We are not powerless specks of dust Many people have asked why I run these groups. There is no monetary incentive. They demand 60-70 hours a week to maintain and promote them.
Yes, a sponsor would certainly help. However, I haven't really looked seriously for one.
The incentive must be different.
I do know that I would like to leave a worthwhile project behind me when my time comes.
That is what these groups offer. They are important, and every day I see the good they do.
But that’s not enough.
These groups are based on specific Jewish topics. People from around the world join together to talk about these topics. We have created unity among the Jewish people.
Some Jews of course are interested in more than one topic and for this reason there are they may be welcome to join more than one group.
True, there are many Jewish chat groups. However, I would like to think that this series of groups is unique. We have reaised the level so that each group is a worthwhile exchange of information.
Since they are moderated, most people are careful to post worthwhile material. They know that the material will be rejected or sent back for modifications or corrections before it is permitted on the group.
This means that serious people discuss issues on a mature level. This is indeed different from many other groups.
However, this means that the moderator and facilitator may return a posting six or seven times before it is sent out to the membership. However, when it is sent out it is worth it.
That effort is why I run these groups. It is well worth it.
drifting around in the wind,
blown by random destiny.
We are, each of us,
like beautiful snowflakes unique,
and born for
a specific reason and purpose.
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Find out more about moderating these groups
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Keywords: Forums, Grossman, Method, Moderation