The testimony in this section was based on the questions below.
You might want to use this page in order to help your bilingual children discuss their feelings. These questions should serve as guidelines and springboards, and not as a means to limit or restrict your discussions. Listen to your children's responses carefully, and then add more questions, based on their responses.
You may also want to submit your transcribed interview with a bilingual to the webmaster, so that we can add it to the other testimony in this section.
Bilingualism testimony questions
Background questions
- Tell us a bit about yourself
- You don't have to give your name
- Tell us about your background
- What languages do you know?
- How well do you know each of those languages?
- How would you describe yourself?
- Tell us some special things about yourself
- How does it feel to be a bilingual?
- Do you feel that you are different from your non-bilingual friends?
- Are you happy that your parents raised you as a bilingual?
- Do you feel that you are a true bilingual?
- In what way?
- When do you feel especially happy that you are a bilingual?
- Why?
- How do your friends feel about the fact that you are a bilingual?
- Do you use your skills and talents as a secret language among certain other children or adults?
- Did you gain any advantages by being a bilingual?
- Do you feel that you have a greater interest in studying languages as a result of being a bilingual?
- Does the fact that you are a bilingual help you translate words naturally from one language to another?
- Do you ever have difficulties thinking of the right word in the right language?
- Do you feel any limitations that result from the fact that you are a bilingual?
- Are there times that you wish you were not a bilingual?
- Why?
- Do you ever try to hide the fact that you are a bilingual?
- Do you ever mix words or languages when you speak or write?
- Do you feel smarter than your non-bilingual friends?
- Do you feel superior to your non-bilingual friends?
- Are your parents bilinguals?
- How can you tell?
- Did your parents use any special techniques in order to raise their children as bilinguals?
- Are all of your siblings equally comfortable in two or more languages?
- What would you want to tell your parents about raising bilingual children?
- What would you like to tell other parents who are debating whether to raise their children as bilinguals?
- Did your grade-school teachers ever have difficulty dealing with bilingual children in class?
- What recommendations would you offer to your teachers about dealing with bilingual children?
General issues
- What does it mean to be a true bilingual?
- What would you like to tell your friends about how to relate to you as a bilingual?
- Do you have an interesting story to share with us about being a bilingual?
- What question did we forget to ask?
- Would you like to add anything?