These groups face an additional difficulty when trying to help with Halachic issues.
Some issues involve more than one person. The subscriber who posts the message to the group is likely to presents his side of the issue, and the rest of us on the group will tend to side with his presentation.
Of course, that is not fair. A good decision is based on an understanding of both sides.
It's difficult enough trying to help a stranger based on some e-mail messages. It's practically impossible to help that person without hearing the full story.
Furthermore, we can offer general advice (but not necessarily a Halachic response) about an issue. However, this can never be as good as a solution in which the two sides work things out by themselves.
When an issue is brought to a Rabbi or to a Beit Din, then our groups can offer Halachic guidelines. They may clarify issues for the Rabbi or the Beit Din. Those authorities may then be able to reach a better solution, based on an understanding of the facts that is more clear.
However, our groups are unquestionably limited in the ability to offer a final, binding, Halachic decision.
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Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keywords: Decisions, Law, Rabbis