I’m 21. I’m bilingual and I’m not really a translator. I know that I’m bilingual because I spoke and learned both Hebrew and English at the same time and I use them as a mother tongue. I’m better in some aspects in one language and others in the other language.
It feels fine to be bilingual. It’s very convenient. I don't feel different from my non-bilingual friends.
I'm happy that my parents raised me as a bilingual. It saved me from learning for the Bagrut. It saved me from the horrors of my students, what they need to go through.
I lived and studied English and I’m an English teacher, so that I think this is special, and I still go on translating, which is again using these skills.
I don't use the other language as a secret language among my friends. Basically my close friends speak both languages, so there’s nothing special.
I do have some problems. First of all you use sometimes phrases or you translate things from one language to the next and they come out funny, and secondly, since my husband doesn’t speak English I sometimes need to find what I’m trying to say, although he understands a lot of English.
I sometimes have problems communicating about stupid things like the dishes in the kitchen and things like that, that don’t really matter that much. He gets his food in Hebrew.
I'm not smarter than those who are not bilinguals. I think that’s a very prejudiced thing to say. I don’t think so. I think a person can be as intelligent or knowledgeable as any one else who knows one language, as long as he works hard enough to find this knowledge and learn it.
My parents are not bilinguals, but they can speak and read and write in Hebrew in a sufficient level. In order to be bilinguals, they would have had to come to Israel at a much younger age, so that they can be raised here in Hebrew all around them at a younger age. It's not a question of sitting and learning. It’s more a question of just getting it, growing up with it.
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