The images below are scanned from a brochure. It's difficult to get an impression of the mirrors from these scans, not to mention the vast range of other iron work that Karol Knott at Wild Iron produced, including CD racks, tables, mobiles, candleabras and custom iron-work.
The mirrors were available in an amazing range of colours (and would likely scan better in black, purple, etc., rather than the chrome silver ones). These are my designs, the Ocean and Dragon mirrors, but they also came in Heart, Sun and Zodiac shapes.
They retailed for about Australian $125 for the Dragon and Australian $100 for the Ocean mirror in chrome, cheaper in colours, cheapest in plastic (and nearly as nice)!
Previously, Wild Iron could be contacted by FAX: 9725 0006 or at PO Box 404 CROYDON Vic. 3136 Australia. If you're interested, contact me and I'll see if any are still available.
Here's one of Karol's custom jobs, a sign for Devil Kitten, in Prahran, here displayed by Jillian and me (I drew the cat).
In addition I designed faeries and witches which were cut in metal and used as parts of mobiles, candle-holders, etc.
Oh, and the sea-creatures at top are from a series of quick paintings I did, which were then copied onto ceramic bowls.
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