bunny welcome

You are listening to "Your still the one" by Shania Twain

Hi!! I'm Teresa. I'm glad you stopped in. *S* Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm 35 years young & have been almost 14 years to a terrific guy
red heart GREG red heart We have two terrific kids, Chelsea, 10 and Andrew, 7. We also have a beautiful Golden Retriever named Samantha. We live in a little country town in Texas. I'm a preschool teacher at a local church. *S* I enjoy shopping, scrapbooking, & spending time with my family. I Love Music of all kinds. I also love cuddling up with a good book or soaking in a big tub of bubbles. *S* And when I'm not doing any of the above I love surfing the net, chatting or working on my homepage. Thanks for stopping in. Don't forget to sign my guestbook so I know who has been visiting & I will gladly return the visit. *BS* Take care!!!

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proud to be a mom

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