Welcome to the Nashville Community!

Here is what some of the other visitors to the Nashville Community Center have had to say.


Bob Kelso - 08/21/00 08:44:04
My URL:http://www.kelsofamily.com
My Email:bobkelso1@juno.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville Schoolhouse
I would like to see: A return to GeoCities!
Help received from a Community Leader: Sure, everyday! Right Samantha?

Just Thought I'd stop by and say HI to everyone.

sandie - 06/17/00 04:07:29
My Email:sandiebeach1@juno.com
My favorite Nashville site is: opryland
Help received from a Community Leader: no


nel - 06/12/00 14:54:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/plexatwallis/mypage.html
My Email:plexatwallis@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: their are great sites and bad ones
I would like to see: I don't know
Help received from a Community Leader: no

It was nice meeting you all !

Dana Bivens - 03/23/00 04:37:11
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:roxygal_14_99@yahoo.com

ur cat is cute i have a persian cat too! She is a silver color and her name is Cinderella "Cindy".Shes kinda like urs younger and fluffer though well nice sight i liked it u must really love ur cat. I love mine well byes

Johnny Franklin - 03/08/00 02:06:40
My URL:http://www.johnnyfranklin.com
My Email:cwking@webtv.net
My favorite Nashville site is: www.oocities.org/nashville/5710/

You'll find a wonderful tribute here-- Autographed photos of late 50's and early 60's country western stars, photos of Patsy Cline, and a section on new country stars as well--

Chase - 01/20/00 23:03:29
My URL:http://oocities.com/Nashville/Bluegrass/4199/
My Email:cr300@hotmail.com
I would like to see: The community leaders could check on the people in there areas to see if they can help them out with there pages.
Help received from a Community Leader: no!

Please! someone help me. I'm doing this for the first time and I have no idia what I'm doing. I need Tags and codes for my page. I also need idias for it. Please e-mail me and help me out. Just remember to put (geocities help) in the subject line, and inc ude your name e-mail address and your URL. Thank you very much.

Steve - 12/31/99 03:58:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/1940/ie5/frameset.html
My Email:lifeboat@angelfire.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville/Opry/1393
I would like to see: Non-country sites (heh-like mine)
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet...

There needs to be a way for us idiots who joined 3 years ago to move their sites to a different part of our GeoWorld without losing our current page. This is so because I do not want to lose my Nashville/Opry/1940 because I have a lot of links comming int it, but yet I can never be a CL or have my site on a winners list of either way - even though it's a site that has been given many awards for it's historical reference to the Titanic.

jeff f - 12/10/99 15:42:05
My URL:http://oocities.com/digi_jeff
My Email:digi_jeff@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: lori d

I enjoy viewing these pages...i have a sight on geocities...shall i move in to nashville? Is the process difficult?

Jerry Bryan - 12/03/99 00:54:09
My Email:jbryan@columbus.rr.com

Just getting started. Will sign in again after I know what I am talikin about

- 12/02/99 12:08:37


Charles Stansfield - 11/25/99 22:35:04
My URL:http://oocities.com/nashville/bluegrass/7920
My Email:billstan@gte.net

just browsing!!

- 11/19/99 03:55:52


jermags - 11/12/99 08:51:31
My Email:jermags@yahoo.com


Darren Coleman - 11/06/99 01:30:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/darrenfanclub/index.html
My Email:darrenfanclub@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville/Opry
I would like to see: Someway to help new artist get recording contracts with major labels without going broke first.
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I would like to see country music return to the traditional style,and have country stations play real country and play country-rock on a different station. Don't play southern rock on country stations trying to pass it of as Country cause its not.

Melody & Mark Silverman - 11/05/99 04:17:51
My Email:thezoo@libertybay.com

Just learned about it tonight. Don't know anything about it yet,but we are interested.We love country music, it's the best!!!

Melody & Mark Silverman - 11/05/99 04:13:19
My Email:thezoo@libertybay.com

Just learned about it tonight. Don't know anything about it yet,but are interested.

geoff hitchen - 10/03/99 16:01:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/dockpudd/
My Email:geoff.hitchen@cwcom.net

1st time here. thoought I would pay you a visit after your new e-mail. great site, lots of help and I will visit again soon and be able to fill in the boxes above this comments box. many thanks geoff

- 09/29/99 14:25:59


Jack - 09/19/99 14:53:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/1768/
My Email:tentsy01@ms29.hinet.net
My favorite Nashville site is: No
I would like to see: game
Help received from a Community Leader: no

GOOD!!!!!!!! Please Check in!

DOC W.R. Meeks - 09/13/99 00:01:42
My URL:http:/www.nvo.com/globalnatural
My Email:globalnatural@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: i am new & like several
I would like to see: old time herb community
Help received from a Community Leader: no

It's good to be back to my roots.Country people are the best. You just can't beat their style.Please Let me know if i can help you with your natural health program. Doc.

- 08/16/99 08:35:04


Jacob Volkmann - 08/14/99 03:45:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/6560
My favorite Nashville site is: I love every nashville site!!

I think the community of Nashville is the best. To show my pride in Nashville, I've designed my site to give a tour of my farm, Dairyfield Farm. I invite you to tour the farm cyber style. I promise you'll love it, and please say hi in the guestbook. My I repeat again, long live Nashville.

Jacob Volkmann - 08/14/99 03:37:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/6560
My favorite Nashville site is: I love every nashville site!!

I think the community of Nashville is the best. To show my pride in Nashville, I've designed my site to give a tour of my farm, Dairyfield Farm. I invite you to tour the farm cyber style. I promise you'll love it, and please say hi in the guestbook. My I repeat again, long live Nashville.

- 08/07/99 18:54:21


belgarathc@hotmail.com - 08/07/99 07:42:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Bluegrass/3646/
My Email:belgarathc@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: haven't been to another one yet
Help received from a Community Leader: haven't ask

please visit my site, it's quite new and needs some hits... thanks

Ivan - 08/05/99 22:20:18
My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/Nashville/Bluegrass/4661/ivanpamelawe.index.html
My Email:O2Ranch@ckt.net
My favorite Nashville site is: I'm new been working on my site haven't had time to look
I would like to see: More explanation on steps to the end of task
Help received from a Community Leader: no, but look foward for help

So far I like working with Yahoo/GeoCities I being new would like to see the steps from the start of the explation to the completed end. Like the Guest book Page Bulider it tells you this and this but what page do you use it on. I went back to the Geobulider and found it would not work. I went back and found you have to go into the Beata program Page Bulider to make it work, also I couldn't get the Beate progrm to bring up my web page on the GeoBulider.What I'm looking for also other than my web page is how do you use the Yahoo/GeoCities services to put adds on Ebay. I'm still learning I'm looking forward for some answer from Hometown Leader Cowboy. Also wish these Comment Board had a Spell Checker,as you can tell I need One. Ivan From The O2 Ranch of Kansas

Rebecca Krueger - 07/28/99 23:55:10
My Email:vkrueger@postnet.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no


George - 07/26/99 22:00:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/georgea
My Email:georgew65@yahoo.com
Help received from a Community Leader: mo


Bob Watson - 07/17/99 02:36:08
My Email:perault@erols.com
I would like to see: a pedal steel guitar site

This is my first time on your site. I'm a pedal steel player. Worked the San Antonio area with Leon Payne for years. also did backup work with Moe Bandy, Carl Smith, Lefty Frizzell and several others. Now I'm semi-retired and still try to keep the strings from rusting..

SAINT LARRY - 07/14/99 03:42:25
My URL:http://www.acm.ndsu.nodak.edu/~nuconque/tracts/ftl/e/124.htm


W.R. Meeks - 07/04/99 23:15:10
My URL:http://www.nvo.com/globalnatural
My Email:globalnatural@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I like several. Just found this site.
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I am new in the internet business.I am coming out of retirement to help the wonderful people of the world. With the nutrition field finally coming into the forefront,people are going to need all the help they can get.Dr. Meeks may become your country web octor!!He has over 20 yrs. experience in the herbal & vitamin industry.In the next 50 yrs!!, he wants to kind of get back to his roots. He was born and raised on a ranch and farm.

Bill - 07/03/99 03:54:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/stage/7000/billysochko.html
My Email:billy@dc1.net
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

I would like to see the banner exchange program be a little easier.

Tom Warner - 06/24/99 21:48:45
My URL:http://fortpayne.com
My Email:tom@fortpayne.com
My favorite Nashville site is: this one of course!

Really nice pages here. Please come and visit the hometown web site of country music group "ALABAMA" - Fort Payne!

brandiward - 06/13/99 05:52:18
My URL:http://homestead.com/brandiward/BrandiWard.html
My Email:brandiward@aol.com

great links and sites.!!!!!!!!

clarence - 06/12/99 00:48:33
My Email:CSproles@webtv.net


connie dunne - 05/15/99 03:55:32
My Email:star1234@interl.net

just looking but like i saw will look more

Maria/Tigress2/Kitty - 04/07/99 08:10:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~tigress2
My Email:claws@winternet.com
My favorite Nashville site is: it just wouldn't be fair to say
I would like to see: Please remove those darn graphics I made 2 years ago from this guestbook sign in ...hehe
Help received from a Community Leader: I was one... I obviously need help! (only kidding again)

Hi Adlady!!! Seems you are the only name I recognize, and clone as well.... suprised to see you guys still around!... Finally getting some time on my hands, so I may move back to Nashville and re-volunteer once my page gets back up to par (it's looking pr tty messed up right now...did a really bad job of keeping it up while I was in training.. and I still have to intern, but that won't be as bad as 40 hours a week of grunt work!) ANyway for those of you CL's who have no clue who I am... I'm the gal who did the graphics for the Nashville webring, the featured page award, and alot of those Nashville Geo, and plain Geo icons you see floating around... I was also a CL here in Nashvill for a year...made some of these hideous graphics at the community center too.. I was happy to see most of them are gone now, as I threw them together pretty hastily when we decided to put up the NCC and the Round Up....so anywho all.... hope to see you a l soon (once I get my page fixed up and back in Nashville!

ward lewis - 03/14/99 01:04:31
My Email:Thunderstike@webtv.net


Rebecca Taylor - 03/13/99 22:08:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/rodeo/5021/
My Email:rstwyo@yahoo.com

I am new and willing to learn. Love me for me not for my web page ability.

Sharon - 03/10/99 18:28:57
My Email:lakeland@mwt.net
My favorite Nashville site is: ????
I would like to see: (I've just arrived)


Vera Quackenbush - 03/06/99 20:16:57
My Email:VeraQ@webtv.net
My favorite Nashville site is: new hotel
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Vera Quackenbush - 03/06/99 20:12:06
My Email:VeraQ@webtv.net
My favorite Nashville site is: new hotel
Help received from a Community Leader: no

We liked the new hotel very much, and the food was great!! just fabulous!!!

Breeze - 03/04/99 00:41:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Rodeo/1913
My Email:breeze@airnet.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville/3081
I would like to see: a site of the week or month award
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

Thank yall for makin me feel so welcome over here a special hug to you Elaine

Patti & Brandi Ward - 03/01/99 13:25:02
My Email:Pward58343@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: digital city & of coarse this one
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Cathlynn Spalding - 02/27/99 06:21:32
My Email:qtcat@aol.com

I love Country music! If you have a E-mail-ing list please add me to it. Other then that I'm very new at this computer stuff, anything from nashvilles gotta be up my alley! thank you I look forward to seeing and hearing from you

Tammy K Hermes - 02/24/99 19:53:03
My Email:babywitch@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: unknown
I would like to see: tennasee
Help received from a Community Leader: no

love the sound

daughter1only - 02/23/99 21:42:07
My Email:krieger@loganrec.com
Help received from a Community Leader: Not yet. I am new to computers. I am trying to learn alot.


Fernanda - 02/02/99 14:00:27
My Email:fer@cosmo.com.brI

I'm a brasilian fan of everything related to country. My dream is to be someday in Nashville but I couldn't realize that yet. Through all these sites I could know a little more about it and about the people who live there. Keep doing this wonderful job!!! Kisses and hugs, Fer

Beth - 02/01/99 15:57:57
My URL:www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/2634/
My Email:golden_castel@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/1062/
Help received from a Community Leader: no, didn't ask for any.

Hi I just moved in the neighbrood. I think the neighbood is really nice.

Beth - 02/01/99 15:46:46
My URL:www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/2634/
My Email:golden_castel@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/1062/
Help received from a Community Leader: no, didn't ask for any.

Hi I just moved in the neighbrood. I think the neighbood is really nice.

Kyrha - 02/01/99 05:25:16
My Email:katmarq@earthlink.net
My favorite Nashville site is: this is the first one I have looked at
I would like to see: not sure yet
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Zoe - 01/31/99 01:47:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/picketfence/garden1243
My Email:jax@iswt.com


D.Cooper - 01/28/99 11:58:49


- 01/26/99 22:00:42


rickycollins - 01/26/99 20:28:16
My URL:http://rickycollins@nashville.com
My Email:rickycollins@nashville/stage/8020/


Sarah George - 01/26/99 14:53:45
My Email:medgal99@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: not sure yet
I would like to see: ????
Help received from a Community Leader: no, not yet


Arlene Thompson - 01/18/99 23:11:08
My Email:arlene.thompson@earthlink.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Have not seen any.
I would like to see: don't know
Help received from a Community Leader: No


Beth - 01/17/99 23:07:11
My URL:http://www.GeoCities.com/Nashville_Stage/7993/
My Email:eagle_fire_2@yahoo.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no.

I just moved in to Nashville/Stage/17633, just today. Iam really happy to join you all, and hope to meet,some of you all soon. Thank you , eagle_fire_2

carol51 - 01/16/99 18:54:38
My Email:carol51@oocities.com


carol51 - 01/16/99 18:45:46
My Email:carol51@oocities.com


Debbie - 01/13/99 08:09:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/5776
My Email:krysalyn@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I dunno.... there are so many!
I would like to see: How about a music corner?
Help received from a Community Leader: Nope

Just thought I'd drop you guys a line! Good luck with everything and hope I get in the Jr. CL program! *lol* :)

Robert S Collins - 01/12/99 18:59:07
My Email:bobc_cbref@compuserve.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I'm New here


Young & Sharp - 01/10/99 01:08:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/greendwarf/index.html
My Email:gopher_15_15@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Chris Anderson's
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Enjoyed our visit!

Dwain Mayfield - 01/06/99 14:42:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/4314
My Email:dwain1771@mailcity.com
My favorite Nashville site is: not sure
Help received from a Community Leader: Tried, but got ignored

I tried to get help from the community leader, but was totally ignored. I thought this very rude on there pare

Sirio - 01/06/99 13:46:51

SirioModMusicPage It'is a very good music, TRUST and TRY!

larry; rogers - 01/04/99 13:57:00
My Email:larryr01@hotmail.com


Rosemary Vienneau - 12/27/98 18:56:10
My Email:rrv@nb.sympatico.ca
My favorite Nashville site is: all
I would like to see: concert events
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Evelyn - 12/27/98 01:04:24
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/Nashville/5991
My Email:yuma2000@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: don't know yet, haven't found a way to check them out yet, this is the first place I went to after moving in to the community.
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet


granmajen - 12/21/98 00:11:46
My URL:http://granmajen/nashville/stage/3654
My Email:granma@net-magic.net
My favorite Nashville site is: undecided
I would like to see: undecided


Shadowrider - 12/18/98 15:09:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/4423
My Email:mickyp@csolve.net
Help received from a Community Leader: yes cherly

jilan sign my guest book with some advice which i forgot clik on her email and url adress in my guest book unable to contact

aj brock - 12/17/98 23:23:00
My Email:vwgolfthree@yahoo.com


Dianne - 12/12/98 01:01:43
My Email:monkhere@mindspring com
My favorite Nashville site is: Have not been here.
I would like to see: Don't know what you have
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Thanks for letting me cruise.

- 12/07/98 21:22:10


janet edrington - 11/30/98 16:35:01
My URL:http://www.edrington.com
My Email:edrington@worldnet.att.com
My favorite Nashville site is: geocities.Nashville/1098
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Granmajen - 11/27/98 05:11:56
My URL:http://granmajen/nashville/stage/3654
My Email:granma@net-magic;net
My favorite Nashville site is: opry
I would like to see: undecided

More info later

S'thernAngel - 11/26/98 10:11:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/2791
My Email:bamaangel@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: haven't got to visit them all
I would like to see: more sites with lyrics
Help received from a Community Leader: No

This is a great page and wonderful group. please take a few minutes and visit my site..

cyndi - 11/25/98 06:22:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stage/2333/
My Email:sweethoney__22@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: this one I guess, I just started not to long ago.
Help received from a Community Leader: No


Dale Oakley - 11/19/98 19:44:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/7330
My Email:dalelo1@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Q105
I would like to see: my site
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

I really like being apart of Nashville community. I really feel at home.

- 11/18/98 02:25:32


Kim Gregg - 11/17/98 22:44:48
My URL:http://oocities.com/Nashville/Stage/1276
My Email:Blue_eyed_texas_girl@yahoo.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I have really enjoyed being a member of the community. There are quite a lot of interesting sites involved.

Mary Hannah - 11/17/98 16:59:08
My Email:littleman@coastalnet.com
My favorite Nashville site is: countrystars.com
Help received from a Community Leader: a little

I know it is hard to keep up with all the stars. But when you can it would be nice to get more info on the new ones. Thanks Nana

DJ Ron Burt - 11/13/98 02:07:45
My URL:http://www.jwentertainment.com/countryatlanta
My Email:ash796@bellsouth.net
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Enjoyed your site. Would like to see more sites and home pages from Country Nightclub DJ'S and Country Mobile DJ'S.

TB - 11/12/98 20:15:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stages/2800/tbalabama
My Email:TBalabama@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: This one
I would like to see: More help for newbies
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Very nice site. Please visit mine and don't forget to sign my guestbook. I am a loyal southern gospel music fan from Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Shawn - 11/12/98 19:53:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Stages/2800/tbalabama
My Email:TBalabama@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: No other preference
I would like to see: More help for newbies
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Looking forward to building one of the best personal sites on the net. Thank you for this opportunity.

Bob Kelso - 11/03/98 23:09:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~bobkelso
My Email:mkelso1841@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/9919
Help received from a Community Leader: Nashville/9919

One thing I noticed while strolling the avenues was that while all the Geocities programs were listed by symbol at each site, there is nothing to list a Community Leader site. Is this done with a reason?

Dale Oakley - 11/02/98 20:51:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/7730/index.html
My Email:dalelo1@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Country&Western Connection
I would like to see: special sites setup
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

I am glad to be a part of the Nashville community, because I am closer to home.

Sirio - 10/26/98 09:54:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/9287


whitestetsons - 10/24/98 20:23:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/8968
My Email:whitestetsons@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I am a very newby but I liked Trucker Jims site
I would like to see: Too early to say
Help received from a Community Leader: not as yet but I am hoping to


nick ragsdale - 10/19/98 19:56:01
My URL:http://nashville/opry/3197
My Email:nragsdale@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: still looking

Am personally from Nashville , and will appreciate ant ideas or advice.

Joanne Doxtater - 10/14/98 14:02:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~jjdox
My Email:jjdox@oocities.com
I would like to see: Fun Things for Homesteaders
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Hi I am Liaison of Yosemite Forest. I got here throught the Liaison Web Ring on your Liaison's Page. Please encourage other Liaisons to join this ring. Yosemite has a Community Center also. Please visit my site and the Yosemite Community Center. We h ve lots of fun things for homesteaders.

Jeanell Hageman - 10/09/98 12:49:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/8852
My Email:jeanellh@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: www.claywalker.com
I would like to see: clay walker
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I added a site to this page, and it is a really great site.

David H. Dean Jr. - 10/08/98 22:50:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/8704/
My Email:nite762@oocities.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Connie - 10/01/98 02:16:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/4432/
My Email:waves88@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I haven't really looked yet.
I would like to see: More updates
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Nashville is awesome!

- 09/28/98 06:31:16


anne svenning brattaas - 09/28/98 06:29:34


Barbara LaChance - 09/27/98 15:42:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/7606/
My Email:lilbs10@mci2000.com
My favorite Nashville site is: dont know yet new
I would like to see: thinking
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

Just when I think I am going to quit and stop my page I get an answer from some one and it is alright..I have one more new problem now and it is the first time I couldnt fix it right away.

Kay Tomlinson - 09/26/98 23:44:12
My Email:tomlinson@apex2000.net
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

hope someone will be very patience with an older person like me, who is just getting started with computers, and not having the finances to take courses in computer.

Sue Dunlap junkins - 09/23/98 00:57:34
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/jamielc/index.html
My Email:sls4you@bellsouth.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Songwriters
I would like to see: It's great now
Help received from a Community Leader: nope

I think this is a great site. I hope all you writers out there will post some lyrics or place classifieds at my site. Thanx, Sue & Jamie

Gino Genovesi - 09/14/98 13:12:51
My URL:http://www.nwonline.net/gianos
My Email:gianos@nwonline.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Country Music Lyrics
I would like to see: Songwriting
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

It has been a pleasure looking over your site. Real professional. Good Work! Wish I could become part of the "ring" but I don't have a web page in GeoCities. But, do visit us at times. We at Generations strive to write professional songs/music for new r talent. Appreciate your time with us. Gino, co-founder Generations Music Group.

Cindy - 09/09/98 07:21:38
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

izza - 09/06/98 10:14:45
My URL:http://www.izzapiebob.nashville/opry/5610
My Email:buttercup_44@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: i dont know yet.Im a beginner.please halp me
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Bigfoot - 09/03/98 09:52:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/WestHollywood/Village/6672/uni.html
My Email:yeti@moonman.com
My favorite Nashville site is: http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/2488/
I would like to see: The Bellamy Brothers
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Billy Dunbar - 08/31/98 05:12:04
My URL:http://menbers.aol.com/billd43.html
My Email:Billdunbar@usa.net
I would like to see: List of Bluegrass Music sites
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Im interested in hearing from Bluegrass and Acoustic people also Gospel music

James B. Jersild - 08/29/98 17:00:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/opry/7450
My Email:Hbgcowboy@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I am new and havent searched that out yet.
Help received from a Community Leader: No, but i think i will soon be asking, That is why i am here now because i cant get very far as of yet. To much information to process.

I love country music and the country people, I really hope that this Community is the right place for me. Thanks for the opportunity to be here.

Brian Cronkwright - 08/29/98 16:13:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/4615
My Email:briansmusic@sprint.ca
My favorite Nashville site is: No chance to check yet.
I would like to see: Unsure
Help received from a Community Leader: Not yet, but will be looking soon

What I have seen so far looks great and I am anxious to start learning how to make changes to my page...

Suzanne - 08/29/98 01:19:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/Opry/7919
My Email:SasyMee@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I'm new and haven't been around yet
I would like to see: A Songwriter's Chat Room
Help received from a Community Leader: Not yet, need it though!!

I am totally lost trying to make my Home Page. I've never done this before and am not a computer wiz. If anyone can help me please do. I emailed for help but the mail was returned, "User Unknown". I love Nashville and country music and am looking forward o hopefully finding my way around one day. Thanks anyone who may reply for my call for help. Bye Ya'll, Suzanne

CntrySwty - 08/28/98 05:19:28
My URL:http://oocities.com/nashville/Opry/3503
My Email:MClass@usa.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Sweet Home Alabama! (?URL)
I would like to see: looks great as is
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Cool place to reside.. I will have to see some more sites......take a peek at mine!

Shane Watkins - 08/26/98 19:13:08
My Email:B.Watkins@torc lake.com
My favorite Nashville site is: yahoo artists
I would like to see: opry page
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Deborah L. Paull - 08/14/98 22:31:37
My Email:hunybuny128@netscape.net
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I'm just visiting at this time

Luther D. Kocher - 08/09/98 02:36:35
My Email:elkay093@epix.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Midi Music & Lyrics
I would like to see: More of the same
Help received from a Community Leader: No

I found your site by accident, and I really enjoy the Traditional Country Music and the newer country music aswell. Keep up the good work. L.D.Kocher

chuck - 08/04/98 14:55:10
My URL:http://mylugnut@oocities.com
My Email:mister@jnlk.com
My favorite Nashville site is: i am new
I would like to see: i am new
Help received from a Community Leader: i am new

i am new at this iam not sure i am doing everything right but giving it a go at it all help is welcome

David Brennan - 08/03/98 20:27:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/4648
My Email:believer_01@hotmail.com
I would like to see: Nashville search about country music stars
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Joel McLaughlin - 08/03/98 20:22:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/2607
My Email:jmclau@hotmail.com
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

I love this program and I look forward to becoming a community leader.

harold rogers - 08/02/98 23:37:09
My Email:bhrtexas@webtv
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet


harold rogers - 08/02/98 21:10:42
My Email:bhrtexas@webtv
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet


CLARENEPARKER - 07/30/98 16:36:49
My Email:CCP1280@AOL.COM


Harmke - 07/29/98 03:45:50
My Email:friesion46@aol.com


patty wilson - 07/22/98 22:05:57
My Email:patty.wilson@usa.net


- 07/21/98 22:01:38


Claudia Draper - 07/17/98 19:41:13
My Email:claudia@ctconnex.net

Sorry, I'm new to this "Internet Stuff" I am just looking around and I love country music so I ended up here. I can't really answer your questions, but I sure could ask lots. I have added you to my favorite list and I'm sure I will be back to look arou d somemore. Thanks.

C Bates - 07/16/98 13:04:55
My Email:ceb8s2@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: astronet
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

lst time here looking good!!

E.Frame - 07/14/98 12:54:49
My Email:framepub@earthlink.net
I would like to see: I would like to see Nashville Roadhouse Chat come back as it use to be awhile back with some of the old members.
Help received from a Community Leader: Not at present.. 1st time back here since Geo Chat Rooms went to ICQ Chat.

I wish Geo Cities old "Nashville Roadhouse Chat" room would come back as it use to be before you changed to ICQ Chat. I sorta' miss the old gang in that chat room, but seems time travels on I assume.

dawnalynne - 07/14/98 11:08:13
My Email:dawnalynne@goecities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: cnty boy
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

need alot of help

Shay Emahiser - 07/04/98 23:40:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/5015
My Email:poohshay@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Haven't looked enough to know yet!
I would like to see: n/a
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet...maybe soon though!


Bea - 07/04/98 01:50:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/3585
My Email:b2525@ptd.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Neon Moon Cafe
I would like to see: More help with creating home pages
Help received from a Community Leader: no

This is my first time here, even though I am a member since April,'98. I wish I would have checked this site a lot sooner. Just want to say "Hi Neighbors".

RYANBOND - 07/02/98 16:14:40


crazydisa - 07/02/98 02:49:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/4750
My Email:disa1398@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Everything
Help received from a Community Leader: Not yet I just joined

I love it very much

TINA C STEELE - 07/01/98 02:58:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/3920/index.html
My Email:tsteele@tctc.com
My favorite Nashville site is: ALL OF THEM
Help received from a Community Leader: NO


Dennis D. Diamond - 06/25/98 19:18:50
My Email:dddiamond55@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Haven't found one yet.

I'm thinking of putting my own webpage on here, as I am a country music fan. I liked the background that you used here, and hope to come up with somethig just as eye catching as yours. Dennis

katie - 06/23/98 15:07:07
My Email:countetkatie@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: all of them
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

hi nashvale. im new to this and i think its a ok site but u should have someone to help the new comers to ur site better. i found it very hard to do my web page from u all. so thats why i havent done my yet and wont do it. im no longer going to take the t me to make my web page because of that and i hope other have better luck than i did. thanks agania. see u all around and good luck other new comers

Dana Presley - 06/17/98 13:10:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/8575
My Email:DanaPresley@juno.com
My favorite Nashville site is: The NCC and it's componets *s*
I would like to see: Some public chatrooms
Help received from a Community Leader: Yep, and I help them out too :-)

Hi all Just wanted to sign the guestbook and say "Hidey-ho Neighbors!"

Joel - 06/15/98 17:45:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/2607
My Email:jmclau@hotmail.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I was wondering where you got your goodies page was it from the msdcomputers site? Because my uncles employee made a page thats just like that. well thats all I have to say. Bye.

Bean Pole - 06/10/98 20:14:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/4566
My Email:bean-pole@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Hard to say I love them all

I'd like to say Thanks for the support I've goten from e-mail's and postcards and I just moved in!! Please stop by some time its Nashville/Opry/4566 Your Friend Bean Pole.

Tongi Davis - 06/09/98 22:10:40
My Email:mdavis62@yahoo.com
My favorite Nashville site is: printer's alley
I would like to see: job opporunities
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Emily - 06/08/98 21:39:54
My Email:Angeldsnty@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: any blackhawk ones
I would like to see: more concert info
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Toby - 06/08/98 00:20:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/5020
My Email:ttrin@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: don't know yet
I would like to see: current list of availabilities
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

Had a hard time trying to find a vacancy to move into. An up-to-date listing here in the Community Center would be really helpful to newcomers.

Lisa - 05/31/98 01:29:56
My Email:sabeita@win.bright.net
My favorite Nashville site is: I'm new, don't know yet.
I would like to see: I'll let you know.
Help received from a Community Leader: No, not yet.


BJD,Barbara - 05/22/98 01:17:37
My Email:eking7@compuserve.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville palace
I would like to see: Seems great so far
Help received from a Community Leader: just got here

Nashville is my home away from home,, terriffic place to live, work, shop, and dine. It is always a pleasure to come to town. Love the hotels and great friendships ..friendly folk, looking forward to a permanent trip one day.. thank you BJD

BJD,Barbara - 05/22/98 01:10:35
My Email:eking7@compuserve.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville palace
I would like to see: Seems great so far
Help received from a Community Leader: just got here

Nashville is my home away from home,, terriffic place to live, work, shop, and dine. It is always a pleasure to come to town. Love the hotels and great friendships ..friendly folk, looking forward to a permanent trip one day.. thank you BJD

Jen - 05/19/98 01:26:22
My Email:cookie218@juno.com
I would like to see: Lyrics page

I'm desperately searching for lyrics to Faith Hill's "This Kiss." If anyone can help me please email me at cookie218@juno.com I'd really appreciate the help! Jen

Alan Antles - 05/16/98 14:21:04
My Email:antles1@gte.net


Jo Taylor - 05/15/98 00:59:29
My Email:jtabc@webtv.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Don't know yet
I would like to see: new to community
Help received from a Community Leader: new to community

Just signed up so I'm unable to answer the question above.

- 05/10/98 05:39:18


John Morelock - 05/05/98 08:56:00
My Email:jdmorelock@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: rebeltexan
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Bonnie R Makitra - 04/28/98 11:51:23
My Email:bmakitra@yahoo.com
I would like to see: Tour Dates
Help received from a Community Leader: No


jilana - 04/26/98 20:08:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/3448/
My Email:jilana@iname.com
My favorite Nashville site is: http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/3409/
I would like to see: Not sure
Help received from a Community Leader: Not yet!

Just moved to Nashville/Opry recently. Check out my site at the address above. For a first time site builder, I don't think it is too bad. Thanks for being here for us!

Wetzel Spears - 04/19/98 17:37:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/opry/3061
My Email:wetzelspears@fwi.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Still looking
I would like to see: yes

I would like to see a search link to people who have original songs in the community. Radio and video get so boring listening to the same stuff. I like unknown originality such as myself.

Brian, clone1027 - 04/13/98 21:44:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~clone1027
My Email:clone1027@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I'm not sure...
I would like to see: Nothing! This is perfect!
Help received from a Community Leader: Yes

Well, Being a CL and all, of course I've received help from CL's! Anyways, a lot of people here have said NO, they haven't received help...how can we change that?

- 04/07/98 19:42:10


- 04/07/98 19:36:58


Ange Reid - 04/07/98 19:11:47
My URL:http://listen.to/cancon
My Email:cancon2@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: All of them I love country music !
Help received from a Community Leader: no

Great community center, it is much easier to manouver around then the one my family belongs to !!!

danzingfool - 04/05/98 19:26:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/3011
My Email:goldiestwn@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Arena
Help received from a Community Leader: no


- 03/28/98 19:52:07


matthew powell - 03/17/98 18:09:39
My favorite Nashville site is: this one
I would like to see: leann rymes
Help received from a Community Leader: no

i listen to this every day

Pablo Amarante - 03/11/98 16:53:37
My Email:pamarante@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I didn't ever visit NASHVILLE. but I do want to
I would like to see: None
Help received from a Community Leader: No


HERSCHELL STEELE - 03/09/98 23:18:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/3920/index.html
My Email:catfish@tctc.com
My favorite Nashville site is: like all of them
Help received from a Community Leader: NO


- 03/08/98 15:42:30
My favorite Nashville site is: flowers gardens
I would like to see: flower gardens
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I would like to see flower gardens in nashville. Iwould like to see some plays to. Pam Hanna pamelahan@mindspring.com Pam Hanna

Barry - 03/06/98 01:19:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/2070
My Email:nascarfanatic@msn.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Nashville/3913 and Nashville/1510
I would like to see: Pretty dang good the way it is!
Help received from a Community Leader: Nope

This is a great place to have a website. All of the websites I have visited (with the notable exception of one, Nashville/Opry/2075) have been great. Thanks for everything!

krystyne - 03/03/98 08:01:54
My Email:dolphin1@Gulftel.com
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet


john - 03/01/98 05:59:36


stephen Woodcocl - 02/10/98 16:39:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/7673
My Email:stephenjwoodcock@msn.com
I would like to see: How to use the internet
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Hello, i am new to the net and i really am confused. I would like my page to be a featured page....how is this done ? I hope some one will e-mail me and HELP

Vanessa - 02/09/98 17:51:04
My Email:nessa18@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: I don't have one
I would like to see: I don't know
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I would like to join this neighbourhood

Debbie - 01/30/98 21:48:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/5118
My Email:deider@ncentral.com
My favorite Nashville site is: None
Help received from a Community Leader: NO

I am just trying to creat my own homepage and I got a link to your page.I will be back to visit more and other links when I have more time.Thank You for putting the free banner on your page,it helped me get started

Mar Muccioli - 01/25/98 04:18:21
My Email:mmuccioli@hotmail.com

Help, I'm having problems doing a page, figuring out who and how to contact the community leader, figure out how to move in, I don't know where to go to see if I have e-mail, I have 2 e-mil addresses mmuccioli@oocities.com mmuccioli@hotmail.com I do know that I selected address 1552 What next Mari

Robin Redifer - 01/25/98 03:18:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/9827
My Email:Hd8ball@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Don't know yet, just joined this myself. Will get back to you on that one.
Help received from a Community Leader: have not needed it yet


sailsweet - 01/23/98 16:19:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/9032
My Email:sailsweet@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Still Looking
I would like to see: A way to strangle unresponsive the approperate web ring leaders that are non resdponsive, for weeks
Help received from a Community Leader: Haven't required leaders to help yet , just the web ring POWERS that be

The community is nice, that is why I built here. The leaders of the Nashville Web Ring " whom arn't leaders" that give their addresses " non existant ones " should be tared and feathered and dis associated from the system

Shan Wilson - 01/09/98 22:09:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/8560
My Email:shaniaw@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: N/A
I would like to see: an advanced HTML guide
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Love ya Nashville...My homepage is looking better and better..hope to meet my "neighbors" soon...*smile*

brenda marinoff - 01/09/98 07:31:22
My Email:jaydog@nwohio.com
My favorite Nashville site is: joejoe
I would like to see: audio of music
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Ryan Hilman - 12/31/97 16:39:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/1285
My Email:orb236@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: ALL of them
I would like to see: Links to some of the Historic Buildings Such as the Ryman
Help received from a Community Leader: No

I'm interested in the community leader program ad would like to geeet some info

DeForest Ray Sparks - 12/31/97 01:01:13
My URL:http://www.geocities/nashville/opry/1308
My Email:DeforestSparks@oocities.com - DRaySparks@juno.com - DeForest@world-net.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Have not look around en ugh yet.
I would like to see: Can't think of any right off hand.
Help received from a Community Leader: Have not asked any ,yet.

I like your site looks real good. I have some more work still to do on mine , I need to find some good Western or Country, Music and a few other backgrounds for my pages but I do have them setup and working correctly, even have my Lyrics pages setup for v ewing. Take a look and let me know what you think , I don't have the guest book setup yet but you can leave me an e-mail message at any of the e-mail addresses on my page or CC to all of them and I will be sure to get your message then.

cntryLvN - 12/28/97 21:57:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/9429
My Email:cntrylvn@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: www.oocities.org/nahville/9418
I would like to see: maybe q&as that newbie html owners have
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I think it is great that people all over the world who share common interests can be in a community together and learn from each other.

Milfred Frederick Sr. - 12/16/97 14:44:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/Opry/1214
My Email:milfredf@kaplantel.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Will explore later
I would like to see: Will explore later
Help received from a Community Leader: Yes from Heidi Martin

I am having so much fun,I only wish that I can get the hang of all this. Heidi is very nice and very helpful. THANK'S

Henry5 - 12/13/97 08:07:35
My Email:beel@ultra.net.au

Just dropped in to say Hello hello MIFF & de LADS on IRC I'm a W. NELSON fan BY THE BY

Debbie - 11/29/97 19:02:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/1469
My Email:redroxy@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: all country sites
I would like to see: don"t really no
Help received from a Community Leader: not yet

very good idea"s check mine and let me nknow you you think

Michael Mandell - 11/28/97 00:21:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lights/5650
My Email:SkiiThang@aol.com
My favorite Nashville site is: ????????????????
Help received from a Community Leader: NO

I Love cats, and I also love your site! Keep up the good work! ~*Michael*~

Nuskat. - 11/13/97 13:05:32
My URL:http://home.att.net/~nuskat.wol/Nuskat1bus.html
My Email:nuskat.wol@worldnet.att.net
My favorite Nashville site is: 'taint been here yet to mosey
I would like to see: will find out soon


Beverly - 11/04/97 18:37:36
My Email:fulltmr@comwerx.net


Schroeder Patrick - 10/31/97 09:04:01
My URL:http://www.bkv.net/Schroeder_Pierrot
My favorite Nashville site is: 1600 & 1800 & 6300

Super HP ... Best Comments for you .... bey Patrick...

starla - 10/26/97 10:59:38
My favorite Nashville site is: chat
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Kevin Van Getter - 10/26/97 05:04:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/7890/
My Email:blackvulture@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Mary's Unofficial BlackHawk Page
I would like to see: None
Help received from a Community Leader: No

Geo-Nashville is great. It allows me to show the world all about BlackHawk.

M church - 10/25/97 20:51:25
My Email:geam@incahoots.u-net.com.uk
My favorite Nashville site is: chat
I would like to see: all very good!!
Help received from a Community Leader: no

I wanted to say that I love your site, especialy for chat and have made some really great friends. I was wondering what happens when someone comes on and abuses the chat. The last few times I have been on, a horrible person has abused and threatend people. Do you just close the room? Understandable:) Thanks for listening, and keep up the good work!!!!! ! Yours, m.church

garthokie - 10/22/97 17:20:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/7066
My Email:billdo@ou.edu
My favorite Nashville site is: my neighbors'!
I would like to see: Band Want Ads
Help received from a Community Leader: yes...lots! Thanks, Jeff.

Hey guys! The banners are gone, so I'm tryin any other way to promote my page! Please check it out if you're interested in music! www.oocities.org/Nashville/7066 Bye all!

Gustavo Henrique Paro - 10/21/97 23:58:06
My URL:http://www.dglnet.com.br/users/ghparo/index.htm
My Email:ghparo@dglnet.com.br


gayl - 10/21/97 02:01:15
My Email:bdriver@hotmail.com
Help received from a Community Leader: no


bugmusic - 10/20/97 21:54:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/8162
My Email:bugmusic@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: buckaroo"s
I would like to see: sound files
Help received from a Community Leader: yes

howdy not much to say except i will try and meet you all sometime come and see me and sign my guestbook ya here. bug

Luis Stolz Scheel - 10/11/97 01:47:34
My Email:lstolzs@quetzal.net
My favorite Nashville site is: Country Music


Bryce Winkelman - 10/10/97 02:27:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/7060
My Email:countryband@oocities.com
Help received from a Community Leader: Sure, but sometimes when I ask for help I never get a reply which is kind of upsetting.

Hey, I think that the Nashville Community center was a great idea. It is much easier to get help and figure stuff out about the neighborhood than most neighborhood main pages. I like it.

Darlene McCoy - 10/07/97 19:54:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/8006
My Email:darlenemccoy@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: Just joined haven't seen any but Kitty Korner
I would like to see: Can't think of anything right now
Help received from a Community Leader: I've just requested help, this morning.

I needed help this morning and went to the help chat. I was very impressed with all the people actually helping each other. It was Great! They even solved my problems.

william39 - 10/06/97 14:00:37
My Email:william39@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: none
I would like to see: cant find Garath Brooks
Help received from a Community Leader: no

i cant seem to find any thing on Garath Brooks can u see if u can send me something to my e-mail address please

Stephanie - 10/05/97 19:00:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/1853
My Email:cowgirl7@hotmail.com
My favorite Nashville site is: http://www.oocities.org/nashville/6068
Help received from a Community Leader: no


Chris - 10/04/97 18:07:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/7232
My Email:godbngd2me@oocities.com
My favorite Nashville site is: haven't visited enough yet!

This is a great place to have a home page.

weazel - 10/03/97 01:49:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~theweazel
My Email:oldroyd3@ptd.net
My favorite Nashville site is: it's not nice to pick favorites
I would like to see: navigation in the left hand table. It looks cool at first, but is kind of worthless if it's not gonna serve a point
Help received from a Community Leader: all the time!!!

I really like the new backgrouds and format, but I really think we should find a use for the table on the left <----- this here

chinacyf97 - 10/02/97 12:07:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/7928/
My Email:cyf97@usa.net
My favorite Nashville site is: 1818
I would like to see: already so good
Help received from a Community Leader: yes


Sabrena Harris - 09/27/97 23:09:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/8111
My Email:zazu@eskimo.com
Other than your own, what is your favorite Nashville site?: /Nashville/1900
Have you ever received help from one of the Nashville Community Leaders?: yes

Great page! Keep up the good work and I'll be back often to visit. :)

Nashville Community Center

Nashville Community Leader Liaison