
        Awards I have been honored with/Page 2

        My eleventh award *S*

        We, SongRider and Kubilee...present you with the following award...I looked over your site (like I needed to...)*LOL* And it's getting better all the time..You are one of my dearest friends on the net and I am so sorry I neglected to give you this before but I have just been so darn busy......
        Thank you so much Kubilee and SongRider...this means the world to me *VBS* 08/16/98


        My twelfth award *S*

        WOW!!!! What a neat page!! I stumbled across it from a link in the Keep Smiling Newsletter. I would like to present my award to you..... Continued success with your page... alot of time and effort went into it I am sure!!!..08/16/98


        My 13th award *S*

        Hi! First of all I want to thank you for applying for my award and signing my guest book *S* And of course to congratulate you on winning The Spider's WEB Award of Excellence! Please link it back to me. 08/25/98


        My 14th award *S*

        Hey you I just wanted to send my congrats on winning my award..... you have a great site keep up the good work!!!!!!!!! 10/07/98


        My 15th award *S*

        I luv the way that ur page is set up Heather..and it would be my pleasure to give you my award.........'g'......do hope that you enjoy the golden rose,'s' and nice meeting you....."S"...see ya..........Lar :+} 10/17/98


        My 16th award *S*

        You have an awesome site! Chocolate is a passion of mine! Forget food in the house -- as long as there is chocolate, all is well with the world :-) 10/23/98


        My 17th award *S*

        Hello Again! I visited your Chocolate Covered Strawberry Website and found it to be "very unusual"...interesting!! You've worked hard on your site and I can see the results must gratifying to you!! What a nice website you've got!!! Thanks for applying for my award and I could hardly deny you your request as you DO deserve it!! Very nice page and a lot of work!! Keep up your creating!! You're a plus to the many wonderful homepages out there!! 11/5/98


        My 18th award *S*

        My first award of the New Year *S*
        Great page. You got the award. 03/29/99


        My 19th award *S*

        Thank you for your participation in H&H Tutorials awards program, upon review of your site we found certain criteria met or surpassed for the presentation of an award. We used to be presenters for AA Project Juno now we have our own awards program. The web community benefit and site content were high on the list of criteria in the review as well as the exceptional color scheme and ease of navigation. We at H&H are pleased to present to you the prestigious Silver award which is only displayed on the finest web sites in the world. Congratulations on a job well done and your contribution to the web community as a whole. Thomas Horne H&H Enterprises 05/01/99


        My 20th award *S*

        Hi Heather! Yes you definetly get my award...although I wasn't able to see every page just yet.
        What I did see was a fun young at heart mom enjoying life!
        We need more ppl just like you! =) So Congrats! See ya soon!
        Gingerbread Wishes


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