Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium

The Return of Babylon by Draconis Blackthorne
The Legalization Of Prostitution

Heptagram of Satanas


he earth quakes. From ancient rubble there arises glorious towers & walls. The hungry land swallows the old ruins to make room for the majesty that now breaks forth from it. The fabled cities of Sodom, Gommorah, & Babylon have resurrected now, that the jealous god is dead. Instead of annihilating these cities, the pieces have intead, been projected out across the world as seedlings, spawning anew in modern fertile soil. Mighty trumpets sound, as the rebirth of the royal cities of sin takes place.

Come forth, sweet Babylon, that thine absynth may be savored! Precious Gommorah! Treasured Sodom! The people of the earth await thee! Arise in splendour, & open thine doors unto us, the seekers of pleasure & indulgence! That we may receive thine ecstacies! That your arts & sciences may bring wisdom & delight! SO IT IS DONE!

The Pagan palaces offer many pleasures ----- nectars, to quench your thirst & intoxicate; ambrosia, to satisfy & give strength; artistry, to marvel & beautify; literature, to enlighten & inspire profound contemplation; musick, to entertain & bestow joy; sex, to enrapture & give bliss.........

Take these blessings from Satan as you will, with whomever you will, & whenever you will.

I Am the scarlet woman. The Succubus of your dreams. Ask what you will, & I will come unto thee...

Dressed in scarlet & violet vestments, the earthly succubi & incubi beckon. Naturally, one is drawn unto them, loins aching for relief, minds begging to be freed. In the throes of passion, one shall find release.

The ancient cities have resurfaced. San Francisco & Los Angeles now comprise the Kingdom of Sodom. Babylon is now Amsterdam. Gommorrah is Bangkok. These cities in turn, have spawned their influence upon others, such as Las Vegas & New York, among others. Indeed, every city has a bit of Sodom, Gommorrah, & Babylon in them.

And from those seedy, dim, neon-lit darklands, to the upper-class hotel rooms for clandestine rendesvous, the demand for sex is always high, as it has always been. But while other sexually-evolved cultures logically address this need by providing harems & brothels to its deserving citizens, America continues to remain in the dark ages, thusfar, unable to trancend into the higher Rennaissance. It is time to rip the chastity belt from Lady Liberty, so she may truly embody the meaning of her name!

There are five main reasons why Prostitution should be legalized:
1. Reduction in sexually-related crimes & elimination of unscrupulous pimps.
2. Surrogate therapy for waning relationships.
3. Tax deductions to solve economy budget crisis.
4. Reduction of sexually-transmitted diseases.
5. Job opportunities for willing recruits.

1. Reduction in SRC's.


ost sex crimes are a result of frustrations sealed up by stifling moralisms, &/or inferiority complexes. If Prostitution was legal, those hang-ups could be addressed & abated. The customer could order up a fantasy, & a fun, role-playing situation may be created that {depending upon the customers' wishes}, may or may not neccessarily end up in coitus.

2. Reduction in STD's.


ith strict, mandatory regulations, the clientele will be routinely checked for any kind of infection. Therfore, the customer need not risk his/her life taking a chance playing Russian-Roulette with a stranger.

3. Surrogate therapy for waning relationships.


here are those whose libidos outmatch their mate's. Much friction {or lack thereof} is caused because of this. Many times, divorce & seperation result. This in turn causes a great deal of heartache. Which, with yet another turn, depending upon which direction the wheel rotates, will either grant a good lesson to the couple, illuminating their personalities more, thereby watching for better partners in the future, plus, correcting the mistakes made, & becoming a new & improved version of themselves. But this is less often the case. Most of the time, the wheel rotates towards unwarranted, modern-day, societal-obligatory vengeance & mean-spiritedness, which is based upon feelings of hurt & aggravated insecurities, like opening up old scabs. Patience, perseverance, & unconditional love are almost non-existant these days. An unhealthy streak of self-destructive selfishness & insensitivity is the emotional plague corrupting the populace.

For those who desire a strictly monogamous relationship, marriage councelling may be the best alternative. But whether it is openly monogamous, bigamous, or polygamous, communication & acceptance is the key to longevity & security.

If one partner cannot, because of physical, mental, emotional, or occupational distractions, fully satisfy the other, then the local House of Pleasure could be the answer. It is all honest. There are no "strings" attached. After the fantasy & frustration is satiated, one partner may return to the other spouse, & wholeness may be restored & maintained. Sneaking off to the brothel is not the answer. Openly communicating to eachother about the option is the first step towards salvaging a life & family built through the years.

Both may even wish to pay for a menage-a-tois session, or surprise the other spouse. This will certainly add a tittilating touch of excitement! Something "different" & exciting without the risk of break-up.

4. Job opportunities for willing recruits.


mass-market with virtually endless possibilities will be created that will cut unemployment in twain. The fact is, there are many of those who do this anyway, but the STD risk is absurd. With so many sexy girls & eager guys out there, many of whom are unemployed, why not give them a respectable place in society, where everyone involved benefits? As has already been discussed, sexual diseases can be practically eliminated by the constant checkups, & of course, the eventual cure.

Pimping has always been a problem for street-walking girls. Abusive, exploitive, money-grubbing, often-times illiterate brutes bullying these despirate, frail women who often have no other resort. Naturally, when Prostitution is legalized, these girls will be tested, & given the option to leave, with funding for an education & skills, or remain, if testing negative for STD's. They will be in a legal proffession, with a rich, cultural history that should be honoured, not reviled.

An excellent example of this "concubine culture" can be seen in Japan, with those beautiful Geisha girls, artfully attired, & trained in the many skills of servitude & sensuality. If America is truly a "melting cauldron" of cultures, then the erotic side should also be considered! The unfortunate reason these exotic-erotic arts have not been intigrated yet, is because of prudish, cowardly, insecure little xianity, & its more radically nerdy, stuffy-headed, loin-shackled, literalist, primitive-minded, cotton-coated, self-deluded, anti-progressive, change-fearing, gutless, therefore constipated, faerie-tale reading bafoons! It is because of their prejudicial & judgemental attitudes that most of today's children are twisted & self-destructive. Many run away & flock to the streets, where they are sitting ducks for the criminal pimps. And before they realize it, they are feeding the parasite most of their hard-earned cash, & many times, themselves, as the pimp may want to "sample the merchandise".

The legalization of Prostitution shall send willing people over the legal age of consent {whatever that may be} into protective environments, where they can perform their jobs in peace. The only ones left on the streets will be those under-aged, the unscrupulous pimps, & the diseased. Then their numbers will be far more managable for Police to effectively handle & remove.

5. Tax deductions to solve nation's economy crisis.


ith so many entering the work-force in this new thriving field, who might have formally been on welfare, &/or homeless, the monetary benefits to society will be staggering. The proceeds of taxed Houses of Indulgence could pay off the national debt in a few short months after full implementation, assuming that there would be as many love parlours as there are damned churches. Why not convert those houses of abstinance & death into houses of life & indulgence?!

One day, I forsee larger turnouts at the Passion Palaces than at any Satan-forsaken church service ----- even at xmas or easter. For greater tresures are found & sought elsewhere.......



ex is in the highest demand. As it has always been. As it shall ever be. It is a constant wave, ever cresting upon the shores of conciousness. It is the supreme dance of life. The wave of the future is also the wave of timelessless. For as long as there is pleasure to be found, in whatever form, the intercoursings of existance is not merely comprised of procreation of the flesh, but also the ecstacies of the mind, & the evolution of the spirit. Whether indulged for the pleasure of sensation, or the manifestion of new life, the equation carries the same denominator, & equals the same solution, which is a magnification of one's own existence.

So go forth! In the name of Satan, & multiply thine ecstacies! And go forth, if thou wilt, & multiply thy kin.....but beware as to both, & let self-preservation & responsibility be the highest laws!

All true, practicing Satanists are responsible individuals. Only because of such, I shall urge EVOLVED Satanic parents to be verile, & fill this, Satan's Black Earth, with thine kind. That Our superior DNA may pervaid. The mere mortals shall perish by their own stupidity. This is certainly not the only way to inherit the world, but is IS the most pleasurable!

In Satan's Name,
Draconis Blackthorne.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXIII Anno Satanas / 1998 {666} c.e. All Rights Reserved.

Kevorkian: Angel of Mercy, Pioneer of Death
NEXT GRIMOIRE: XIII. KERVORKIAN: Angel Of Mercy, Pioneer Of Death.........

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