The scouts were being inspected.
Camp director to boy:
"Why did you pack an umbrella
for the overnight trip?"
Boy (sighing): "Did you ever have a mother?"
The Jewish Boys group discusses issues that are of interest to Jewish boys around the world.
It is not a traditional pen pal group in which one boy writes to one other boy. Instead, members of the group post Jewish topics to the entire group, and all of the other subscribers are invited to respond.
Jewish Boys is for observant boys up to the age of about 18. We share experiences with other Jewish boys from similar backgrounds.
Typically, Jewish Boys discuss Jewish issues that they studied in their Cheder, Yeshiva, or Jewish school.
This is certainly very exciting for Jews who live in large Jewish environments. However, it may be even more important for those who live in outlying regions.
Young Jewish boys like yourself can find out about others who live in distant or even unknown places.
Help us publicize Jewish Boys. If your principal, head master, or Rosh Yeshiva will allow you to put up a small notice, we can send you a leaflet about Jewish Boys. That way your friends can join us as well.
Our children's groups have special guidelines. They are probably not like any other group that you have ever joined, and since everybody in the group writes to everybody else, they are probably not like any pen-pal groups that you may have heard about.
You may also want to find out about the special guidelines for our Jewish Boys group. It will help you understand how our group is special.
One more bit of information. Sometimes there is an advertisement on the side of this page. It's not always nice. Please try to ignore that advertisement. You might want to just click on the part of the advertisement that makes it go away.
I hope you will enjoy our Jewish Boys group.
David Grossman
Find out more about Jewish Boys
Subscribe to Jewish Boys
Find out about general guidelines that apply to all of our Jewish groups
Find out more about other Jewish and Hebrew groups
Third Son will help you decide which Jewish group to join
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Keywords: About, Children, Education, Writing