Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group
Gluten Free Food List

*Use this list with caution. This list was created by the Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group members. This list was compiled from gf food lists posted on our forum message board. This does NOT guarantee something is gluten free. This is a guide to calling and verifying that products are gluten free. Products frequently change ingredients, so verification is important. If you find a product which is NOT gluten free, please post a correction on my message board immediately in order for me to make corrections to this page. The link to the message board is the large square button located on this page following the food list categories.

The food list has moved to the Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group message board in delphi and is now being maintained by a product list committee and is now called the GF Product List. There is a new project, headed by Kathy Heming, my Product List Coordinator (PLC). All questions on the product list should be addressed to Kathy. She has vast experience as a project manager and has answered my call for help to work on the list, to keep it up to date, to review the items currently on the list - to get more currently information on them, and to expand the list to include others products that we will be checking on. So far there are a handful of volunteers working with Kathy. More help would be appreciated if you find that you can spare up to 1 hour per week assisting with the list - let her know if you would like to help.

The list will be maintained in three different ways. There will be a .doc file, a .pdf file, and a post on the message board. Older versions will be removed as the list is updated. In addition, the file versions will have new additional products highlighted in color, to make it easier for you track changes.

There is free access to the site (if you want to just do basic viewing and have access to attachments that OTHERS have posted). There are also two kinds of paid access that come with other features such as being able to download attachments ONTO to the board.

You must sign up with delphi to view the product list if you wish to post in the forum, to ask questions or express concerns regarding the product list. You must register and enter the forum by using a login name you choose.

The product list can be found at:

Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group

The email for this webpage has been discontinued. All communication must be done through the PLC at the forum. This makes it much easier to maintain control of the list questions and keep the material organized with permanent records on the message board.

This is a permanent relocation. The list will exist only on the message in the forum.

My hope is that you will all find the list much easier to use and updated much more frequently. I want to thank all volunteers that are spending lots of time and energy to make this dream come true! My special thanks.

Abigail Neuman
Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group

Ongoing GF Food List (Updated 1/16/01) NOTE I have disconnected this link. This file is outdated and should no longer be used. I don't know if or when a new file will be created. Please do not write regarding this, my hands are full with doing the updates on the category pages.
Contaminated Products Removed From GF Lists
No Longer Gluten Free Products Removed From GF Lists
GF Mail Order Companies
New Kraft List July 2000 - I don't completely trust the new list. I have not screened any of these products. Kraft believes that all distilled vinegars are gluten free even if gluten grains are used: therefore, I recommend NOT using any of their products that contain vinegar. By the way, I personally have gotten reactions from Miracle Whip. If you become symptomatic after eating any of the products, please let me know. You can reach me through the forum at delphi.
Nutribase Directory of Food and Supplment Manufacturers (addresses and phone numbers)
Gluten Free Brewing
Albertsons Brand Name GF Product List
Safe and Forbidden Ingredients
Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group (Message Board and Chat Site)
Abigail's Homepage - Is it FMS, CFS, or Celiac Disease?
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This page and all links to the gf list are copyrighted by Abigail Neuman, 9/10/98. You may link to this page, but I do not give permission to use this list in other web pages. You may print the material, email the material, and post material at will as long as this web page is sited as the source.

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