- Chocolate makes milk easier to digest if you are lactose-intolerant. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island found that by adding 1 1/2 tsp. of cocoa to 1 cup of milk blocked cramping, bloating and other sins of lactose intolerance in half of 35 subjects. They found that cocoa stimulates lactose enzyme activity.
- Chocolate, notably dark chocolate, is one of the few foods with a high content of chromium, which helps to control blood sugar.
- Tests show chocolate contains antibacterial compounds that may discourage, not promote, tooth decay.
- For those who worry about the minute amount of caffeine in chocolate, 5 oz. brewed coffee has 85 mg. caffeine. 1 oz. of chocolate has 6 mg.
the way...Did you know that there is a bumper sticker out that says:
thanks to Barb McCann at The Chocolate
Vault for these interesting tidbits.
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