Last major revision: 07/05/02
Last minor change: 07/20/02

The Dawn of a New Dynasty - Part 1 ( draft )

This is a brief ( but not so brief ) glance to my new story. Well, fan fic, anyway... this is a Rurouni Kenshin fan fic if you haven't noticed already. I mean, I don't know any other anime with dynasties and stuff. Sorry I wasn't that creative with the title but I'm going with the flow here, yah know? Anyway, this isn't only written by me so bleh! *sticks tongue out at you* It's revised by me, though, and it was my idea. So let me thank the guys ( yes, I mean guys because I haven't drawn any female interests ) who have helped me with this. Some are new to this type of thing and some aren't but you can barely tell. Well, I think that's all for now. Let me tell you something about the story... I really don't know! But it might not end. Well, unless we get tired and just quit altogether. Ahh ha ha hah Well, anyway, hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed wracking my brain ( and other's not to mention ) for it!! *//*^_^*\\*

This is set right after the Chaos Era ( Shishio's reign ). It mostly takes place in Kyoto because that's where everything happens anyway, right? I mean... can't Kenshin just move there permanently already? Beats the hassle in getting there in time. Ahh ha ha hah

*First! Let's introduce a new character, eh? Rikimarou, a stealth assasin of the present who used to fight alongside of Kenshin. He uses a single edged sword with the sheath along his back and has many skills in the way of stealth. Rikimarou doesn't always need a blade to kill. He was raised by priests until he was 5 years old when they were all killed and he was sent to a ninja training camp. Soon, he went off on his duties, fighting battles with Kenshin. After Kenshin left, he is what he is now. Sorry it's a little... well... not very descriptive... I'll have to ask that partner of mine how old Rikimarou is and all that and get back to yalls later, ne? And, oh, I'm giving Sanosuke a hand held weapon, if you guys don't mind. It's one of my other partner's idea and I thought, why not? He's one of the more... knowing-about-RK ones. *//*^_^*\\* It's a really long katana, not quiet Masamune but more like Daikatana, okay? Okay. Okay? Okay.*

WARNING: Lots of OOCness. Some of the people writting this don't know much about the characters.

         The Dawn of a New Dynasty by Houji's Baka Deshi
         Part 1: Introductions

Text Conventions
(   ) - character thoughts
* --- * --- * --- * - the start and end of flashbacks
[   ] - setting: season, visual and time notes


[ On the road to Kyoto ]

"Big brother Ken, are we there, yet?" a little voice asked from below.

Kenshin looks down towards the little girl. "Sorry, Ayame, this is nothing but trees and dirt, but we're almost there, that we are." ^_^x

Ayame let out a giggle and uttered her cheer of excitement before she went to catch up with her little sister Suzumi who was a few steps ahead.

"Don't go too far, now!" Kaoru called from beside Kenshin.

They were headed to Kyoto for a visit, taking the two kids with them while Lord Shin went out on some urgent, who-knows-what, business.

"Kenshin, it was a good idea to walk to the rest of the way to Kyoto. The weather is perfect today!" Kaoru cooned, clinging onto Kenshin's arm.

Kenshin takes his gaze away from the children and beams at Kaoru.

"Hey, look! A pretty butterfly!!" Suzumi's voice says loudly, hardly containing her excitement as she rushes after it. "Wait, Suzumi! You shouldn't go too far off the road!" her sister exclaims after her.

The little girl glances over her shoulder. "Huh?" she uttered because she tripped over a small rock.

"Suzumi!!!" Ayame cries as she rushes over.

Suzumi looks up from the ground oblivious to the pain until she brings up her scraped knee.

Hearing Suzumi crying, Kenshin and the others come rushing towards the two girls.

"Here," an unfamiliar voice says.

Suzumi stops crying and looks up to a see a beautiful woman, her hair pulled back in a bun, her complexion as pale as the moon. She was wearing a light blue kimono offering a pink rose to the little girl.

Suzumi returns the woman's smile and brightens up even more when she had the rose, without the pricks, in her little fingers.

With the help of her older sister, she rose and thanks the stranger.

The others came closer getting a perfect look at the woman nodding her response to the little girl. When she saw them, she looked up and gave a warm smile.

( T-Tomoe? ) Kenshin thought.


[ Aoiya Restaurant in Kyoto ]

"Todo? Where is he?" Misao runs down the hall, panting.

"Misaaaaooo!! There's a message for you from Tokyo!" Okon calls from somewhere in the building.

"I'll be right there," she calls back. ( Ugh! It's been a month and a half now!! When is Aoshi-sama going to be back to normal?!?!?! Surely, it doesn't take him this long. He's been handing around that Zen Temple ever since! When's he going to loosen up? Today! He must!!!! Tonight we celebrate the festival of life!!! And... so on until the end of the week... but... he has to like it! He's taken me to it himself last year! ) "Along with Hannya and the others," she thought sadly. She gave a sad sigh as she opens the door to his room and finds it empty. She thought back on the years when they were just like a big happy family.


[ A few hours later, still at the Aoiya Restaurant ]

"Hi, Himura! Hi, Kaoru!!" Misao yells as she waves from the porch of the Aoiya.

"Hey, look! Isn't it sweet that weasel girl is here to greet us? Makes me feel quite welcome, I'd say," came Sano's voice.

Misao brings up a clenched fist ready to fight it out, "shut up, Rooster-head! If know that if it weren't for Kaoru, you would be freeloading off some other loser like yourself! And you know that can be pretty harsh!"

"Yeah, yeah, quit your nagging. It's enough with ugly here," entered Yahiko's voice, jering a thumb at Kaoru as he walked passed.

"Hey!! Who are you calling ugly????" Kaoru yelled as she grabs Yahiko be the neck and starts choking him.


[ Inside the Aoiya ]

"So, you sell flowers, Miss Masaaki?" Misao asked politely. Just trying to make conversation...

The woman smiled, "yes, roses, actually. I am quite fond of them." she added, slightly blushing as she looked down at her tea.

They were gathered around for a welcome. Even Aoshi was there. Misao beamed as she glanced over at him, his face grim, as always.

"Wow! That sounds sooo easy! But unlike how it sounds, it should be pretty hard, huh?" Misao continued thoughtfully.

The woman nodded. "Well, I'll be fine as long as I don't need to worry about paying rent for awhile. And plus, the festival will give me a great opportunity to sell the ones I just picked this afternoon."

Okina gave a hearty laugh and said, "of course! If you're a friend of Himura Kenshin's, you're welcome to stay here as long as you like."

"Yeah, unlike Rooster head over there! Bleh!" Misao made a face towards Sano's direction. His arms folded over his chest, leaning sideways on nothing, he obviously ignored her.


[ A few minutes before the festival officially began ]

"Aoshi-sama?" Misao calls as she slides open the door to his room.

He was there, meditating. His eyes were closed and his expression indicated that he wouldn't mind it if she left him alone.

"I was just wondering... if... if you could escort me to the festival, I hear there's going to be a really pretty fireworks this year," she says shyly.

Aoshi just gives his usual impatient huff.

Misao gives a quiet sigh and fights her tears back.

"Okay, maybe tomorrow, then, ne?" she says cheerfully.

Faking a smile she closes the door behind her before running up to her own room.

"Go away!"

Misao musters a few sobs with a hand clasped over her mouth.

The knock came again.

Making a useless effort to wipe away her tears, she opens the door to see Aoshi.


"What do you want" she snaps. The look on his face made her regret it instantly.


"What? SPIT IT!"

Looking stunned, Aoshi took a few steps back. Clenching his jaw, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Yeah, I knew it," she shook her head, her tears landed splattered on the ground before her. "From the day you came back, I had the hunch you were going to be some arrogant bitch. What do you want with me? If you're thinking of taking me to the festival, forget it. I don't care anymore. Just go away!" Misao lunges forward and shoves him back.

When Aoshi was backed far away enough from the door to not get hit by it, she slid it shut.

"I... I'm sorry..." came the whispers of the man she loved. The man she looked up to the most. The man she searched for all over Japan. One full year it had been! And what had he done? Barely smile, that's all.

"Ha!" came her reply. "If you were really sorry... you would just... oh, just go! I don't..." she was at a loss for words. Talking to him like this hurt her just as much as it might be hurting him. But the word there was might.

Misao crumbles to the floor beside her door.



Aoshi stands there looking at her silhoutte.

"You never cared..." he heard.

"If you did..."

The girl burst into sobs again.

"Hannya and the others died for your sake! So you can live on! But... but you're just... a walking corpse... you..."

By then, he had had enough.


[ The next night at the festival ]

"It sure is nice to go out to this festival together, isn't it, Kenshin?" Kaoru perked.

Kenshin smiled back at her.

"It's a nice night, de gozaru yo."

"Misao, Suzumi, over here!" came Ayame's voice.

Misao turned toward the young girl.

"Ooh! What a pretty ball!!!!" Suzumi said.

"Yeah!" Misao agreed as she let Suzumi down from her high chair on her shoulders.

Taking out her money, she asked the man how much it was.

"No, we shouldn't!" Ayame pulled on Misao's shorts.

"Yeah, we have our own ball at home!"

"Oh, well, you'll just have another ball here! When you visit!!" she beamed as she handed the ball to them.

As she watched them throw the ball back and forth to each other she thought back on the other night and sighed.

"He doesn't care,: a part of her mind said. Misao nodded agreement but her heart knew the truth. Deep down, he cared for her as much as she did him. Or, at least, things made sense to think that way...

"Where are you going, Misao?" Suzumi's voice broke her thoughts and she found herself walking away from the crowd.

Blushing, she said, "I'm going to go home early," seeing the look in the girl's eyes she quickly added, "to make pastries. For you when you come back."

"Really?" Ayame asked with bright eyes.

Misao nodded.

The two girls cheered as Misao left them with Okina and the others.

( Wow... I really like those girls. Already and they seem like their my own children. *sigh* Wonder if I'll ever be able to have children... )


[ Back at the Aoiya ]

"Aoshi-sama? Miss Masaaki? Is anyone home?" she calls out as she walked towards Aoshi's room.

Shrill laughter was coming from it.

( That must be Miss Masaaki. Wonder what she's doing in Aoshi's room... )

Misao slid open the door just a crack and supressed a gasp. Aoshi was smiling!!!!!

"Oh, Aoshi-chan, you are just so funny!"

Misao felt her blood begin to boil.

After a few more giggles and she caught her breath, "thank you again for helping me sell those flowers..." she said shyly.

"It was totally..." she added slowly, nearly purring and then there was a quick pause as something different gleamed in her eyes.

"...useless," she ended in an icy cold voice.

A chill went through Misao as she heard it.

( Useless? But... so, that's where he went off to last night... )

Misao hung her head, feeling a deep sense of loss. Despair, resnement. Her pride taken from her for the moment. Her hands clenched and unclenched into fists.


Miss Masaaki's eyes turned dark and her hair lifted from her face, as if blown by an invisible wind.

"Sorry, pretty boy, but if I'm going to take the Battousai out, you're going to have to go."

She lunged at him with a knife in her hand.

"Noo!!!!!" a familiar voice rang, the door was thrown open and in a flash Misao was in front of him. Protecting him, or being stupid.


"Misao-dono!" Kenshin's voice called as he drew his sakabatou, moving with godlike speed towards Miss Masaaki.

"Woooops!!! Time to go!" the intruder said in a high tone. Laughter rang dead into the night and she disppapered, leaving Kenshin to slash at nothing.

"Why... are you so stupid...?" came Aoshi's voice.

Misao looked up at her idol, he had caught her. And deep down, she knew he didn't mean anything when he said those bad things about her. Or to her. She forgave him instantly.

"I'm not stupid, Aoshi-sama. I'm in love. That's what you do when you love someone. You risk your life for their's... and..." she forced a weak smile, "other stuff like that..."

"But... I... how..."

Misao blinked tears away as she said, "doesn't matter how much it hurts... I mean, you love the person, if they don't love you back..." she trails off.

Kaoru rushed over to her.

"Misao! Hang on!!"

Tilting her head to see Kaoru hovering over her, she smiles, her hand clutching a piece of Aoshi's jacket she coughs violently.

"Tell Ayame," she breathes, "and Suzumi the pastries are on the bottom shelf in the kitchen."

Kaoru nodded quickly, placing a hand over Misao's chest to try and stop the bleeding.

She felt a warm hand holding her's as Misao fades out.


[ The next morning at the Aoiya ]

Misao blinks away sleep from her eyes and sees Kaoru. As usual, Lord Aoshi was nowhere to be found. She let out a low sigh.

"Misao? You're awake!" Kaoru gasped.

"Hey, Kaoru. What's up?"

"Well... you've..."

Misao reached out a hand and placed it on Kaoru's arm gently.

"It's okay, Kaoru. You don't need to explain my injuries to me," she chuckled slightly. "I've lost a lot of blood, yahdah, yahdah, yahdah, right?"

Kaoru blushed.

"Right," Kaoru says getting up, "I'll get you some breakfast now, okay?"

Misao lets out a grunt as she sits up.

"No, it's okay."

"Misao-dono! You should be in bed." Kenshin scowlded.

"Oh, it's okay, I don't want to hold anyone down with my injuries. Don't worry," she smiles, "I'm fine." She lets out another groan as she sits herself down making everyone jump towards her for assistance.

She smiles again as she hears an annoyed huff come from Aoshi.


[ On the way to the market ]

"Hey, Misao," Kaoru asked.


"You sure are strong to tag along and help me, I 'mean, you're injured and all..."

"Oh, it's nothing." ^_^ "Just a few scratches that's all."

"But, Misao! You've been cut nearly to your organs! I wouldn't call that minor..."

"No way! She got in a lucky hit..." Misao looked down at the bandages peeking from under her clothes. "Oh, well..." ^_^;; "a few lucky hits... is that right?"

"Yeah, I don't know how... Aoshi said she only struck once... but it seems from your chest and stomache, there were many large slashes."

At the mention of his name, Misao's face fell. ( Why would he care? ) She shrugged it off.

Kaoru caught a glance at Misao's saddened expression. "Misao? Is everything okay with Aoshi?"

"Well..." she looks down at her feet, "can't you tell?" she ended.

"Huh?" came Kaoru's voice beside her. ( Is she that oblivious of me and Aoshi-sama? )

"Nevermind," she sighed.

"He's... quiet..." she continued. "He spends all his time meditating, or at the Zen Temple... or reading or drinking tea... he doesn't say a word to anyone! And then... and then..." she trailed off.

"What? What is it, Misao?" Kaoru asked anxiously.

"He smiled last night..." she said looking up at Kaoru's concerned face with teary eyes. "When... when he was with her..." she added quickly, looking down again. She sighs. "I just wish... I could have made him smile..." she said shyly, a great amount of sadness in her voice.

Her heart ached as she thought back on that night when Aoshi came back from Shishio's lair.

* --- * --- * --- *

[ In front of the Aoiya ]

( Aoshi-sama is coming home! I just know it!! Hannya told me... )

And there came Aoshi, along with Kenshin and Sano.

With happy tears, she ran to embrace him.

"Aoshi-sama!" she called out her voice breaking into sobs.

It had nearly been a year since he left the Obiwanban group and he was back. Thanks to Himura for not killing him.

Did he know how much she missed him? He was her idol, until he left and she found out her true feelings. She searched far and wide, all over Japan, and all he could do was come back and tell her to... to... stay away? Or he would kill her?

Ever since... she had done everything she could think of to make him smile. Dragged him out to see the stars, the sunset, the sunrise. She told him funny stories, jokes, described to him how beautiful the birds sang, which wasn't so likely of her, and even took him to see the first few leaves to fall from the trees!

* --- * --- * --- *

( I even dressed up in silly costumes... ) she sighed.

"It never worked," she mumbled. "All he did was give his usual huff of disapproval," she continued quietly.


[ Back at the Aoiya ]

Aoshi sat and sipped his tea.

( Misao would be getting back soon... )

She would be all cheery and try to take him out somewhere. Maybe another time, he would be happier. Just not now... he didn't want that... he hated to hurt Misao so much... but he had changed since then... it wasn't the same.

He tried to enjoy himself. He really did! But... nothing worked....


[ At the market ]

Rikimarou stepped back into the shadows.
His teeth bared automatically, there she was.
Lady Minako.
The hatred he had for that damned woman.
He was glad to be given the assignment of taking her out.
Now, this was his chance.
Sword still in his sheath, he ran towards the moving backside of a red kimono. With almost god-like speed, he came closer and got ready to draw his sword when it moved.
From one side of the street to the other. Fumbled, Rikimarou jumped high in the air, caught a glimpse of her and landed right where she was. She had disappeared again.
  He strained his neck to see another glimpse of red, and a trail of short black hair.
This was getting nowhere, he went off after her.


There stood Misao and Kaoru.

"Misao, what do you think of this one?"

They were picking out tomatoes.
Misao looked at the fully riped vegetable and nodded, looking down at the basket she carried.
Almost full.
It was nearly time to go back to the Aoiya Restaurant.
She gave a small sigh as she thought of what awaited her there. Everyone, Suzumi and Ayame, Himura, Old Man, Yahiko, Sano, and the whole Obiwanban group...
except for Lord Aoshi. And if he was home, he wouldn't be happy to see her. Or relieved that she brought home things for dinner. He'd just be quiet and if anything happened, it'd be just a huff from him.

"Hey, watch it!" Misao heard a voice cry.

Misao took a glance over her shoulder to see what the commotion was about. "Huh?" she uttered before she let out a horrible scream.
Her eyes widened and she fell back.
The pain in her new wounds started to envelope her, and she felt her head throb.
Her arm gave way and the basket toppled to the ground before her. All Misao could hear was the drumming of her heart.


( Ugh! The stupid girl got in the way! )
  Rikimarou stopped short, with his great speed, he was able to catch her.
A youngin' she was.
He shook his head, it was a damned pity he wasn't able to catch up with Lady Minako in time.
Instead, he had bumped into a kunoichi-looking kid.
Blood, he could smell it on her. No! Could he have done such damage for running into her? His eyes widened as it caught a glimpse of dark red liquid, seeping through her clothing and on her arm, her palm pressed against the wound.

"Misao! Misao!!!" another young lady rushed to her side, kneeling she cried the wounded girl's name.
Misao, her eyes barely open.
  "Well, I guess we need to buy some cloth... make myself a new outfit, huh?" she mustered before her eyes drooped to a close.


  "I believe she's gone, miss."
Kaoru glared at the stranger, "I don't care what you believe. I believe that you're the one to run into her! Can't you have watched where you were going?"
He flinched.
"I-I didn't mean to..."
"Damn right you didn't mean to!!!" she started picking up the basket's contents.
( God, what am I going to do? )
The stranger blinked in surprise.


[ Back at the Aoiya ]

"Okina!!! Okina!!!" the lady called.

A short woman with the same outfit as Misao came running out.
She gave a sharp gasp and then took the basket of groceries from the hysterical woman who accompanied Misao.
She was so pale!
"Okon!" she called.
Okon slid open the door wide and waved to them to come in quickly.
An old man that was bandaged up, hurried to another part of the building.
Rikimarou took a glimpse around, "so this was the headquarters of the famous Obiwanbanshuu," he thought, and then rushed into the building, carrying Misao in his arms.
The girl gave a low moan and then fell back into an unconcious state.


[ A few hours later ]

"It's been quite awhile, hasn't it, Rikimarou?" a once familiar voice said.

Rikimarou nodded.
He was sitting across from the former Hitokiri Battousai.
It was unmistakeable. His long, bright red hair, the cross shaped scar on his left cheek.
( He never did tell me about how he got that scar. Could it be possible he hasn't told them about it either? )
He looked from one to the other, sitting around him.
( What about Kaoru? It was obvious they're together... or should be... )
"Well, Rikimarou you finally come back after all this time."

"Yes, Kenshin. I'm surprised you're still here."

"Well they treat me well enough here. You still doing the same thing?"

"Yes," was the simple answer from Rikimarou.

"Seen anything interesting?"

Before Rikimarou could answer, Misao was trying to sit upm saying, "Come on, this a joyous time, we are all together, we should celebrate!"

"Misao! Please, lie down! This is no time to celebrate with you in your condition." came Kaoru's voice.

"What condition? I'm fine!" Misao says struggling to sit up but then passes out on her pillow again.

"Please!" Rikimarou exclaimed. "Making a racket won't help her, let her get her rest."
"Hey!! What do you mean causing a racket?! I'm not the one who slammed into her, here!!"
Rikimarou held up his hands in surrender and his eyes fell on the sleeping Misao.
( Hmph! She obviously doesn't know her body's limit. )
"I am gratefully sorry, my friend. I meant no harm to come to Lady Misao. I am on a very important mission and moving in day light is not always common."

"You should watch where you go, thenn my friend. But I can understand where you are in this, what have you done over the years?"

"I have trained well to become a Grand Master as a stealth assasin in the Tenchu Tribe." Rikimarou says rising. He closes off his mouth with a cloth to seal his identity and holds his sheath over his back.
"Are you leaving already, Rikimarou?" Aoshi says, finally joining the conversation.

"Yes, I must leave for my mission." Rikimarou says taking a bow and then walking over Misao laying still. He goes onto one knee, touching her forehead and bows.

"Well... Rikimarou, I never suspected you to be like that."

"Live by honour, my friend... kill by stealth." with that, Rikimarou stood up and left.


[ The next day ]

Misao fights the darkness and her eyes flutter open.

( Ow! Too bright! )

"Misao?" Kaoru exclaimed.

Misao shakes her head slightly and closes her eyes again.

"Ah, I knew ugly couldm't help someone who was out cold but this is ridiculous!" cut in Yahiko's annoying voice.

Kaoru turns to face the young boy
"Oh, really?"

"Yeah! Your face made her go back into unconsciousness!"

"And what is that supposed to mean?!?!?!" she took him by the collar and shakes him violently.

Yahiko's head jerked wildly.

"You know well what it means!!"

Misao wakes up by the noise and utters a groan as her hand goes automatically to her chest.


[ Later ]

"Aoshi-sama! Aoshi-sama!!! Todo?!?!" Misao was running from room to room.

She stopped short as she nearly passed the social room.

There he was, sipping tea, his eyes closed in meditation.

"Aoshi-sama? Okina told me that you can take off your bandages permanently, now."

Aoshi opened his eyes, took a sip of his tea and gave a low "hmph"

  Misao gave a hurt look.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll be the one to take them off for you."

Aoshi got up.

"Oh, are you going to your room? Well, that's great! I can take the bandages off there and then you can just rest! I'll go get the water." she says cheerfully and runs towards the kitchen, her wounds throbbing but she ignored them.


[A few moments later ]

"I'm back!"

Misao set down the tub of water and set all the other materials down beside her.

She joined Aoshi as he quietly took his jacket off, followed by his shirt.

Misao got to work on his back, taking her time, but rushing all the same.

She gently peeled them off him, dabbing a little water where it was most sticky. She followed up
with some alcohol.

Aoshi straightened up as she went around to his front wounds.

Misao, looking up occasionally, mostly concentrated on his wounds.

  ( Well, at least it didn't kill him... ) 

He flinched a little when she started dabbing alcohol at the huge scar right above his stomache.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did that hurt? I'll try to be careful next time." she went back to concentrating on his chest, I mean, wounds, knowing her face was as red of Himura's hair, or maybe even worse!

( Eep! )


Trying to avoid eye contact, Aoshi kept his gaze straight ahead, not hinting anything. 

Aoshi flinched again and let out a low groan as Misao put some medicine on the wound that was on the right of his neck, across his shoulder.

He looked down at her but could only see the top of her head, and her hand working.

Shifting slighty in his uncomfortable position, he saw the bandages on her own chest.

( Whoa! Stop! This is totally unacceptable!!! )

She was particularly in his lap!!

He shakes his head to clear away the thoughts and in his head entered an image of Misao.

Tears in her eyes, she was trying to fight the sadness that overcomes her, seeing him in such pain. Seeing him so solemn and sad and... boring.

Dare he admit that? Is he really boring?

Sure, he was quiet but was he boring?

He closed his eyes to help the images scroll through his head painlessly.

She deserves someone better, someone younger, and braver and... someone who loves her and has the guts to admit it.

He was nothing.

( I'm just a coward ) he thought hanging his head slightly.

"All done!" broke in Misao's voice.

Aoshi flinched again and looked down at her.

She jumped back.

"Oh! Sorry, did I hurt you?" she asked.

Aoshi shook his head and gave a huff.

She smiled brightly, knowing she actually did something good for him, she got up and started regathering her materials.

"Thank you," he said in a low voice.

Misao looked over at him, shocked, innocent, kind, she blinked away the last of her tears, blushed and smiled.

"Oh, it' you’re welcome," she stumbled.

Aoshi nodded and watched her retreating back, her arm wiped at something from her face.

( Huh... tears of happiness... )

Aoshi laid himself down on his bed.

( What a fool... you're too old to be with her... she does need someone better... someone who will actually care for her.... but, I still love her.... she's always there for me... I'm such a fool....I'll never derserve her... never... )


[ The next day at the Aoiya ]

( Wow! It sure was a beautiful day! )

Misao finished washing the dishes and wiped her hands on her shorts.

( It'll be a perfect night to go to the festival again. )

"Aoshi-sama!!!!" she called as she began another wild goose chase. She had a good feeling about this...


"Aoshi-sama!!" the ever familiar voice called his name.

(Maybe, she wants to take me out again... this time... I think I should be more alive...I should pay more attention to Misao..I owe it to her...maybe...I might even tell her the way I feel about her)

Misao walks in. "

C'mon!! Lets go to the festival" she said, smilling as she grabbed his hand.

"Alright... I think I need to get out..."

Misao's eyes got wide.

( That's more than he's said in a week... I must be right about tonight... )


[ At the festival ]

"Okay, guys, we'll meet here when the fireworks start, okay?" Misao said.

  "Miss Misao, where are you going?" Suzumi asked.

Misao looks up at Kenshin and then back again.

"Oh, Suzumi, you don't have to call me Miss."

"But big brother Ken told us to." Ayame added.

"Yeah, to be polite." Suzumi chimed.

Misao knew she was blushing.

"Oh, well." she lets out a long sigh and starts tickling the two little girls.

Aoshi cleared his throat.

Misao straightened up quickly.

"I'll see you two later, okay? I'll bring you back some pastries." she said as she waved at them.

"Okay, Miss Misao, bye!!!" she said cheerfully, raising the ball Misao had brought her over her head to toss it at a still giggling Ayame.

Misao took a few paces and caught up with Aoshi.

( Okay, remember, be quiet. It's your duty to listen, now. ) She takes a deep breath and glances up
at his face and then quickly looks down at her moving feet again, her face growing warm.

( Um... say something... ? )

"Thank you for escorting me, tonight." her voice said automatically.

Aoshi lets out half a huff.

"Well, I can't let a young lady go off alone. It's not proper."

Misao blushed more deeply.

( He doesn't really think I'm a lady, does he? I mean... just yesterday, he referred to me as a kid. Not even sure if I would be able to help him out of his bandages... )

"Oh... well... who would want to pick on me, huh?" ^_^;; "Besides... uh... I have my defenses. You taught me, remember?"

Aoshi glances down at her with dark eyes as if remembering the years before, when he taught her how to throw the kunias and when he would try to win prizes for her at this very fair...

  (But that was with Hannya and the others...)


[ In another part of time ]

Sano was walking the streets of Kyoto in the middle of the night thinking about Captain Sagara.

Walking around, he sees the Aoiya restaurant and thought he should go some place to eat CAUSE HE ACTUALLY HAS MONEY THIS TIME. After paying, Sano starts wandering again until he comes by some people in a house yelling bets and playing Chinchiorin. He walks in and joins in, he is losing right from the start. he starts to come back then loses it all.

"Dammit. I lost again."
"Luck doesnt seem to be on your side," one of his opponent's said.

"It never was and never will be. Well I'm outta here." Sano replied.

Sano pays up MIRACULOUSLY and leaves.

He hears a scuffle from the left so he goes over there.

There were theives robbing an old man.

Sano jumps in and beats the hell out of the bandits and gives the money back to the old man

"Thank you," the old man said gratefully.

"Hey, no problem, I was just waiting for some action around here, this is a pretty boring city compared to what it used to be."

"Why don’t you try to best the Dojo Master in a duel? It wont be open until morning, though. I say this because it seems as though you are restless and want to fight, its over there on the left." the man suggested.

"I see, I think I will, thanks, old man." Sano says waving a hand behind him as he walks off deciding to go back to the Aoiya and sleep.


[ At the festival ]

Aoshi cleared his throat.

"My arm, Lady Misao?"

Misao blushed more deeply, then smiles and takes his arm.

"So? Where do you wanna go Aoshi-sama?"

Aoshi huffed a little and answered, "maybe go watch the sun set?"

Misao smiled, "I know the perfect spot..."


( Oh, mi gosh! I can't believe this is happening! )

The two were sitting side by side on the grass.

Misao gave an exasperated yawn and stretched her arms and legs.

"So, Aoshi-sama, did you have a particular reason to see the sunset or something?"

Aoshi stayed quiet for a moment.

"Well, it's okay if you don't. I mean, who wouldn't want to see the sunset after a long time of working. I mean, if you could call meditating working, anyway..." she blabbed on.


"Suzumi!!!! Ayame!!!!!"

( Grrrrrrrr! Where are those two!? Misao and Aoshi are gone and where did Kaoru go!? )

"When I find them im gonna---!" Kenshin growled.

"Your gonna what? Kill them? Well, that's what's going to happen to them if you dont hurry!!!" a voice says behind him, followed by an evil laugh.

"Wha-?" he turns and faces the stranger.

"Who are you?!?!?!" he demanded.

"You'll never know," says the stranger stepping back into the shadows that now enveloped his whole body, and disappeared.


( end of part 1 )


Next part: Who really knows, right?
Next Stop: Part 2