Those of us who have special needs children know just how hard it is to find the resources and assistance that we need in order to be able to do our best for our kids, and that is why I have created this site.

This site deals with as many aspects of parenting a special needs child as possible. I know that I will unknowingly leave some aspects out, so please, if you don't find something that you need, or if you know of more resources that are available, please, let me know and I will add them.

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The Special Angels Webring was created by me to bring both parents of Special Needs Children together, but also to link pages with information that these Parents need. If you have a page with information about a disease or disability, PLEASE join our ring so that we may be able to have a complete listing of all the informational pages in one easy to surf place. If you are a parent of a Special Angel, you are also encouraged to join so that other parents like yourself can find you!

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| ADD-ADHD | Angel Award | Arthritis | Asthma | Autism |Bi-Polar | Cerebral Palsy | Congenital CMV | Cystic Fibrosis |CF Definitions | Disability Related Classifieds | Down Syndrome |Fibromyalgia | GERD | Homeschooling |Learning Disabilities | Rett Syndrome | Special Angels Webring | Spina Bifida ] Traumatic Brain Injury |