Sweetness Page
Anything You Ever Wanted To Know
About Me.... And More


My Personality:
I am usually very shy around people that I don't know. When I get to know people, I tend to be the most outgoing one. I feel that I have a good sense of humor and I like to be around people who do as well. I think that I am a good friend and I hold my friendships with people with high importance. People tell me that I have a very laid-back personality. Oh, and I tend to babble a lot too. :) I think being a Gemini I have two sides to me. One side being very liberal and and strong minded, and then the other side of me that is overly sensitive, pesimistic (trying hard to work on that) and always full of worry toward the people I care about.

To travel around the world before I die. Own my own business, or be a manger of a huge corporation. To learn a new language. Fall in love completely. To one day have a family with a loving husband, adopt two kids (boy and a girl) and have a dog and a cat. Of course my ultimate goal is to be happy.

Pet Peaves:
Racism, road construction, people who drive under the speed limit, arrogance, pro choice slogans, abusive people, people who whistle, people who snore loudly, when people smack while eating, boxes that say "open other end" when all the manufactures have to do is add a little slit to tuck the tab under (eg. Junior Mints boxes). My #1 pet peve is people who eat while talking on the phone.

Favorite Saying/Quote:
"If you let someone walk all over you, they will."
"Make New Friends, But Keep the Old. For One is Silver and the Other Gold."

What I Look For In A Guy:
Personality is more important than looks. I think to base someone on looks is superficial and anything can happen - looks can fade. However I'm obviously not going to be attracted to anyone who's scummy. As far as what features I look for is someone who has nice eyes (a big plus!), tall, built to big, and I prefer brunette hair. Now, as far as personality is concerned... a sense of humor is probably the #1 trait I look for. I also want a man who is loving, romantic, friendly, spontanious, and who just wants to enjoy life. I will not put up with a guy who is arrogant, racist or prejudice, and who is not financially stable. I believe in Pre-Nuptial Agreements because of this. I've always had to work for what I've got, and I won't support any guy who isn't going to do his fair share. Most importantly though, I want a guy who is going to love me unconditionally and I will do the same.

UPDATE: I am no longer looking for the man of my dreams, as I believe I found him. His name is Mark and I met him through the internet. *blush* After almost six months of talking via internet and phone, I met Mark face-to-face on 4/11/03. It didn't surprise me that we hit it off and the feelings that I felt swelling up over time were confirmed true. It didn't take very long for me to recognize what I was feeling inside me was love. People always told me that you "just know" when it happens and they were right. I am in love with Mark and can honestly say that I foresee a future with him. Not only is Mark extremely sweet to me, he's also incredibly adorable. I'm serious! I think he's very good looking and sexy! He's got the cutest baby face with his deep set brownish/gold eyes and long eyelashes. Not to mention his perfectly shaped eyebrows and high cheek bones. Ummmm... I could continue on here, but I'll stop as I'm sure I'm embaressing him if he reads this. *smile* Hopefully I'll get permission to express more details about him on my webpage at a later time. Maybe I can even make a page about him (Yes Mark, that was a hint).

People I Admire
Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, & Madonna.

Traveling, scrapbooking, playing on the computer, reading poetry.

Favorite Colors:
Black & Sage.

Music I like:
80's Music is my favorite. I grew up with Mtv and all the great hair bands. I don't think there is any music that I don't like besides country, folk, gospel & hard core rap.

Favorite Foods/Drinks:
Pasta, cheese pizza, bottled water, mint milk chocolate, seafood, Baked Lays & Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Cereal.

Foods/Drinks I Hate:
Grapefruit, barbequed flavored anything, V8, refried beans & most vegetables (especially onions!).

Favorite Actors/Actresses:
The very sexy Christian Slater, Adam Sandler, Ben Afleck, Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, Julia Roberts & Meg Ryan.

Favorite Movies:
Gone With the Wind, Schindler's List, Pretty Woman, the Porky movies, Bed of Roses, Grease & 9 1/2 Weeks *blush*.

Favorite Tv Shows:
Roseanne, Mtv's Real World, Friends, Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Cheers, Crank Yankers, Howard Stern, Oprah, Trading Spaces & Brady Bunch.

Stuff I Collect:
Shot Glasses, Coca~Cola, Barbies, Elvis & Smurf Memorabilia. I have a few Atari memorbilia pieces as well. I really need to stop collecting stuff.

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