We all have a certain amount
of aggression to take out, and when
my hard drive broke and needed to
be replacement, it was just too
good of a chance to pass up, viva
la destruction!
Disclaimer: This is my first article, so it will suck... Immensely.
What do we want to accomplish? Basically, we want to cause this old and broken Hard Drive as much pain and suffering as possible, and obtain a few trinkets along the way. I did this on my old Quantum Meteor 1.9gig, Version 3.5. Why would someone do this? Well, let me explain, if some dude was going through the dump, and found it, then they could easily take it, plug it in their computer, and *Bing* they have all your password, internet history, basically your whole computer, plus, it's just so darn fun! So if j00 got tha B4|_|_z for it, let's get bust1n.
Screw Driver
Well, let me walk you through this, or as best I can, I don't have many pictures.
These are the tools I thought would suffice at the beginning of my 'project' however, I did use a knife to take off a chip for a little trinket (see bottom).
The first task at hand was to take that daem cover off. Firstly, hit the top of the cover repeatedly with your smashing 'implement' until you have a nicely sized hole. Your next step will be to either use your wrench to try to rip it off, you may need to pry it open a bit first. This is the hardest step of the process
Great, now, before you go bashing the WHOLE thing up (yes, you get to do this), see that chip that looks really important? Get that knife out, and cut it off, put it to one side, we'll deal with it later. Have you ever wondered what the inside of a chip looks like? Go ahead, take one off, and bash it once or twice, looks kinda boring huh? Now, take any of your large tools, and just smash it up a bit, take that aggression out! Don't hit the disks yet though, I have something special in store for them...
Now you've got it all beat up, let's go back to those little disks. If you’re not on the 2nd/3rd floor of your house, get there, and find a window. Now let go. If it hit grass, it didn't work, it you heard a satisfying clang it did, your disks are now probably separated from each other, retrieve both parts. I will leave it to you to decide what to do with the disks. Personally, I dropped them a couple more times, but got tired of running up and down stairs, so I hit it with a brick I had found. These disks are very hard, but they can be bent, I didn't manage to break them though.
Finally, find that chip you removed from your Hard Drive. Now a hole can be put in it, to make a handy dandy key chain. Just take one you don't like anymore, and rip the doohicky offa it, and attach your chip! I quite like my key chain, and my hard drive is quite unusable. So I guess it's all good. I apologize for the bad photos, but I can't get my digital camera to plug into my computer. But hey, tis better than nothing eh?