The Funeral Rite
This funeral ceremony is an alternative to the common rites performed by other religions. Many people rely on those ceremonies because they simply have no other chaoice. Those who want something more akin to the Satanic tradition, will find it here. It is a beautiful farewell to one you have known & grown to love. From death shall always come life, the never-ending cycle of Nature. The departed shall provide the soil with life, & produce a mighty monument to his/her memory. A towering oak tree, a living reminder of that person with their essence within. It shall beautify the surroundings, provide a home for animals, oxygen for all living creatures, perhaps hold a swing for a child to play, maybe provide a treehouse, or strong branches upon which to limb, or even a special serene place where you can physically return & reminisce of fond memories. It shall remain for many generations hence, & bring pleasance to many an onlooker. In any case, it is an ever-living, tangible shrine which shal confirm his or her lasting contribution to nature, never to be forgotten.
- To be performed on rich soil at sunset.
- All wear black.
- Offerings to be placed on the Coffin's lid
- All form a circle.
- Widow wears a veil, Widower wears a hood.
- Priest provides oak tree seedlings in a velvet pouch.
- Personal messages & eulogies are written upon parchment scrolls, later to be consumed in The Flames of Sorrow.
- The tears of the widow or widower will have been previously collected in a vial until distribution into the flames & to water the seedlings. Others may also contribute in the same manner.
- Approprite organ music to be played, &/or the favorite tune/s of the honored departed.
Priest: We have gathered here this evening, in the sight of The Prince of Darkness, to lay to rest our brother/sister _________. We are grieved by his/her passing, but take comfort in knowing that he/she lived an indugent life, surrounded with love, as those here have shown. We are better for having known him/her, & now, as he/she passes beyond the horizon enterng the Dark Kingdom, re-joining the black flames, returning to The Pit, we thank Satan for bestowing this gift upon us.
All: We thank _________ for bestowing this gift upon us.
{The priest drops three droplets of the widow's/widower's tears into the Flames of Sorrow. Then all in single file pass beside the flames & drop three of their tears also. The bell is rung throughout.}
Priest: We cry the tears of sadness, but also tears of joy. Even now as I speak, his/her presence is with us in our thoughts, alive within our memories. He/she is a treasure, & we thank The Prince of Darkness for bestowing this jewel upon us.
All: We thank The Prince of Darkness for bestowing this jewel upon us.
Priest: May these words resound our affections, & resonate through the ethers.
{Whomsoever wilt, shall now stand, one by one, at the podium, reciting their reflections upon the life of the departed. If so desired, the widow/widower/grieved may also say something, if they can. After the speeches are read, The Priest says the following:}
Priest: May these secret words silently acsend to the ethers, & be received by our beloved sister/brother.
{Solemn organ melodies shall be played now. Whosoever wilt, shall bring their scrolls to the Flames of Sorrow. The person/s including the widow/widower/grieved, shall read it silently, lay a kiss, & place it into the fire. The Proest extends arms over the deceased, palms downwards, saying:}
Anya Sinoth Oquimm Vamut Kosstyn Gishtinn Rinnon Niat
{The coffin is now lowered into the Pit. During the interrment, the music shall continue. After it has been filled, The Priest shall hand the seeds to the widow/widower/grieved, who shall plant them. The vial of tears shall be emptied into the hole. As this happens, the bell shall be rungg. Whenever the widow/widower returnss, he/she shall nurture the tree which grows thereof.}