Chris is someone special that I have gotten to know well throughout the time that I have been on the internet.   He is a great person if anyone gets the opportunity to get to know him.   He is the one that taught me practically everything I know about computers.   Check out his own page (whenever he does in fact finish it).   I'm sure it will be a success.


Jane is probably one of the craziest people that I have met so far on the 'net.   She is always doing something stupid to make me laugh.   Jane is also an Internet Addict like me... but but I'm the one with the internet addict awards presented to me from Gates himself.   *sweet smile*   This doesn't look good on your record Janie!   Anyways check out her great psychedelic page and sign her guestbooks... you can tell her she's a dork from me!!!   Oh and Jane... CHICKLETT IS ALIVE!!!


Marci and Jon are one of my favorite couples on the Internet.   They met each other about two weeks before I met Chris. We all met each other in the Dialogue of the L'Hotel.   Check out Marci's page and see why it wins so many awards.   She has many good links about love, astrology, and even some informative links on Alzeheimer's Disease.   Jon also has a great page.   Check out his page for great links promoting animal rights.


Matt is another one of my strange friends.  Matt's homepage is in it's beginning stages.   Although he probably doesn't admit this to anyone... I stepped in and fixed up his place a bit.   Sorry Matty Patty... must give credit where credit is due, (j/k).   Matt, doesn't show me very much respect until I get b*tchy with him. Hopefully in time he will.   If you ever see him in Fargochat as "Wonka", let him know that REPUBLICANS RULE RULE RULE!!! Oh, and also tell him that I'm the cooler than he is.


Kayhan is a very special person that I met by calling Gateway 2000 for technical help.   We hit it off on the phone instantly, even though he couldn't help me with my problem (just had to throw that one in).   Since then we have gotten to know each other very well.   I guess you meet people in the strangest ways.   Kayhan is a great friend to have.


Tom is another one of my great friends that I met on Freetel. When I first started talking to him I was going to hang up on him cuz I thought he was arrogant. He thought I was a snob (to put it mildly). Anyways... we got to talking and found out we hit it off really well. I have been talking to him for over a year now. Tom's also in the Navy. Anyone got any good seman jokes I can pass on to him. *sweet smile*


Rilla is a friend that I have recently gotten to know through Jane (but please try not to hold that against her!).   She is smart, very smart!   *L*   (No I'm serious!)   Rilla has one of the best pages I have seen.   She is very creative and makes a lot of her own images.   Check out her page.   You can even write to her for some advice, and if she finds your problem worthly enough, it might just get published on her page!   GO~RILLA~GO!!!


Nathan is a friend of mine from Freetel. Definetely one of the best guys I have ran across (even though he is from Canada j/k). Nathan has a great personality and always makes me laugh. He is one guy that is worth getting to know if any of you ladies are out there looking. (I wonder if I'll get in trouble for that one). Haven't heard from you in awhile Nath, hope all is going well.   Anyways, check out his page that I made for him!


Mike is an email friend of mine that I have known for over a year now.   He's a great guy and always fun to converse with.   If you ever want your whereabouts to remain anoymous, don't email him (inside joke).   His friendship has stood the test of time to be added to my page.   I'll still consider him a friend even if he does call me at 7:30 a.m. in the morning when I got to get up a 1/2 hour later for work and am therefore dead tired!!!   *smiles*   "Like Mike, If I Could Be Like Mike..."

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