About the Artist You will find photos of me, my Cyber Studio (paintings, drawings..), a bit about myself, my 15 minutes of fame, links to my family and more!

Dough Art You will find information on the history of dough art, some dough recipes, photos, some answers to frequently asked questions and much more!

Clay Art You will find photos of my clay sculptures.

My Poems Here you will find poems I have written. My favorite is "I am my Mother's Daughter" which was written in honor of my deceased Mother. Every poem was written for personnel reasons and I know you will enjoy them. "Stale Bread & Brie" was published in the Anthology "A Season Of Flowers" by the National Library of Poetry, it was published in December 1997.3 new poems: A Glimpse of Heaven, Curtain Call & A Brave Warrior of Darkness.

My other hobbies Here you will find some amateur photography of my cats, nature and more. More photos have been added! I also have a craft page, a recipe page and some interesting pumpkin carvings

Art & Craft Links I sure hope you will enjoy these links. Over 100 links!

My Canadian Page My Canadian Photo Gallery. You will find photos of miscellaneous Canadian Scenes. A must see if you've never been to Canada.

Miscellaneous links I love surfing and I have found so many interesting sites. Over 100 links!

About Dyslexia This subject is very dear to me. My youngest daughter has dyslexia. You will find a poem I wrote to my daughter and information on Dyslexia. Find out who else has dyslexia

My Ring Page You will find my Powwow Ring with the Powwow Award I have won. I'm also a member of the Artists of the Web Ring.

I would love to hear from you!!!
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PS: the monkey faces were drawned by me...

Copyright© Page created & designed by Creative Hearts - Nicole Lavergne 1996/97/98/99