This is why we should support the Free Tibet Movement.

First a short history lesson.

The peaceful buddhist country of Tibet was once home to one of the world's oldest and most religious cultures.  At one time it  had  little contact with the rest of the world. Until the country was brutally invaded by  China in 1949. Since that time, over 1.2 million  Tibetans have been killed, over 6000 monastaries  and shrines have been destroyed, and thousands of Tibetans have been imprisoned.  For the first time in their recorded history, famines have appeared natural resources have been excessively devastated, and the wildlife has been almost depleted to extinction. Tibet's unique culture is in a very high risk of becoming extremely close to being completely eradication.

 Currently Chinese settlers out number Tibetans , so they have become a minority within their own country. Under the unjust chinese occupation , the human rights conditions are dismal. The tibetan people are denied the simpliest rights guaranteed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including the rights of self determination, freedom of religious expression, assembly, travel,  there is not any  freedom of  speech, nor are there are newspapers, even the right to reproduce must be government approved.  Tibetan women are often subjected to forced abortion and sterilazation.

The Tibetans continue to resist Chinese rule peacefully and non-violently. As Buddhists,
they are devoted to the principles of non-violence and compassion. But  the peaceful demonstrations/protests/speech/writings by nuns, monks, and citizens  has  resulted in many deaths and thousands of arrests.  The political prisoners are tortured, even nuns vowing celebracy are raped, held in sub-standard conditions, with little hope of justice. There are currently over 700 political prisoners in Tibet.  China also holds the youngest political prisoner, a young tibetan boy whom is only  Seven  years old.  (As far as i know he has disappered and is considered dead.)

Within China itself, massive human rights abuses continue. Some estimate that there are as many as
twenty million Chinese working in prison camps, subjected to forced prison labor,( Check those labels...DO NOT BUY CHINESE PRODUCTS)  arbitrary imprisonment, and the imposition of the death penalty for minor offenses.   Despite the assertion by the US government that the presence of US business in China will improve conditions there, things have only gotten worse.  The world community has done very little to pressure China to improve it's human rights record. Major corporations from around the world continue to do business with China.
  Beginning to see why we, ought to open our eyes. And educate ourselves as well as our children to what is really going on in the world. Yes it is true, there are many issues. There are hundreds of other countries in which equal or worse environmental and human rights devistation has occured.  Including often enough our own communities.  The Tibet issue is only ONE of them.  However this issue is currently and can be used as the catalyst for change in human rights, womens rights, political, religious and cultural freedom across the globe. Through effort and unity, the citizens of Earth can stand up and say "NO!" to the corporations and
governments that continue to abuse it's people and misuse it's resources. The struggles in Tibet are symbolic for EVERY human rights struggle.


What YOU can do...How YOU can Help

educated yourself further here is a link list I have made for different organizations to visit.


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