Welcome To My Male Bashing Section

Hi! Welcome to my page dedicated to one of my old time favorites... BASHING MEN!!!
Ra - Cha - Cha - Cha!!!!
No Seriously, this page is made strictly for people with an open mind. I have no intention of offending anybody with any of these 'jokes'. I did not even write any of this to be honest, I am merely just posting them on my page. Take a look around, maybe you'll get a smile out of it.... But then again, maybe not.

This page has been put back up do to popular demand. There is still a lot of errors on it that I am eventually working out. Please bear with me. Thank you.

*** Special Notice ***
Some Pages Contain Strong Content That May Not Be Suitable For Children Or The Easily Offended.
*** Parents Please Take Notice ***

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Click On Bullets Below To View Pages.
        Men and Cybersex
        What She/He Really Means
        Pick-Up Line Rebuttles
        101 Things Never To Say During Sex
        News Bulletin: Men and Woman Are Not Alike
        Top 10 Rejection Lines
        Male Bashing Jokes
        Dating Dont's For Guys
        The Rules
        Women and Men and Their Hair

Links For Women

       Cosmopolitan Online
        All Men Must Die
        Heartless Bitches International
        Woman's Wire
        The Official Kathy Ireland Page
        Phenomenal Woman Of The Web
        Wow ~ Women of WorldNet

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