Articles about Bilingualism

Some strong but misguided nationalists may argue against raising your child as a bilingual. Their reasoning may include some of the following points:

Some of those points do have merit. However, raising a child as a bilingual in the proper manner does not preclude your use of the local language.

Other nationalists, however, may see things differently.

Granted, neither side has the right to interfere in the way that you raise your own child, as long as your methods are not detrimental to his growth, development, or behavior. Raising a child as a bilingual is unquestionably beneficial to the child, so there should be no arguments.

Nonetheless, some people may choose to express their feelings to others. Strong nationalists who latch on to your home life may be difficult to handle.

The issue here is clearly not right or wrong. It is passion. In such cases, most logical arguments will break down.

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Keywords: Nudniks, Raising