Questions and Answers

Q: I want to move in to my page, what do I do?
A: You need to go to the Geocities File Manager  and edit your "index.html" file.
1.) Enter your Membername
2.) Enter your Password
Hit "Submit" 
Find your "index.html" file (ALWAYS the main page) and click in the check-box next to it.
3.) Hit "Edit".
A  blank menu will pop up where you can write your html 
In GeoCities, your main page must be called "index.html" (lowercase).  NO EXCEPTIONS!
If you don't call it that, all people will see when they go to your address is a listing of your files,
or, "Oops, we can not find that file!"
Any other page can be named whatever you choose in your link.
If you are completely done dont forget to hit "Save".

Q: I have a page already made. How do I load it on to my site?
A: EZ Upload makes it simple to get your files to your site. Just click on browse and find where you saved the file on your harddrive  and  open it to the Upload.  When finished hit the click to upload button. 
If multiple files are being uploaded or your browser doesn't suppory EZ Upload , WS_FTP is recommended to load files . Geo offers help with FTP to make this easy for you

Q: Help the  EZ Upload Utility won't upload my file. 
A: 1. The file is too big. The EZ Upload has a 500 kb file size limit. You will need to upload the file using FTP. 
     2. The file type is not supported by GeoCities. See file types supported

Q: I noticed my images have a border around them how do I get rid of that? 
A: All you need to do is specify in the tag itself "border=0 "
<IMG border=0 src="" >

Q: I made  a table  but it doesn't show up , what is wrong?
A: Check and make sure all your table tags are closed or your content will not appear in Netscape  however it will appear in IE.

Q: How can I make my tables and images download  faster? 
A: If you use a height and width tag on all images it will cut the download time.

Q: I have an error in my html  and can't find it.  Is there someway I can write it where it is more readible?
A: A few suggestions to preserve readability in HTML files
put headings on separate lines, 
use a blank line or two where it helps identify the start of a new section, 
separate paragraphs with blank lines (in addition to the <P> tag
Note: These extra spaces will help you when you edit your
files (but your browser will ignore the extra spaces because it has its own set of rules on
spacing that do not depend on the spaces you put in your source file). 

Q: My page looks good on one browser, but not on another. What is wrong? 
A:  There are slight differences between browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, in areas such as page margins. The only real answer is to use standard HTML tags whenever possible, and view your pages in multiple browsers to see how they look. 

Q: My images don't display but instead I  get a box with a red X in it. 
A: When an < IMG> tag points at an image that does not exist, a dummy image is substituted.
     1. You haven't uploaded the image file to your file manager. 
     2. The image is the wrong file type. Although GeoCities will allow you upload several image types, the only two you should use are .gif and .jpg images. The other types (bmp and tif for example) are not read by most browsers. 
     3. The image file name in the image tag is not spelled exactly as it appears in your file manager. Remember file names are case sensitive. For example: a file named pic.jpg will not work if it is spelled PIC.jpg or pic.JPG. 
     4. The image file is corrupted. Click on the View link beside the image name in your file manager. If the the image loads then it's alright. If not then you'll need to replace it. 
     5. There is a mistake in the image tag. The basic elements must be present in an image tag for it to work. The basic image tag is <IMG src=""> 
     6. You are linking to an image that's on another web site and the image no longer exists there. NEVER  link to images on another site. You should download the image to your computer and then upload it to your file manager. 
    7. And a most common problem ....You haven't hit "reload" on your browser. You are viewing the contents of your cache. 

Q: How do I copy and Paste Text ?
A: To copy click your left mouse button just before what you want to copy (text) and while holding button down drag your mouse along entire desired text to highlight it. Now while holdin down the "Ctrl" button on keyboard also hit the "C" key. The text is now in your buffer till you copy something else...but you wont see it till you paste it somewhere.
To paste click right mouse button where you want to copy text to, (e-mail,chat message board, any place where you can type text.) 
Now while holding down the "Ctrl" button on keyboard,hit the "V" key. just copied and pasted.

Q: How do I copy or save a graphic ?
You can copy a gif by clicking on right mouse and choosing what to do from drop box

Q: How do I link to a new page that I have made?
To link to another page in your Yahoo! GeoCities filelist, use the following HTML tag: 
<A href=" of your site/page2.html" >Page To Go
Note: Be sure to replace "page2.html" with the real page and the address of your site. 

Q: How do I align my images?
A: Here are how the different alignment tags affect the way the image looks on the page. The default alignment is to the left. If you want your image centered, just surround it by CENTER tags.
<CENTER> <IMG alt="My description" src="" > </CENTER>
To right align your graphic, you need to add the "align" code within the graphic code. Your choices are "right" or "left". 
 <IMG align=right alt="My description" src="">

Need more help?
The Nashville School House is  available to answer all  problems in building your site. Check out our School  and sign up for the necessary class you might need.

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