to my Homepage


This Site is dedicated to my Momma
Mary Bishop

Born March 7th 1921
Went to be with Jesus Feb.9th 1998

   Hello,My name is Rita Howard
 and I have made these pages in  hopes that they may help
someone who may be caring for one who is on Dialysis or
to maybe help one who is trying to help their loved one to
cope with Dementia.

I have delt with these and so many other things in
 taking care of my mother and if I can't help you , I will add
some wonderful links to some sites you may not have  known
about...Some places that have  helped me to deal with all the
emotions of being a caregiver, It is not easy but remember.....
You Are Not Alone.

My Story

Please Pray for this little  Baby
who is fighting for his life..
Click on picture to read the whole story, also please visit

For all the children and teachers who have died needlessley
due to hate and violence,
My heart cries for them and for those left to grieve.

The World  Weeps and will forever Remember
Please click on picture to view my
Memorial to Littleton sudents.

Refer a friend who is having trouble reading because of a visual or physical problem to the local Radio Reading Service. Click on Tower to take you there... ;+)


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Hot Springs You Touched MyHeart Award


                  Click on hummingbird to see more Awards

Click Here If You LoveJesus

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Innocent Tears 
Circle of Love

Rita Howard
has joined hands
and hearts in the
Innocent Tears
Circle of Love

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This Site started on June 12th 1998
updated  August 14 2000
I would like to thank my dear husband, John, for showing me how to get started on
these pages and for his patience while teaching me.

Grafics by bimsan..Click on logo to go there now.


I Love this Banner, It was made for me by
my Dear Friend Connie
(aka) Cajun Beauty