People like to talk, even though they frequently have no basis for their statements and opinions. Their discussions about the subject of bilingualism are no different. Parents who raise bilingual children often face antagonistic relatives and friends, who offer their unwanted advice.
These meddlers are suddenly great experts in bilingualism, and they know what you should not do. They may explain that life in one culture while speaking to a child in another language limits the sources for the dominant language and thus causes irreparable damage.
Those unwanted but self-proclaimed counselors may present horror stories, myths, criticisms, or worries about bilingualism. You've seen it elsewhere on this website: the poor child will not want to talk until he's in first grade; he'll be confused with and mix both languages; he won't be as smart as children who speak only one language.
It's easy to say that these people should be ignored, but some nudniks won't take no for an answer.
Some of these self-styled "experts" may present their case more forcefully. They may even check up on the parents to make sure that their unwanted advice is followed properly.
Perhaps the most difficult part of raising bilinguals is the need to deal with these intrusive people. Some of them may be jealous. Others may actually believe the rumors and myths, or their own theories.
You may well want to go through life allowing others tell you what to do. You may well feel that a Big Lie becomes the truth if enough people repeat it, or if it is said in a manner that is sufficiently forceful.
If you cannot withstand the pressure from others, then you may indeed have to give up the idea of raising a bilingual child. It would not be wise to start this good project and then drop it, just because you could not maintain the necessary firmness and consistency.
Those who are determined to raise bilinguals may want to explain their beliefs to others.
However, don't expect miracles to occur because of these answers. Those who want to nag will do so, no matter what you say to them.
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Keyword: Bilingualism, Nudniks, Pressure, Questions, Truth