIN# 8306398
MR. Smooth UIN# 2542295
Lisa UIN# 8616508
Webhead UIN# 915962
Sah UIN# 12092475
Sarah's Place
Rach UIN# 13974642
Baby Jane UIN# 313416
Chuck UIN# 12279660
Scocat UIN# 18665421
Shellady UIN# 16476052
sweetiepie UIN# 11894039
Bill UIN# 3496609
Daniel UIN# 16998621
Skydver UIN# 24504489
Chip UIN# 5221149
MHeupel UIN# 26298289
Jerry UIN# 25580071
Thirza en Chiel UIN# 25006939
aaricasmum UIN# 9578368
ohgod UIN #24238124
annie UIN# 22495752
Red Rider UIN# 999755
JohnG UIN# 32482834
Becky UIN# 69198760
swtgal UIN# 45045448
Sam UIN# 59596967
mundy UIN#58844732
Randy C UIN#12589010
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