Other Factors are Involved

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A professional transcriptionist could claim a great deal of experience after working for many years in the field. However, she could claim skill only if she demonstrates proficiency in other areas. A real professional would also have to be skilled in word processing, the latest relevant technology, knowing where to go to solve problems with the technology or the material, and listening skills.

Years of experience are not necessarily sufficient. A poor transcriptionist could be working for many years and could simply be doing it wrong for many years.

You may have already discovered this problem when you took your car or an appliance in for repair. The technician may have claimed many years of experience, yet he did a poor job. He had been doing it wrong for many years.

That technician did not progress in his field. He didn't learn about the latest developments or processes that are involved and he might not have known anything about your particular make or model. His many years of experience were of little value when trying to help your particular situation.

Similarly, a physician needs to know about you and about your particular ailments or needs. Without the background and information, it does not matter how many years of experience he has.

Yes, experience is important. It helps people learn about issues and apply their knowledge to your needs.

Another issue is needed. The professional has to be able to learn from previous experiences. Not everybody has that skill. A professional who has not learned from the issues and failures that he experienced is of little value to you and your work.

Choose a trascriptionist, a translator, or any other professional who meets the factors that you require including experience. When you check the transcriptionists references or ask others about her capabilities, make an effort to determine whether she is open to learning from her mistakes.

Only then can you determine that her experience was of value.

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Keywords: Employment, Experience