Tasmin Ahmad (Saalik)

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I used to live in Karachi, the industrial capital and main port city of Pakistan, working for a software development company based in Islamabad. No, the company has no office in Karachi, and I just had to telecommute. Things worked fine until I moved "up" and became responsible for other peoples' work in addition to mine. Telecommuting was then responsible for too many problems, mostly due to lack of enough communication, so I had to move to Islamabad (snifle, snifle). Living busily in Islamabad for some years, the One who is really in control of all my affairs decided that I should go to the USA again. So here I am now in Irvine, California. Check out my All Work, No Play page for more about my work history.

I lived through the Paksitani International School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, survived the Aitchison college, Lahore, Pakistan, endured the University of California at Irvine , USA, and observed Islambad, Paksitan in a daze for some years. After several years of good life in Pakistan I am now back in the USA with a wife and three (whose counting?) kids! But how long would I stay here ???... it remains to be seen.

My passions include study of my religion, Islam, my work as a programmer, learning almost anything, reading, and...

I Love my native language Urdu! I even try my meagre attemps at poetry sometimes (see below). Some weirdoes even claim to like some of what I write, which usually has the effect of making my head swell and rise up, high above the clouds.

Links to my (pseudo-)poetry in Urdu script:

A couplet (after using the Web)
A GHazal (parody on a poem by Iqbal)
A poem


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