WeLcOmE To My
CrAzY aBoUt ChOcOlAtE pAgE
I guess if you are here then you must be a chocoholic like me *S* You can take my "Comitted to Chocolate" test below to find out just how CrAzY AbOuT ChOcOlAtE you are!!
Are You COMMITTED to Chocolate?
Part 1
Defining your Chocolate Relationship
We love to think of ourselves as true chocoholics, and like any other enthusiasts, we often fall short of the goals we set for ourselves. On a separate sheet of paper, record answers for each test section, honestly using the responses that come first to your mind.
How many times a day do you eat or drink chocolate?
Not at all
1-3 times
4-6 times
All day long
How many items in your home are either made of chocolate or contain chocolate as a dominant flavor?
1-3 items
every item
When you stop at the store, how often is chocolate among the products you purchase?
Every other time
2 out of 3 times
Every single time
How often do you eat chocolate when you're alone?
Once a day
2-3 times a day
All day
When you wake up in the morning, how frequently do you think of chocolate before getting out of bed?
Once a week
2-3 times a week
What amount of chocolate do you hide at work?
Only as a child
Only as a teen/college student
Only when no one has been watching me
When you have a box of chocolates, how often do you nibble off only the chocolate from the coated pieces and just throw the middle awa