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This is Cody, my first born. He just turned 14 and is very much into music. He's already set his sights on a career in music and will be the only freshman going into the High School Jazz Band this fall. He's also an accomplished diver, both diving board and SCUBA, as well as an avid rollerblader. Girls are constantly calling the house so dad and I don't even bother answering the phone anymore because its NEVER for us!

This little darling would be my daughter Nikki. She's holding one of the newer members of our family, affectionately known as "Fish". Nikki loves swimming and gymnastics and is sure to be a cheerleader before too long. She's not quite 10 yet, but she has a mind of her own and is one of the most caring children I've ever known. She always thinks of others before herself. She's a member of DESA, Daughters of ESA, the younger branch of ESA sorority of which I'm a member. She loves getting together with friends and their imaginations just astound me.