Jewish Bilinguals discusses ways of raising children to be fluent in their mother tongue and in their local language.
Jewish Bilinguals helps engender these skills to our children and helps them maintain their native ability as they progress through life.
Jewish Bilinguals helps us get over the psychological barrier involved in studying the mama loschn – Yiddish – as well as the mother tongue or the sfat em.
Jewish Bilinguals helps parents teach children that the language spoken by their grandparents is just as significant as their acquired local language.
Many studies have shown that bilingual children are more intelligent than those who speak only one language. In addition, parents are very familiar with their own native language. Yet, in many cases, their own children are not fluent in this language.
What a shame! There is no doubt that the children’s intelligence could be improved by knowing that language. Yet, all too many children do not benefit from one of the finest gifts that their parents could offer them.
True, some children choose to refuse this gift. A child who is surrounded by the local language doesn't like to be different from his friends who speak the local language fluently. He wants to make local friends and to absorb local customs and behaviors.
How can we bridge this gap? How can we raise children so that they will want to learn their mother tongue, and so that they will be familiar and knowledgeable in it?
That’s what the Jewish Bilinguals forum is all about.
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Keywords: About, Bilingualism, Language, Raising, Yiddish