J.W. - 12/25/00 05:58:50
My Email:jw@inlinedezign.com

2 (1925)copies of Les Miserables - MacMillian Print for sale .

J.W. - 12/25/00 05:58:45
My Email:jw@inlinedezign.com

2 (1925)copies of Les Miserables - MacMillian Print for sale .

J.W. - 12/25/00 05:58:40
My Email:jw@inlinedezign.com

2 (1925)copies of Les Miserables - MacMillian Print for sale .

natasha - 12/19/00 02:44:59
Favorite author: none
Favorite book: none

i love your home page Natasha .O. GRADE6 2000

Anna - 12/18/00 17:49:42
My Email:Anna1728@aol.com
Favorite book: Beach House, The Orient Express

It looks like you have some pretty good stuff on your website, but you should have more information on Victor Hugo himself. I'm doing a report on him, and I'm having trouble finding useful notecard facts on your site.

- 12/06/00 15:48:36
Favorite author: WHOEVER
Favorite book: NOT SURE


Megan - 12/06/00 15:45:41
My Email:mega@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Joan Lowery Nixon
Favorite book: The Giver

one word: WOW!!!!! This is by far the best website i have ever visited. It has inspired me to create my own. Thank you so much for creating this great site. I will use it weekly (possibly even more!) Thanks again.

Jessy Williams - 12/05/00 22:52:55
Favorite author: anyone
Favorite book: forged by fire

Nice web site, keep up the good work and please hurry and finish the rest of your web pages that are under construction, because I have a report due on Victor Hugo next week.

Dale Hixson - 12/03/00 07:51:00
My Email:Rdhwalkingstick@aol.com
Favorite author: Hemingway
Favorite book: Can't say

My friend, you have chosen a formidable task! You have done an excellent job of getting it going and I wish you the best in your endeavor. It is people like you who keep the great ones alive in the minds of those to come. Bravo.

Shannon Schunicht - 11/30/00 08:11:45
My Email:Shannon@alpha1.net
Favorite author: Joseph Conrad
Favorite book: Inherit the Wind

Shannon Schunicht 309 First St. College Station, TX 77840-1231 USA shannon@alpha1.net Whom it may concern: The following represents the narrative submitted for my entry to Marquis Who's Who in Science & Engineering. In the narrative, I stated how the discovery came about. In short it was a "memory compensation technique used when trying to memorize formulas. U on graduation from Texas A & M University in '94, I was contacted by the previous book publisher, Marquis Who's Who. At first, my thoughts were, "Who wants to know about me?", then realized this would be a way of getting the idea printed/protected through copyright. Upon initial printing in Marquis Who's Who in Science & Engineering, It has now been selected to be printed in 6 other Who's Who Journals, Strathmore's Biographical, 3 of which are International (Scientific International, International Biograph cal Centre, & Marquis Who's Who in the WORLD). RE: 27959650 Enhanced Biography While in the Army, Mr. Schunicht was involved in a mid-air collision rendering him unconscious for three weeks. Everything had to be relearned, as nursing actions were reported having been displayed on awakening from the extended unconsciousness (19 days) Studies while in recovery, brought about some pragmatic discoveries to compensate for the residual memory deficits. The most valuable having each vowel represent a mathematical sign, i.e. "A" for multiplication implying "@"; "O" for division implying "Ov r"; "I" for subtraction implying "minus"; "U" for addition implying "plus"; and "E" implying "Equals". Most constants and variables are consonants, e.g. C= speed of light, R= time/rate variable. Any students (High School & 1st year College Physics ), that learn of this method will have untold acronymns to lend. Complex formulas can algebraically manipulated into a memorable word, just as this author did with the formula for Wavelength (lambda)= (speed of light)/frequency. It was merely cross multiplied to get CELF. This is just one example how this method can be applied, as the @ for multiplication need not always be used (e.g. 3X=...) Respectfully submitted, Shannon Schunicht

franceschina - 11/28/00 11:26:17
My Email:francescagiuli@hotmail.com
Favorite author: dickens
Favorite book: david copperfield

great site, well done!

franceschina - 11/28/00 11:25:04
My Email:francescagiuli@hotmail.com
Favorite author: dickens
Favorite book: david copperfield

great site, well done!

The Phoenix LiCan - 11/22/00 01:54:48
Favorite author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Favorite book: The Lord of the Rings

Great site.

Laura Sheahan - 11/21/00 10:17:05


Barbara Bardo - 11/16/00 00:12:29


Anna - 11/10/00 15:29:46
My URL:don't have one
My Email:pyro_126@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Dumas I think his name is
Favorite book: three muscetears

Hi my name is Anna and I am from sweden. I want to tell you that you have a great site and i like it alote. I want to ask you a thing, I am doing a special project in school about Victor Hugo and I want to ask you if I can us the picturs and other inforamtion to that. Love Anna

John Wills - 11/09/00 08:34:52
My Email:joshea50@aol.com
Favorite author: Charles Dickens
Favorite book: Tale of Two Cities

Great Site

Ashlie - 11/08/00 19:41:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/simplyashlie
My Email:Of Dreams and Muggles and a Single Crazy Soul
Favorite author: J.K. Rowling, Barbara Kingsolver
Favorite book: Currently it's The Poisonwood Bible

I love Victor Hugo, especially Les Mis, and was only researching for a school project when I found this page. Even though it is quite simple, the information is well laid out, and I learned a lot from the links. I was impressed with the Origin of Fantin . That is almost exactly what happens in the scene from Les Mis, and the two match up very well. Thank you for this interesting look into the life of a man I hold high on my repsect list. Good luck with continuing the site.

serena - 11/07/00 23:04:22
My Email:serena_reid@hotmail.com

this is a very nice site to get info off of

Elise` de Montemas - 10/30/00 22:04:04
My Email:bunnec87@yol.net.au

There is supposed to be a family connection with Victor Hugo, just checking them all out.

Tiffany - 10/30/00 16:13:40
My Email:schoolgrl911@yahoo.com
Favorite author: rlstine
Favorite book: bfg

The bfg is a good book you should read it its realy kool well bye peoples!!!

Mark N.Elmendorf - 10/26/00 12:27:31
Favorite author: Carl Jung
Favorite book: Collected Works of Jung

My guitar is named Esmeralda!

Jessica - 10/25/00 02:02:25
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Hello everyone this website is very informitive. I learned a lot about different things. I know I should always come here when I need information.

Ada Seijas - 10/25/00 01:46:15
Favorite author: Victor Marie Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I've never really enjoyed reading I feel dredful when I am forced read a book at school. Many students feel the same. It may same odd but I often ask my self "How can peopl enjoy reading?" It is only now that I understand. It is books like yours that insp re people to read. Thanks to your great novel I know can to say I read a great book over the weekend and not laugh at those who do spend their weekends reading.

Ada Seijas - 10/25/00 01:42:27
Favorite author: Victor Marie Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables


Ada Seijas - 10/25/00 01:41:45


locomex5 - 10/24/00 01:22:59
My Email:jake@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Jacob's Rescue


jenny - 10/23/00 17:59:04
Favorite author: dr. suess
Favorite book: cat in the hAT


shelley hemmingsen - 10/20/00 18:12:08
My Email:pepperminttears@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Dr. Seuss
Favorite book: Cat in the hat

I wish this vitor Hugo would have wrote some English stuff cause his interesting!!

Jara Kirby - 10/19/00 02:30:28
My Email:jarakirby@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Hugo or Tolstoy
Favorite book: Les Mis

I am doing a research paper on Hugo's works--specifically his poetry, and this sight offered some good links and ideas-thanks

valerie orta - 10/18/00 16:04:11
My Email:buttbabie20@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: IT


raul trevino - 10/14/00 13:12:26


Stephanie - 10/14/00 04:17:16
My Email:sourkrause3@hotmail.com
Favorite author: John Steiback
Favorite book: Of Mice and Men

Nice site I enjoyed the pictures, and information you have here.

Nicole Newton - 10/12/00 17:02:56

Great Page and thanx for all the info.

Gillian Daigle - 10/07/00 15:26:48
My Email:nessie51@hotmail.com
Favorite author: too many
Favorite book: too many

Great page. Keep it up.

Dave - 10/03/00 23:29:19


cesar roldan - 10/03/00 01:00:04
My URL:http://www.nyit.edu
My Email:croldan@iris.nyit.edu
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: the laughing man


Martha J. Taylor - 09/28/00 17:32:47
My Email:mjtaylor@juno.com
Favorite book: Jane Eyre


Helene HEURTAUX - 09/28/00 13:01:20
My Email:helene_heurtaux@hp.com
Favorite book: L'Homme qui rit- Un Grand Pas vers le Bon Dieu- Le Pape des Escargots

Hi! Thank's for your great page! I'm a Victor HUGO lover, and I have the great pleasure to make conferences in a Museum dedicated to him in Bičvres, a small town in the South of Paris... If you happen to drop by! Cheers, Helene.

Vincent Shipe - 09/28/00 00:51:54
My Email:vinshipe@eden.rutgers.edu
Favorite author: Flaubert
Favorite book: Un Coeur Simple


coco - 09/21/00 12:41:38
Favorite author: no
Favorite book: no


Katie Crawford - 09/17/00 18:09:39
My Email:prcrawford@compuserve.com


Aleah FArkas - 09/10/00 21:51:32
Favorite author: Victor hugo
Favorite book: Dead poet society


Nathalie and Sylvia Wille - 09/07/00 17:53:11
My Email:sylvia.wille@uptomail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo , Gaston Leroux , Brigit Wood, to many to name
Favorite book: Phantom of the opera, Notre-Dame de Paris and Les Misérables

We love this site. We didn't know Victor Hugo wrote so many books. We've only read les mis and NDDP and we loved them. We also saw the musical of NDDP, if you haven't seen it yet you should really go because it's a wonderful musical. We actually had to cr at the end when Esmeralda and Quasimodo both die.

Jessica Williams - 09/07/00 17:32:50
My Email:angleskiss@yahoo.com


kulkarni vivek v. - 08/26/00 07:46:23
My Email:genius_v@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Jayant V. Narlikar
Favorite book: Preshit,Virus etc.

these are fabulous books on science fiction. thanks!

Carole Davidson - 08/26/00 02:51:37
My URL:http://carole_davidson@hotmail.com
My Email:Chudah@prodigy.net

Thanks for being here and the information you provide.

- 08/23/00 23:54:55
My Email:FAntroll@aol

Get back to you...

isabelle - 08/23/00 17:51:47
My Email:isabelle@poems.org
Favorite author: John Steinbeck
Favorite book: Of Mice And Men

Your site is very great!!But there's just one thing....I was looking for information about Notre-Dame-de-Paris... (snif) But it's not big deal, don
John Newmark - 08/16/00 21:43:29
My URL:http://www.gavroche.org/literature/vhugo
My Email:gavroche@gavroche.org
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Ninety-Three

Great site. I hope you don't mind, I am going to link to your Origin of Fantine from my site. Feel free to link to any of the items I've typed in on mine. (e.g. Claude Gueux, some poetry, and several reviews of his work). There's no need to duplicate our efforts!

Jim Phetterplace - 08/13/00 10:05:37
My Email:jhphetjr@yahoo.com

I've only taken a few minutes' look, but the analysis seems sound and helpful. Thanks!

George Nikoladze - 08/12/00 00:23:26
My URL:http://www.sakartvelo.com
My Email:nikoladze@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Victor Hugo was one the GRATEST writers who ever lived and i love everything he wrote. He was Gods gift to us. A gift which we will cherish for long. Great page, good job! George Nikoladze From Tbilisi, Georgian republic

bill barker - 08/11/00 21:59:31
My URL:http://www.shc.org
My Email:bbarker@shc.org
Favorite author: Brodie & Brock Thoene
Favorite book: Bible

Great web page and great find for me as I am just really getting onto bikes. My wife and I have had crusiers (made in China, I think). We have hauled tem all over the west (AZ, Colo., ND,ID & NM). Islowed down a bit after prostate surgery afew years ago, ut just bought a Pacific XL2, mountain style, 26", doule suspension, 21 speed alloy rim bike. It has taken a few days to adjust all the variables, and I just love the ride(espically the rear suspension)$99.00 on sale at Target. I'm sure this bike does not impress you, but I really didn't know where to start and I wanted the best value for the money, and am eager to learn and ride. I (we, my wife Pam and I,)just got back from rapid City South Dakota. I bought a used LL Bean bike for $25.00, put new tires an seat on it and rode most of the trails on Rapid Creek. What a fun place to ride!!! Thank you very much for sharing your information on the web. It is really fun to tap into on my bike fourney. Thanks again. Bill Barker

Tricia - 08/08/00 00:17:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/fantine596/
My Email:Fantine596@aol.com
Favorite author: don't have one
Favorite book: LES MIS!

This is a really great and informative site. I LOVED reading about the origin of Fantine! I'll check back to look for updates! Awesome site!

Alberto Orozco - 08/02/00 09:36:37
My Email:AlbertoOrozcoM@aol.com

Thank you for the review.

angela - 07/27/00 14:37:22
My URL:http://ask .com
My Email:www.cheetahpet.com
Favorite author: not you
Favorite book: not you

i want to know are you the movie ceater of hunh back of noter dame

Ray Winkler - 07/16/00 16:46:15
My Email:RWink1@AOL.Com

Thank you - good work!

Meri - 07/12/00 03:20:40
My URL:http://rueplumet_no.55.tripod.com
My Email:rueplumet_24601@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, Louisa May Alcott, Charles Dickens, C. S. Lewis and a lot more
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I love your site. I especially liked the origin of Fantine, very interesting. I think Victor Hugo is just about the greatest writer that ever lived, he really knows how to get the reader to care about the characters and what's going on. I have only re d "Les Miserables" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" so far but I am reading "Toilers of the Sea" right now and it is very good. Keep up the great work! Meri

Dr. S.Hart - 07/09/00 20:41:51
My Email:shart@tinyonline.co.uk
Favorite author: Georges Simenon

I have very mixed feelings about V.H. He was undoubtedly a genius; but a very flawed one. His poetry is beautiful and is far too little known, but his prose tends to be too over-blown for modern taste. One cannot ignore his views on the supernatural or the occult when reading his overtly political writings and I find it very difficult, for this reason, to wholly accept his sincerity when writing about the poor and the under-class, particularly as his own actions (politically, in humanitarian circumstanc s etc.) are so ambiguous. However, that said, his contradictions make him human than a superficial acquaintance would suggest. My own interest is in Juliette Drouet rather than Victor himself. Her influence and her role in his life are greatly under-es imated, particularly for those who only read English.

Dr. S.Hart - 07/09/00 20:33:27
My Email:shart@tinyonline.co.uk
Favorite author: Georges Simenon


VH's #1 fAn~!! - 07/04/00 11:51:56
My URL:http://www.victorhugoisthebomb.com
Favorite author: hm..what do you think?
Favorite book: Les Miserables, Hunchback of Notre Dame

Wow~ I read both books of Hugo, and they were all so good that I needed to read more. So~I went thru the net and I found ur homepage. Thank you ever so much for introducing all those works by Hugo, I really had no clue he published so much! I was so down uz I couldn't find any more works, but then I visited this page..thx for showing all your time and effort on this page..thx^^

Elizabeth - 06/25/00 04:59:06
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: They are all so cool, i don't know!!

Thanks mate, great info. The page really helped me with my French Assignment. Keep going with the page, it will be even better when the whole thing is completed.

jessica - 06/19/00 23:01:50
My Email:deap4life@aol.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: hunch back of notre dame

i would love to know if there is a encyclopedia sort of thing that has all of his writings compiled into one...?

Dianne - 06/03/00 18:51:12
My Email:Dianne318@home.com
Favorite book: Do I have to pick??

This page is great! It helped me so much on a report for my french class, thanks!

Elliott De St. Croix - 05/31/00 22:25:28
My Email:?%$#%$@$%#
Favorite author: R.L. Stine
Favorite book: Anal Sex for Dummies

Nice to meet your aquantince on this fine day of May 31st. Call me at 422-sPANk 4 a good ti:me. Anyhow, I love Quasimodo in Disneys HUNCHBACK OF NOTREDAME, he has a hard body and that hunch makes me hard........

- 05/25/00 00:26:20


nonazo - 05/24/00 16:36:29
My Email:nonin@ole.com
Favorite author: pablo neruda
Favorite book: el mundo de sofia

your site has helped me a lot to find out some picks from victor hugo. thanjs

Luke Reeves - 05/23/00 03:18:59


Phorum Ghost - 05/22/00 03:02:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/phorumghost/index.html
My Email:phorumghost@yahoo.com
Favorite author: undecided
Favorite book: Phantom of the Opera, Notre Dame de Paris, A Tale of Two Cities, Jekyll & Hyde, ... again too many...undecided

I adore this page. One of my alter-egos is will be building a site for Pierre Gringoire soon. I didn't even know he actually existed! Now I have all these hopes up for Erik! (chortle) I am definitely going to post a link up on my alter-egos' site to his page and I'll let you know the addy to that page as soon as it is all finished! (*happy dances, recites poetry, juggles juggles juggles* ...yes I love Pierre almost as much as Erik)

jay hipkins - 05/16/00 17:45:49
My Email:feep1@email.msn.com
Favorite author: eugene o'neill/victor hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Great site. I just ordered a copy of Hugo's Conversations with Eternity. Have you read that one yet? If you have, how did you like it?

dandaforbes - 05/15/00 21:44:39
My Email:dandaforbes@netmatters.co.uk

Thought you might like to review the spelling of "entirity" on your web page about Victor Hugo;s books.

Kim - 05/12/00 08:37:32


Christine Kiaser - 05/12/00 00:57:13
My Email:www.pamelack@ev1.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I only started to read Les Miserables because it was an assighned English reading. I fell in love with it though, and have continued to marvel at Hugo's honesty and purity in his writing. I have also read The Hunchback of Notre Dame and loved it. I hop to read some more of his works in the future when I have more time ( I have to study for finals right now). Thanks for making this site! :)

- 05/09/00 02:19:54


John Jaramillo - 05/06/00 01:06:41
My Email:john_12_29_84@yahoo.com
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Les Mis is the best book i have ever read it is a good book and the musical i enjoy playing it in my band class

Caroline - 05/05/00 13:44:15
My Email:Valleyswimmer99@yahoo.com
Favorite author: too many to name!
Favorite book: I love all books!

Your web site was outstanding. I am doing a reasearch paper on Victor Hugo and how his life affected his work. Thanks for all the info. Keep up the cool work!

Latecia - 05/04/00 03:04:38
My Email:NautiAngel@yahoo.com


jessica - 05/03/00 16:05:42
My Email:giselejb@yahoo.com

This is great but an idea--you could possibly add some information on his life.

Emily - 05/03/00 11:32:51
My Email:silver_chick65@hotmail.com
Favorite author: John Marsden
Favorite book: The Tomorrow Series

Hello I think you have a great site but you need to add more information about Hugo's history. em

David Hill - 04/28/00 21:14:57
My Email:Bigdad497@home.com
Favorite author: V. Hugo/E. Dumas
Favorite book: Les Mis/Count of Monte Cristo

There has never been, nor will there ever be, as many great authors as those that came from France during the 19th century.

- 04/27/00 19:00:04
My Email:simpaulsimon@hotmail.com

Don't forget about Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. I tried to do a 10 page report on it and I could find only two reviews of the book online. I think that I may be only the fifth person on earth to ever have read that work behind those two reviewers, Hugo's p blisher, and his wife

Dean Razavi - 04/25/00 00:08:36
Favorite author: Robert Jordan
Favorite book: Wheel of Time Series

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am doing a literary analysis on Hugo for a project, and your three descriptions helpeed so much!!

Kris and Al - 04/21/00 14:11:44
Favorite author: Dr. Suess
Favorite book: Green Eggs and Ham

i do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am

Joshua Brothers - 04/17/00 15:21:30
My Email:joshuabros@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, Michael Chrichton, Brian Jacques
Favorite book: Les Miserables, Sphere, Luke the Warrior

I like this site. I would love to see Victor's face if he saw this tribute to him

Linda - 04/13/00 18:10:42
My Email:cosette@melsa.net.id
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I am doing my thesis about Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. I need further information about him and his work.

klaudia salmon - 04/10/00 22:28:06


xarisa deback - 04/10/00 13:29:59
My Email:xarisa beverwyk_00
Favorite author: r.l stine
Favorite book: charlotts web

very interesting stuff has helped me really well for doing my report on him thanks sincerely,xarisa

Amanda Reed - 04/07/00 07:45:35
My Email:seuss777agr@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I discovered Victor Hugo in the tenth grade and I have not been the same since. His writing doesn't fade with time, but instead offers a plot and philosophies applicable to any generation, society, or culture. Thanks for bringing Hugo to the web!!!

Samantha - 04/06/00 21:41:02
Favorite author: Steinbeck
Favorite book: East of Eden

Don't worry, I'll be coming back :)

pamela manning - 04/06/00 14:43:16
My Email:gervaudin@aol.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: the wind and the willio


Beckie - 04/05/00 01:40:07
My Email:Durham davis@aol.com
Favorite author: Lois duncan


secret - 04/03/00 21:11:49
My Email:none
Favorite author: hugo
Favorite book: none

I go to your school i want you to be mine

seth Kruger - 04/03/00 15:38:35
My Email:kuger02@aol.com
Favorite author: hugo
Favorite book: led mis

This helped a lot on my project thanx

Tabatha Bowen - 03/31/00 16:14:58
Favorite author: Victor Hugo


angie - 03/28/00 14:50:29
My Email:agagnon81@hotmail.com
Favorite author: J.D. Salinger
Favorite book: The Catcher in the Rye

Great site....keep up the good work! Thanks for the info. Angie

Laura Robinson - 03/27/00 21:08:49
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The Hunch Back of Notre Dame


CLAUDIA VALLS - 03/26/00 12:26:35
My Email:cvalls@infovia.com.ar
Favorite author: Vargas LLosa


Ellisif - 03/24/00 17:23:25
My Email:..
Favorite author: Mr. Hugo
Favorite book: the hunchback of notre dame

What a lovely site! Great work

- 03/21/00 17:33:09

All I wanted to know was when The Hunchback of Notre Dame was first published.....

Tera Cook - 03/20/00 16:47:13
My Email:c_tera@hotmail.com


Allison - 03/20/00 02:03:34
My Email:switchblade89@hotmail.com

Thank you for making a really good page. I have to do a huge project for a class, and this helped out alot, it even had quotes from Les Miserables that are useful..Thank You ~~

mbw - 03/19/00 20:53:00
Favorite author: William Shakespere
Favorite book: Romeo & Juliet


roy - 03/18/00 20:52:07
My Email:arrt@vsnl.com

needed pictures of victor h. got it but do you have other authors like: saki,capt.f. marryat,rider haggard etc??

Adam Luna - 03/17/00 03:03:26
My URL:http://bvsd.k12.co.us/~luna
My Email:luna@bvsd.k12.co.us
Favorite author: Fydor Dyskofskoy
Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

Your site provided a great source for a research paper. Thank You!

- 03/16/00 23:51:55


rayya muhammad - 03/16/00 17:45:55
My Email:45678blazin'
Favorite author: sister soldier


Elijah Pace - 03/16/00 13:24:10
My Email:Moose5683@aol.com
Favorite author: don't have one
Favorite book: don't have one


Elizabeth Gray - 03/15/00 01:50:36
My Email:egray@jcu.edu
Favorite author: Fannie Flagg
Favorite book: Gone with the Wind


Arynn - 03/14/00 00:28:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Crater/5627
Favorite author: Anne McCaffrey
Favorite book: Too many to choose from!

Thank you for a wonderful page! It really helped me to have images of V.H. for a presentation in French Class! Keep it up!

laura vige - 03/13/00 02:43:22
My Email:lauravige@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

thank you for you're analysis on les miserables!!!!

- 03/10/00 04:12:35
My Email:md-tigger@gurlmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I have seen the movie, play, and have read the book and all are a liitle different. I have just finished the book and I can say that I enjoied more than the play or movie.

Chasse Brennan - 03/07/00 02:36:06
My Email:kcmojo@sebell.net
Favorite author: michal criten
Favorite book: Eaters of the Dead


Heather - 03/06/00 01:40:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Highrise/4904/
My Email:psychohez@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I read it as part of my high scool year long author study, and loved it. I'm currently stuck on Notre Dame de Paris, I'm having problems getting through it.

us - 03/03/00 17:24:42
My Email:us@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: le mis

this is a very cool site good work we are doing a project for school and this site has helped us a lot thanx! love:us! C&S

gary - 03/02/00 23:03:41
My Email:gfosterstephens@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The Toilers of the Sea

I can't understand why this book is not more popular, but then I'm a Romantic and a sailor. My favorite quote from this book; "the intuition of truth is often clearer in a simple mind than a learned brain".

Annette - 03/02/00 19:52:22
My Email:AnnettieR@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I"m doing a research paper on Hugo and your site was one of the very few which were helpful. Thankyou! Anne

Brandon Helke - 03/01/00 19:28:16
My Email:Buba1boy@aol.com
Favorite author: Jules Verene
Favorite book: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


tamara Peepeetch - 03/01/00 16:57:31


ian - 02/26/00 20:35:34


Pam - 02/26/00 04:53:45
My Email:tarbosha@hotmail.com
Favorite author: I have many
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I started reading Les Mis my freshman year in HS, in order to give a more accurate presentation on Victor Hugo. I was hooked. I have been attempting to finish it ever since. But, being in honors english my teachers are throwing books at me to read all he time. But finally this year we have been instructed to write a literary criticsm on an author. I have been given the approval to write about Victor Hugo and his novel Les Miserables. Now all I have to do is finish it and do the research, which will e enjoyable.

jojo - 02/23/00 21:59:07
My Email:lucianhammond@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les mis

I just love this book and ofcourse The death of a salesman when it comes to american writers

simone - 02/23/00 08:37:37
My Email:grassy21@hotmail.com


Laura - 02/23/00 05:04:56
My Email:electrca@aol.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: Deperation

Great site, well documented and well put together, lots of hard work and integrity! :o)

larissa - 02/19/00 06:06:36
My Email:pearsy99@hotmai.com
Favorite author: no one
Favorite book: don't read

cool site. But I still need more info

John Amorello - 02/18/00 17:59:58
My Email:Amojea@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I have no comments at this time.But maybe later on

Nick - 02/18/00 17:57:54
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:newbeecoupe@aol.com
Favorite author: issac asimov
Favorite book: hallutionation

i don't have any comments

- 02/17/00 03:06:35


kris - 02/17/00 03:04:19
My Email:krissy_dawson@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Hello Victor Hugo, I am honoured to be able to visit your web site and even sign your guest list. Thanks for the info- you really saved me from a lot of trouble. Thanx

Rita Ingram - 02/15/00 17:08:46
My Email:yomama@sprynet.com

Hola, I recently have found several quotes that I've found worthy of taking notice of. I was surprised to find that they were written by the same person, Victor Hugo. I'm ashamed to say that I said "Who is Victor Hugo"? When I looked him up on here, was again amazed to see all he has written and was ashamed to realize that I hadn't recognized the name and his importance. My next surprise was to find your web site and realize that you are also from NM. Not that I didn't think there were people from NM, interested in this type of subject. We are also from NM, only northwest corner, La Plata. In fact, I have a son who has been attending NMSU. He is taking one semester off, but should return in the fall, hopefully to graduate. I was disappointed that when I explored this site, and clicked on the quotes from V.H. that it was unavailable. I am however, more intrigued and will continue to snoop around here. If you decide to write me back, you have my above address. I am thinking of changing providers, so if you really want to answer me back please also send to my hotmail address. nmwildwoman@hotmail.com Thanks so much, Rita Ingram

Stefanie Arduini - 02/13/00 19:13:30
Favorite author: Pat Conroy
Favorite book: The Prince of Tides

What a great commentary on Les Mis! You not only captured the essence of the play (how Les Mis is a story of man's struggle toward God through love) but you did it with great detail and example. I also agree that the Cosette-Marius plotline is often overl oked, but I disagree that it should be one of the main focuses of the play; the marketing potential is not in the typical love story in this play- it is in the human struggle and sacrifice of Jean Valjean. Awesome site!!

maggie harless - 02/09/00 20:03:36

helpful for research paper-thanks

rashell - 02/09/00 05:40:05
My Email:kneening@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: i dont know??

victor hugo is the bomb i cant blive that he actually wrote the world record of the longest sentence !!!! WOW im printing (copyin') the sentence

Samantha - 02/08/00 05:12:34
My Email:Hbgirl27@aol.com

Very helpful! :)

Paola Rizzato - 02/06/00 18:45:44
My Email:paola@pavilion.co.uk
Favorite author: V Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Thank you for creating a site about V Hugo!!! I've recently read Les Miserables and can't stop thinking about it! I will visit your site again and again! Paola

Ligia Aristizábal - 02/04/00 02:10:09
My Email:anabel83@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Gabreil García Marquez and Ionesco.
Favorite book: El Túnel, (Ernesto Sábato)

First I will like to thank you, this page help me a lot for an essay about "Les chatiments", but supporting from another book "rayons et ombres". So, when I decide visiting this page i thought it was to turn bore, but it didn´t; I´ve learned a lot of interest things of him. I also believe your page is very well organize and have creative desings and pictures. I didn´t have the time to see the orphelin serach, but I believe is quiet interesting. Thank you very much, and congratulations. I´ll be visiting the page in anotjer oportunity.

Lady Michika Tenshi - 02/02/00 20:33:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/tanava_manor/
My Email:tanava_manor@xoommail.com
Favorite author: Anne Rice
Favorite book: The Mayfair Witches

Interessting page. Though what whould be nice would be something on Victor Hugo's life. Anyways nice page!

Virginia Schaefer - 01/28/00 16:32:06
My Email:vlschaefer@aol.com
Favorite author: Dostoyevsky
Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

I belong to two Learning in Retirement Organizations; LIR's must be affiliated with Universities, colleges, are peer led and a very worthwhile means by which to keep mentally stimulated and challenged. We members are presenting biographies, hence, my inqu y about Victor Hugo.

Victor - 01/26/00 22:10:08

Your website will probably be good. I hope you can get it done quickly. I am currently doing a project on Victor Hugo myself. I found your site in ASK JEEVES (www.ask.com.)

Hiroshi Nakai - 01/23/00 11:00:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.jp/Bunchan/
My Email:chongjuhong@lycos.ne.jp
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Hi, I also love "Les Miserables". So, I have made the Web Page for the Word Litratures including "Les Miserable" and "Hugo". However, this site is only for Japanese. If you can see the Japanese Font on your Browser, please visit my Home Page. Thank you.
Courtney - 01/22/00 17:22:42
My Email:eowyn_rohan@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Hugo, Tolkein, Babara Michaels/Elizabeth Peters, Daphne DuMaurier, more

This I a great site, I can't wait till it is finished! I LOVED the 'Origin of Fantine'!! There is sadly not nearly enough about Victor Hugo on the net, and he deserves a tribute like this.

Libby Hieber - 01/21/00 01:50:13
My Email:tweedlede2000@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Hugo, C.S. Lewis, most classic in-print authors
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I've been here before for pleasure, now I'm here for work. Thank you to everyone who randomly sent me emails. I do appreciate the comraderie!

Jason Stearns - 01/20/00 20:13:54
My Email:Jstearns1114@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Hugo, Balzac
Favorite book: Les Miserables, Lost Illusions

Hugo is one of the greatest authors of all time! Your site is a great tribute to his genius. I wish there was more biographical information though. Good Work!!!

Lina Svensson - 01/20/00 18:23:09
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Notre Dame


Your Daddy bitch - 01/18/00 18:19:36

This Shit sucks Dick!!!

Debbie Duce - 01/18/00 10:45:48
My Email:faidfd@leeds.ac.uk

Found this web page v.interesting - I'm looking for a passage I read and found this all v.enlighting. Good work!

Debbie Duce - 01/18/00 10:45:24
My Email:faidfd@leeds.ac.uk

Found this web page v.interesting - I'm looking for a passage I read and found this all v.enlighting. Good work!

- 01/18/00 01:35:46

I really like your page. It gives interesting insight into the man who wrote so many inspiring works.

- 01/18/00 01:34:37


Georgia - 01/17/00 07:14:46
Favorite author: Samuel Beckett
Favorite book: Hitlers Willing Executioners

This site would be better if it had more about Victor Hugo's life, which is what I am looking for, but it's ok otherwise

Olivia Alvarez - 01/16/00 00:40:29
My Email:itsmeoli7@hotmail.com


Katie - 01/11/00 18:58:44
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserbles\Notre Dame de Paris

I found your page very interesting. I love all of Victor's works that I have read. I especially enjoy his social commentaries all of which I agree with, for example his ideas that the death penalty is wrong, criminals CAN be reformed, and religion shoul be a first step in helping society's ills. I always encourage my friends in high school to read Les Miserables but they are afraid of its length. One thing that perplexed me about you guest book was that people would leave nasty letters and then sign th ir e-mail adress! Why would they even come here in the first place? I apologize for their stupidity. Thanks for the page!

Gabrielle Roy - 01/11/00 13:39:09
My Email:gabrielleroy@hotmail.com
Favorite author: none
Favorite book: Flowers for Algernon

this website is really great but i'm actually lokking for one of Hugo's poems which i heard in a recital done in paris by Fabrice Lucini which is called "Le mot". it was so beautiful and well written but i don't seem to find it anywhere, maybe you would now where i could find it. PLease wirte to me if you know more. yours sincerly, gabrielle

Amanda Clancy - 01/10/00 23:51:29
My Email:ajbsb_21@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I think that you people have done wonders to this site. Keep up the good work!!

Jessica - 01/09/00 11:30:06
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Orientales

Great !

- 01/07/00 22:56:29

Merci beaucoup pour ces photos que je n'avais jusqu'ici pas trouvé sur un site français. encore bravo et merci Un admirateur de victor hugo

Liv Lasky - 01/07/00 04:22:08
My Email:olga927@hotmail.com
Favorite author: J.K. Rowling
Favorite book: The Wind in the Willows

Victor Hugo is awsome!

michelle kerwick - 01/05/00 18:51:02
My Email:chelley512@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserable

this site helps a ton! u have no clue

- 01/05/00 08:46:33


Chris - 01/04/00 07:04:38
My Email:cyber_stings@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Steven King
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I love your page. It gave me the info I needed and some photos that were great. Keep it up!

Robert Mercado - 12/28/99 09:52:41
My Email:www.bet.com.
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

its magnificent

- 12/17/99 20:21:57

Shouldn't it be "in memoriam"?--check your dictionary--it's under the "in" words. Or is it meant to be a play on words?

Kyle Barnard - 12/13/99 16:34:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/bigkyle_2000
My Email:bigkyle_2000@yahoo.com
Favorite author: This guy
Favorite book: None


Renae Spritzer - 12/10/99 06:30:42
My Email:AutumnSpritzer@msn.com
Favorite author: Ayn Rand
Favorite book: Lermontov's Hero of Our Time

This is a great site, very well planned out. I made good use of several points in paper showing similarities between elements of "Notre Dame de Paris" and two of Alexander Pushkin's prose works, (both of which postdate Hugo's original). Thanks and good l ck with continuing construction.

Renae Spritzer - 12/10/99 06:25:12
My Email:AutumnSpritzer@msn.com
Favorite author: Ayn Rand
Favorite book: Lermontov's Hero of Our Time


BJ - 12/09/99 23:10:29
Favorite book: The Eye of the World

Yes I am an EQ addict. Me and my husband both play (we have 2 puters), which makes it sooo much easier to continue the addiction ;^) Nice site!

"jean-luc" - 12/03/99 13:28:56

this is a very good website. I am using this website for a report and it is very interesting! thank you for all your hard work. Jean-luc

michelle jux - 12/03/99 12:33:25
My Email:michelle.jux@swk.co.uk
Favorite author: bronte


Lisa - 12/02/99 01:32:27
My Email:sexy_sweet_me@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Mary Higgins Clark
Favorite book: A Time to Kill & Pretend You Don't See Her

Great Page!! It's filled with alot of info. that helped me out for my report! Thanks.

pilom - 11/30/99 23:15:51
My URL:http://home.eznet.net/~rlmsmw/realm/nik/hugo
My Email:pilom@bolt.com
Favorite book: Harry Potter series

Your site is awsome. It hepled me out a ton for a report.

Ben caughey - 11/30/99 17:43:55
Favorite author: Robert Jordan
Favorite book: The Dolphins of pern

I am reading Les Miserables for a book report. I sing "Do you hear the people sing" constantly. I hope we perform The play in our school operretta.

ace - 11/25/99 01:01:00
My Email:magma.ca
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

great page...........

Kristy - 11/23/99 21:49:23
My Email:kristysilver@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Misarable

The website was a good resourse and I found it a huge help.

- 11/20/99 00:18:55

this web site sucks!

Chris - 11/19/99 01:22:39
My Email:cyberpiccolo@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Larry Niven
Favorite book: Ringworld

Victor Hugo is cool! I'm amazed at what he did in his life.

Therese Abalo - 11/18/99 18:56:29
Favorite author: Victor Hugo(thatz why I'm here)
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I don't understand........ meow mix oh and john and nick are gay lovers

Crumdog - 11/18/99 14:48:32
My Email:crumdog_99@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: Desperation

Hey dude, the page is nice, good work. Please add more bio-like stuff on Hugo(His life, accomplishments and stuff.) Nice Job 5:o (Elvis, "5" is his hair.)

Jason - 11/17/99 01:40:19
My Email:K9_Cop48@Hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I'm a real Victor Hugo fan, and found this site to be very enjoyable, and full of useful information. Keep up the good work!!

cloud 9 - 11/16/99 18:23:33


aftan scott - 11/15/99 20:27:27
My Email:aftan_scott@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Terry McMillian
Favorite book: A Time To Kill


jen - 11/15/99 16:41:14
My Email:jencox521@yahoo.com


joyce - 11/15/99 13:37:01
My Email:incurablejoyce@hotmail.com
Favorite author: richard bach

hi. i'm lookin' 4 this poem by s'victor... i currently lost my copy. it starts with "since i have set my lips on your full cup my sweet..." if u have a copy of this, would u send me one? thank u very much! :) take care! best wishes! always, joyce

Nomi - 11/14/99 22:23:49
Favorite author: William Shakespere
Favorite book: The Outsiders

This sight was really great! I enjoyed reading all you ahd to say about Victor Hugo and his works.

- 11/14/99 20:56:48


Tina - 11/14/99 00:12:05
My Email:mymydaisy@aol.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

cool websight

- 11/13/99 23:22:34
My Email:mcmxcix@gateway.net

Great Site! I've read the book in Spanish, French, Italian, and yesterday I finished the English version. Some may think it silly. I just wanted to share that with other V.H. fans since I see I'm not alone.

monica amrein - 11/12/99 00:49:43

this sight was very informative. it was a great help for me! thanks.

Runar Andersson - 11/11/99 14:23:45
My Email:andersson@profileum.no
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Toilers of the sea

Hi there Victor Hugo devotees! Here`s a request from Norway. I am desperately searching all bookshops in Norway and the net for a part of the lyrics from the novel "Toilers of the sea" by Victor Hugo. The part I am looking for is where he describes the norwegian fjord:Lysefjorden. I th nk its from the 2.nd part. 1st book.chapter 5. I have it in french and norwegian, but I need it in english. Can anyone help me with that? Or do you know of any other sites on the net where to look? Regards Runar Andersson andersson@profileum.no

Jerica Jefferson - 11/10/99 20:20:44
My Email:chlr01@aol.com
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Pretty nice site. I appreciate it for my research on my presention on Les Mis for school

Machiavelli George - 11/10/99 01:37:35

The radio towers

Libby Hieber - 11/09/99 20:13:21
My Email:tweedlede2000@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

This is a neato page. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is even remotely fascinated with Victor Hugo. I can understand why none of my friends are - I'm a senior in high school - but it still helps to know that I am not alone. Keep up the g od work!

Marie - 11/08/99 21:50:38

Nice page God Bless

ada ramirez - 11/06/99 17:39:41
My Email:alr8@gte.net
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

could you please add some more on the biography of victor hugo? Thank you

Valerie Stilwell - 11/06/99 14:51:31
My Email:VDanceS81
Favorite author: Emily Bronte
Favorite book: Wuthering Heights


Amanda Dirksen - 11/03/99 23:22:59
My Email:SpandX123
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, J.KRowling,and Mark Twain
Favorite book: Harry Potter (allthree) Nancy Drew (all of them) and the Hobbit

I love the play Les Miserables it's my very favorite. I love the song from the play "Only On My Own"

stephanie brown - 11/02/99 13:25:34
My Email:scooby159@hotmail.com
Favorite author: ???
Favorite book: I have lots


Alison Thomas - 11/02/99 12:24:37
My Email:Ali1t@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miz

wonderful! keep up the magnificent work!thanx alot!

Laura - 10/27/99 21:12:05
My Email:lauramac@accucomm.net
Favorite author: Bronte Sisters/ M. Twain
Favorite book: I haven't read enough of either to decide

Where did you find the time to get LES MIS onto your web page? Did you actually TYPE it? Wow...

Brad Pitt - 10/26/99 16:25:52


Jenni - 10/22/99 05:01:49
My Email:jupydoo@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, of course!
Favorite book: Les Miserables

This is a great sight with information I wasn't able to find anywhere. The insights on Fantine were invaluable.

edward khoury - 10/21/99 17:28:47
My Email:elsheikh@hotmail.com
Favorite author: corneille, voltaire, hugo
Favorite book: le cid

It is great to find somebody appreciating the genius of victor hugo, it is a sight i will visit continuously, i tried to get into your antique books section but was unable to do so can you email me when it is up and running thks in advance

Erin Clark - 10/17/99 05:44:55
My Email:erinash13
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miz


marty the fagg - 10/06/99 20:29:02
My Email:xxxme@aol.com
Favorite author: Larry Flynn
Favorite book: December 98 penthouse

I am gay how bout you big boy?

Sarah Sundquist - 10/06/99 18:20:39
My Email:sundquists@yahoo.com
Favorite author: John Grisham
Favorite book: To Kill A Mocking Bird


Kayla Skinner - 10/06/99 10:58:05
My Email:suger82@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Phillip Pullman, Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The golden compass, Les Miserables

Hellooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

- 10/06/99 10:36:39


Waymon Covington - 10/04/99 16:16:24
My Email:rebfan2@earthlinl.net
Favorite author: Proust/Faulkner
Favorite book: Crime and Punishment


Jessica Healy - 10/04/99 03:51:36
My Email:jhealy@alphalink.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: THe Notre Dame of Paris

Your web page and all that it contains is fantastic. I'm only in yr9, so I found it very helpful in understanding more about Hugo and his works. Thankyou

tavis munro - 09/30/99 18:01:30
My Email:beutiful311@yahoo.com
Favorite author: henrik ibsen
Favorite book: the doll's house

i think you have a very nice web page, but one thing you might want to consider changing: memorandom means notice, and memoriam means memory.so when at your opening screen you say "victor hugo, in memorandum" you are saying "in notice" oh, well, feel free to contact me at the above address

Cheryl Hansen - 09/29/99 19:29:51
My Email:cmhansen@weber.edu
Favorite author: beaucoup
Favorite book: beaucoup


- 09/29/99 17:39:15


Lucy K - 09/28/99 03:31:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/Msk
My Email:thetruelelu@hotmail.com
Favorite author: I always go back to Shakespeare
Favorite book: play . . . Midsummer Night's Dream

I teach at Colton High School in Southern California. There isn't a lot on the web on Hugo so . . . thank you!!! My students and I appreciate your work!!!

Caroline Gustafsson - 09/17/99 17:03:09
My Email:www.lizep@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

Hi!!!" I´m a girl from Sweden, and I are doing a work in school about Victor Hugo. I find your site and I have find alot of god pictures here and good fakt aboute him. But I am not so good att english, so I don´t understand if the roman, Les Miserables have been a movie too? Please send me a answer of this question ,sommeday, and tell me were you have find all this fakt aboute Hugo, please. And if you know the name on his father, please tell me!! Thanks, Caroline

antonio ciniglia - 09/10/99 10:14:14
My Email:roark60@yahoo.com
Favorite author: victor hugo / ayn rand
Favorite book: 93/ the fountainhead

Two brilliant thinkers and writers

Michelle - 09/10/99 03:45:40
My Email:Shelly4222@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

The words Victor Hugo wrote in Les Miserables have touched my heart in so many ways. I just recently read the book and it is now my favorite book. I cant wait to read it again and explore different aspcts of the book at more dept. Your web page is great nd the words you wrote made me think even more. I'm so glad I found this website. thank you.

mariana - 09/08/99 23:17:08
My Email:mariana@netpoint.com.br
Favorite author: clarisse lispector


- 09/06/99 09:58:40


- 09/06/99 09:58:29


melvin cotterill - 08/25/99 00:27:42
My Email:melvinj@jps.net

Thanks for sharing your work on the Internet. Sincerely Melvin Cotterill Amateur Astronomer

David Glicker - 08/05/99 15:38:49
My Email:glick@freeway.net
Favorite author: Shakespeare
Favorite book: Impossible to respond to this!

Nice page, informative, I enjoyed reading the "Origin of Fantine." I am at present at work on a thesis about Les Miserables. Do you happen to know of any source materials that explicate "Progress" in LM? Au Revoir

Yafa Kfir - 07/24/99 10:23:22
My Email:yafayoav@netvision.net.il

Can you help me - is there any conection between the scene of the fight and rebel in Les Miserables and the painting of Delacroix - Liberty leads the people??????????? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Yafa Kfir, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Yafa Kfir - 07/24/99 10:23:01
My Email:yafayoav

Can you help me - is there any conection between the scene of the fight and rebel in Les Miserables and the painting of Delacroix - Liberty leads the people??????????? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Yafa Kfir, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Sarah Price - 07/09/99 11:27:04
My Email:sarahpricegbr@netscape.net
Favorite author: Samuel Beckett
Favorite book: The Diving-Bell and the Butterfly

Hey, Thanks for writing all that; you just helped with my french homework. If you have any other interesting stuff or if you can recommend and good books then e-mail me or whatever. I really suggest that you read "the Diving-Bell and the Butterfly." It's by the old editor of french "Elle" magazine and it's absolutely amazing: it will remind you of the value of life. Also, have you read or seen the play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel eckett? What did you think? I hope to hear from you soon, Love Sarah.

- 06/29/99 22:05:25


Lorriea - 06/29/99 18:58:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/Club/8061/index.html
My Email:Lorriea46@iname.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: The Stand

I applaud this page, it is one of the better ones for Mr. Hugo. My only complaint is you should make a whole section for The Hunchback of Notre Dame...his greatest novel. If you did than this site would be perfect.

Cassie - 06/25/99 03:30:57
My Email:strausfm@eagnet.com
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables


pam - 06/22/99 15:49:43
My Email:p_peoples@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: champions of the night

well i really liked jean val jean it was pretty cool well gotta go bye

torandré bergli - 06/19/99 01:02:52
My Email:ta_bergli@yahoo.com
Favorite author: franz kafka
Favorite book: the castle

i've just read le miserables. i liked it. i like victor. rest in peace.l

- 06/18/99 02:24:17
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: les Mis.

Good site, however, could you please include some critiques and essays on Les Miserables? I find such essays would greatly help in understanding the themes of the story (for those of us researching Hugo), thank you.

Natthakarn - 06/13/99 03:30:40
My Email:natta121@YAHOO.COM

sawaddee, I'm thai and still finding the information about Victor Hugo.Malereusememt it isn't in french. Someone can help me .I'd like to say that I do heat the computer and this is my first I joy the internet . The reson is RESEARCH.

Sandra Arbeni - 06/09/99 19:41:24
My Email:arbenis@otenet.gr
Favorite author: Charles Dickens

I love reading and just today started reading 'Les Miserables' and so far I think that it is a most remarkable piece of literature. Unlike Charles Dickens, the beginning is even intriging.

Sandra Arbeni - 06/09/99 19:38:19
My Email:arbenis@otenet.gr
Favorite author: Charles Dickens as well as many more


MARILYN YARNALL - 06/09/99 15:38:41
Favorite author: VICTOR HUGO
Favorite book: LES MISERABLES


MARILYN YARNALL - 06/09/99 15:27:07
Favorite author: VICTOR HUGO
Favorite book: LES MISERABLES


Regina Lester - 06/08/99 09:43:29
My Email:silverlyre@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Mercedes Lackey
Favorite book: Magic's Price

Your analysis is a good piece of work, but how come most of your information is about 'Les Miserables'?

Harry J. Burns - 06/07/99 10:00:48
My Email:yimmyyack@aol.com
Favorite author: Herman Melville
Favorite book: Moby Dick


Asher Floyd - 06/07/99 06:10:38
My Email:Hammer557@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: IT

Well, I was only at this lame site for an assignment. I just needed information on Victor Hugo, but at the time you didn't have any. Your site was under maintenance. Seeya (never again)

Cary Rice - 06/06/99 19:18:38
My Email:CAL4ALL@aol.com
Favorite author: Tolkien, Hugo, Shakespeare, Dickens, C.S. Lewis, and many others
Favorite book: Les Miserables, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, The Bible, Chronicles of Narnia

I am a high school English teacher and admirer of Les Miserables and Hugo. I have a student who will be traveling to Paris soon. She may have the opportunity to visit Hugo-related sites. I know of the Maison de Victor Hugo and general settings such as uxembourg Gardens and his grave at the Pantheon. Does anyone know of any additional sites related to the novel or Hugo? I''m hoping she'll be able to capture some of these settings by means of video and photographs. Literary trails can be fascinating t follow and I'd love to share this with my students. Even if your reply is too late for my student to use, I would still be very interested. Thank you for your time. Cary Rice CAL4ALL@aol.com

Jamie Dickinson - 06/01/99 04:28:07
My Email:jamie@pineknot.com

I am looking for information on the age of several books left by my father in law. He recently passed away at the age of 99. He has many old books and TOILERS OF THE SEA is one of them. I would like to know how to date books. Many of these books only how copyright date from early 1900's.

Jamie Dickinson - 06/01/99 04:25:21


Amanda Bohanan - 05/26/99 23:55:42


Kynky - 05/26/99 22:51:43
My Email:Kynky@netscape.com/Kynky_99yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Tis site is smashing + dashing I jus can't get over it. Peace out and a shout out to Single1215

- 05/26/99 15:06:44


- 05/26/99 15:06:34


tynisha campell - 05/26/99 15:05:53


Matthew Nash - 05/25/99 20:18:42
My Email:blood_bolt@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I love literature. I'm a really big fan of Hugo's books. People call me a loser for liking a classic hero but I don't care cause Victor Hugo is the bomb!!!

emily - 05/24/99 12:35:29
My Email:jove102@hotmail
Favorite author: john steinbach
Favorite book: the grapes of wrath

i love les miserable and i have to do a report in school about it if you have any more info please send it thank you!

Emily Woodson - 05/20/99 02:11:49
My Email:yellowroses2131@yahoo.com


Rob Morre - 05/17/99 11:58:56
Favorite author: Steven King

I think the pictures on these pages are very good and are easy to get to. Thanks.

Jill Dunton - 05/13/99 02:34:06
Favorite author: M. Chrighton
Favorite book: The Count of Monte Cristo


Rudy Hernandez - 05/07/99 16:55:01
Favorite author: Dr. Seuss
Favorite book: The Cat in the Hat


Ben Erickson - 05/06/99 16:57:44
My Email:Loc_3@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Ron Jermey
Favorite book: A league of their moans

Fuck you Geeks! Go shoot up a high school!

- 05/06/99 16:54:39

Fuck you Geeks!

Hillary Macarthur - 05/04/99 00:58:22
My Email:Hmacarthur@portsmouthabbey.org
Favorite author: Harper Lee
Favorite book: To Kill a Mocking Bird


Hillary Macarthur - 05/04/99 00:58:15
My Email:Hmacarthur@portsmouthabbey.org
Favorite author: Harper Lee
Favorite book: To Kill a Mocking Bird


j. gillespie - 05/03/99 14:11:45
Favorite author: Dean Kootz
Favorite book: A key to midnigth

I belive that the novel and the movie Les miserable are excellent! When I read the book I knew that the movie would be good but not as good as the novel. When I saw the movie and how they hd reconstructed the whole thing again I was amazed.

Candace A. Skavlem - 04/29/99 20:15:59
My Email:candaceskavlem@hotmail.com


Tanya Cowen - 04/29/99 02:24:06
My URL:http://cosgrove.tased.edu.au
My Email:T.Cowen
Favorite author: Chris Pike
Favorite book: Remember Me

I think this page is really cool. I am doing an assignment at the moment and this page was really helpful. I think I will come back real soon. Bye Tanya

Anna Taylor - 04/24/99 22:59:38
My Email:supergrl2000a@hotmail.com
Favorite author: John Steinbeck
Favorite book: To Kill A Mokingbird


Mike Lori - 04/20/99 22:02:24
My Email:mikerlori@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Hugo, coleridge, wadsworth
Favorite book: The conquest of happiness

My email says it all. Lets hope Les Miserables continues to be consumed by the masses. ( god knows they could learn a lot) MRL

henry - 04/18/99 18:31:58
My Email:henyhen.aol.com


Libby Thompson - 04/16/99 21:50:21
Favorite author: Agatha Christi
Favorite book: The Crucible

This was one of the modt well written web-sites I've ever been at. I had the best time reading and researching more about Victor Hugo. Thankyou very much!

Mcmstr1 - 04/16/99 13:18:24
My Email:al10onov@atlas.moa.net
Favorite author: Micheal A. Stackpole
Favorite book: Battlefield Earth (L. Ron Howard)

I need to know ASAP when Les Miserables was written. I am doing an assignment on the literature in the year 1802. Was Miserables written during that year? I need to know before 4/18-19/99. If you cannot send it by then, send it anyway, I was personnaly wondering.

- 04/16/99 01:13:04


megan - 04/15/99 18:40:17
My Email:chimpgirl99@yahoo.com

please send info about sellf to above adress for research verification purposes.

Mary Lou - 04/13/99 19:54:44
My Email:xmld@yahoo.com
Favorite author: varies
Favorite book: varies

I'm looking for (either) the English or French version of Victor Hugo's poem in memory of his daughter. I remember reading this poem when I was a student (way long time ago). In French, it begins: Quand nous habitions tous ensemble then something about "les collines" but in English, I think it starts out with something like ...when we used to roam the hills near the woods of our home... or something along those lines. Any help you could give me would be appreciated. Thanks. Mary Lou

Mary Lou - 04/13/99 19:49:31
My Email:xmld@yahoo.com
Favorite author: varies
Favorite book: varies

I'm looking for (either) the English or French version of Victor Hugo's poem in memory of his daughter. I remember reading this poem when I was a student (way long time ago). In French, it begins: Quand nous habitions tous ensemble then something about "les collines" but in English, I think it starts out with something like ...when we used to roam the hills near the woods of our home... or something along those lines. Any help you could give me would be appreciated. Thanks. Mary Lou

Me - 04/08/99 22:05:23
Favorite author: Denos

Neat page

charlotte - 04/08/99 09:47:09
My Email:look up

i meant called gal not caleed gal

charlotte - 04/08/99 09:44:19
My Email:woodstock_hippie_girl@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Alex Garland
Favorite book: The Beach

I'm your first visitor! I'm french, victor hugo wrote a poem about my ancestor who was marie antoinette's lover caleed Gal (my surname) great page! visit you later! Charlotte xxx

charlotte - 04/08/99 09:42:32
My Email:woodstock_hippie_girl@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Alex Garland
Favorite book: The Beach

I'm your first visitor! I'm french, victor hugo wrote a poem about my ancestor who was marie antoinette's lover caleed Gal (my surname) great page! visit you later! Charlotte xxx

Jenna - 04/07/99 12:40:38
My Email:Fantine5wb@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

In your section about the new movie, you should definitely mention how they totally ignored Eponine. That's ridiculous.

ruud van der pluijm - 04/07/99 11:15:15
My Email:rpluijm@worldonline.nl
Favorite author: hugo
Favorite book: notre dame de paris

great to find background information on your site im working on a soloperformance on notre dame de paris ceci tuera celle la greetings ruu

Lyn House - 04/05/99 03:53:26
My Email:lybi@coastalnat.com
Favorite author: P. Cornwell
Favorite book: The Canterbury Tales

we visiter the Victory Hugo Hotel in Luxenborg for lunch last mounth. What a treat!! Lyn

Megs - 04/01/99 15:11:50
My Email:YrStarlite@Aol.Com
Favorite author: Fitzgerald
Favorite book: The Great Gatsby

I think your page is okay. But I think you should have more about Him and not his novels and quotes. I came here because I was looking for things about him for my French assignment. It helped me on a few of my questions but not on the ones where I had to find out about his life and etc. Thank you though. thank you for your time, Megs YrStarlite@Aol.Com

christy mcknight - 03/26/99 19:54:39
My Email:seal_2001_c@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notra Dame

This is a good site but there need to be more about him when he is growing up.

Rosalia D'Agostino - 03/24/99 23:42:34
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:lilla09@aol.com
Favorite author: V.C. Andrews
Favorite book: Flowers in the Atic

I am doing a reasearch paper on The huntchback of Notre Dame. There isn't alot here on it.

Kimberly Kjornes - 03/24/99 17:41:08
My Email:none
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Les Miserables is my favorite. I'm not really a reader but this book I just could not put down.

Kimberly Kjornes - 03/24/99 17:35:26
Favorite author: Victor Hugo


Priscilla - 03/19/99 03:01:41
My Email:none
Favorite author: Alexandre Dumas
Favorite book: The Count of Monte Cristo (you should read it, it's da bomb!)

I absolutely loved the book Les Miserables, and I thought that the quotes you have by V. Hugo are all amazing, thanx so much! I included one in my term paper for my Euro. Lit class, it has to be at least 60 pages and this will definately help me write!
rob huffman - 03/19/99 03:01:31
My Email:robhuffman@hotmail.com
Favorite author: jhon douglas
Favorite book: ?????????????

you have a very cool and informative page

sarah kay - 03/17/99 15:45:12
My Email:sunchine32@aol.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserables

i love dmx

jennifer towns - 03/16/99 18:17:37
Favorite author: chris crutther
Favorite book: chinese handcuffs


- 03/16/99 00:15:40


- 03/16/99 00:15:38


Carlos Muńoz - 03/13/99 02:22:44
My Email:c4munoz@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Jules Verne
Favorite book: Around the world in 80 days

I do think that you should organize Victor Hugo's quotes by categories. Other than that, I think your page is coming along pretty well.

Manuel Esteves Poças - 03/12/99 23:13:09
My Email:megpocas@mail.telepac.pt

I need a litle help. I´m doing a reserch about hugo at the internet but i can´t find more information. Please help me at this research. thank you.

MANUEL POÇAS - 03/12/99 23:04:06
My Email:megpocas@mail.telepac.pt


Jennifer Leloche - 03/11/99 16:24:46
My Email:jleloche@pwc.k12.nf.ca
Favorite author: Shakespeare
Favorite book: Princes in exile


alisha - 03/10/99 03:24:49
My Email:alishagail@alloymai.com
Favorite author: vc andrews
Favorite book: flowers in the attic

i need anyone who will take the time, and send me any information, on victor hugo's hunch back of notre dame, i am doing a report and am not finding much, so if ya'll could help me a little and send some stuff asap thanks. alisha

alisha - 03/10/99 03:00:05
My Email:alishagail@alloymail.com
Favorite author: vc andrews
Favorite book: flowers in the attic

i was viewing hugo because i am doing a research paper over him, actually his book the hunchback of notre dame. i have to "be the author", thanks you gave me some valuable information. thanks again, alisha

Megan - 03/10/99 02:47:57


Candie Schroeder - 03/08/99 21:47:37
My Email:krysta@alloymail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Minserables

Victor Hugo is an intense writer who puts a lot of feeling into his work. I am only sixteen and I have only read half of Les Miserables, but I think it is one of my favorite books. I have not read the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I have seen two cartoon ersions and someone I know who read it told me how different it was from the movie. Thank you for your time! Candie

Chloe - 03/07/99 20:48:54
My Email:private
Favorite author: none
Favorite book: none

i would just like to say that you have a very nice site, but i am doing a french report for school and i need a lot of info on victor and i didn't find a lot of backround info on your site. So maybe you could add that next time! K? K!

Mary - 03/02/99 00:07:36
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/BoomboxBlvd/Marianika
My Email:marianika@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Shakespeare
Favorite book: La deuxičme vie de Annick Poitras

You're page is really complete, expect you should have a link to Les Misérables in French, it's the real version and lots of people can read in French too.

Flo R. - 02/26/99 14:45:11
Favorite author: Jane Austin
Favorite book: Pride and prejudice


Eugina Niles - 02/24/99 15:32:09
Favorite author: Dori Sanders
Favorite book: Clover

I'm doing a report on Victor Hugo, and it has come to my attention that he is the person who start the romance novels.

Eugina Niles - 02/24/99 15:29:43


Daniel A. Gross - 02/22/99 00:12:56
My Email:Lyons1@AOL.com


amy dyjak - 02/20/99 20:12:35
My Email:amysd@hotmail.com

my grandmother's last name is Hugo and she has always claimed to be related to the author, i have been trying to research the surname, but haven't been able to come up with a whole lot.

Sarah Orris - 02/19/99 19:14:05
My Email:none
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: all

The web site really helped me with a project for school. Thanks for all the information!!

Big ValBowski - 02/18/99 19:13:41
My Email:Aznguy4eva@aol.com
Favorite author: Heart Break Kid


Big ValBowski - 02/18/99 19:11:21
My Email:Aznguy4eva@aol.com
Favorite author: Heart Break Kid


Andreea Vasilescu - 02/18/99 18:31:42
My Email:Andreeava@aol.com


Ball, Debra - 02/17/99 21:38:30
My Email:pharlap@kih.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Mes

Merci, how nice to see such a nice tribute. I have loved Hugo since I was a child. I am sure he would be pleased.

Faye Hugo - 02/16/99 18:46:11
My Email:faye_ty@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Best of Luck Keep up the Good Work.

matt Rendine - 02/12/99 22:57:02
My Email:brdnest@islc.net


Lee piper - 02/12/99 04:07:09
Favorite author: victor hugo/charles dickens
Favorite book: oliver twist


Amanda Ferrell - 02/11/99 22:24:53
My Email:aferrell@nv-phs.ysleta.isd.tenet.edu

I loved the story of Les Miserables. Jean Valjean was a very kind person with a great heart,inspirational. Thanks for the information you provided. It will help me with my report too!

BombJiggy - 02/11/99 02:11:53
My Email:dmb83@nycap.rr.com

Nice Page....Thanks a lot for all the info, it was a big help with my report. I'll be back when it's completed!

Kelly Brennan - 02/10/99 20:57:06
My URL:http://come.to/ringoflight
My Email:jedikel@usa.net
Favorite author: Too many to list
Favorite book: Ditto

Victor Hugo rocks!! I loved the Hunchback and Les Misrables. Nice page!

Jesse VanHoose - 02/08/99 20:25:15
My URL:http://netscape.com
My Email:Ganderboy@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Chris Heimerdinger
Favorite book: Tennis Shoes Among The Nephites, Gadiantons and the Silver Sword, Tennis Shoes and the Seven Churches, Tennis Shoes Back in Time

Your web page is all right, but it could use some more pictures.

Deborah Huszar - 02/07/99 16:34:58
My Email:ecstacy1999@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Anne Rice & Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Love the page! Can't wait to come back when it's complete!!

Kimberly Walker - 02/06/99 21:02:21
My Email:angel_girl9@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Meredith Pierce
Favorite book: The Dark Angel

I've seen Les Miserables every year ever since I was nine at the civic center the music is really cool, therefore your page is 2.

asdasd - 02/05/99 18:06:51
My Email:asd
Favorite author: dsadas
Favorite book: asdasd


Hannne Billiau - 02/05/99 13:58:12


Andrea Goggans - 02/04/99 18:57:55
My Email:jgilleylen@futura.net

This is actually a question, What would you say is the main themes of Les Miserables? Please e mail me and let me know.

lisa - 02/03/99 01:25:51

Thank you! Your page helped me make my final decsion about a research paper!

Jack Baker - 02/01/99 19:54:56
My URL:http://www.jackoff.com
My Email:jackmeoff@aol.com
Favorite author: Old Vic
Favorite book: The hunchback

Your sit is really cool! you should e-mail me some time and we could put our sites advertising on each others page. I have several girls that have read some of his work. see ya later mate! ôżô

Sara Kalemba - 01/28/99 19:04:06

I was here!!! See you.

Jill Meirte - 01/27/99 15:05:50


thaggard - 01/26/99 21:08:10
My Email:tthaggard@hotmail.com
Favorite author: to many
Favorite book: to many

Thanks, I wanted to make it known that you have helped me a lot in doing this assignment on Victor Hugo. Keep up the good work.

thaggard - 01/26/99 21:05:34
My Email:tthaggard@hotmail.com
Favorite author: to many
Favorite book: to many


Marianne Lindhardt - 01/26/99 07:50:34
My Email:majunce@hotmail.com

I've never read any work of Hugo, but thanks to you I'm going to now. I saw the film Les Misérables by Bille August and I just loved it!

Noel Gordo - 01/24/99 06:21:48
My Email:honel@viaccess.net
Favorite author: Geotge Amado
Favorite book: Capitaes da Areia

Nice page, thank you

Noel Gordo - 01/24/99 06:20:25
My Email:honel@viaccess.net
Favorite author: Geotge Amado
Favorite book: Capitaes da Areia

Nice page, thank you

M Vandenack - 01/24/99 04:53:32
My Email:rv62512@navix.net

I am delighted with your help with Victor Hugo. A few months ago I checked and there was not much available. I am making a presentation to my Great Writer's group in April and the pictures and comments will be helpful. Thank you.

David Blewett - 01/20/99 01:08:34
My URL:http://home.bsu.edu/~deblewett/front.htm
My Email:DavidBlewett@usa.net
Favorite author: JRR Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Victor Hugo....

Very informative site! I loved the book. Can you recommend a good translation to buy?

Larry Porter - 01/18/99 19:31:42
My Email:porter@pilot.msu.edu
Favorite author: Marcel Proust
Favorite book: A la recherche du temps perdu

For those interested in Victor Hugo, see my book devoted to him, appearing in the Twayne World Author's Series April 1999. There are major chapters on Les Miserables, on Notre-Dame de Paris, on Les Contemplations, and on Hugo in music and popular culture --Laurence M. Porter

Debbie McCulloch - 01/16/99 01:17:35
My Email:music-city@juno.com
Favorite author: Dostoevsky
Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

Interesting page. I would like to know more about the life of Victor Hugo, perhaps a short biography.

Somogyi Tamás - 01/14/99 19:17:29
My Email:st83@freemail.c3.hu

Thanks for this page! I'm preparing to do a literature essay about Hugo especially about the Notre Dame de Paris. It helped me a lot.

Susan C. Smith - 01/13/99 16:03:58
My Email:scsmith
Favorite author: Jean
Favorite book: Clan of the Cave Bear

I have seen Les Miserables many times. It is my favorite play. On March 7th I will be traveling to Albuquerque to see it once again.

Romandia Collins - 01/12/99 17:47:24
My Email:romandia.collins@gte.net
Favorite author: Iyanla Vanzant
Favorite book: "In The Meantime"

I collect famous quotes for motivational purposes.This is a great website.

- 01/12/99 15:50:57

nobody's going to stay on your site if you have that dumd ad keep popping up. it's annoying

andre nyberg - 01/11/99 11:54:47
My Email:myggan96@hotmail.com

Very god home page

Amanda - 01/09/99 01:21:04
My Email:amanda79@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables


Roel Assies - 01/08/99 16:50:43
My Email:Roel.Assies@horizon.nl


melissa whitley - 01/08/99 15:04:10
Favorite author: stephen king
Favorite book: carrie


Charlotte Thomsen - 01/07/99 09:29:46
My Email:Charlotte_thomse@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Alex Haley
Favorite book: Roots, the story about Kunta Kinte

Great, great, great. You're the only one with some information about " Notre Dame de Paris. " Thanks

Crystal Spaetzel - 01/06/99 13:49:50
My Email:Chrita0785@hotmail.com


corey - 01/03/99 00:37:15
My Email:drunkcat@aol.com
Favorite book: the outsiders


mark j. notzon - 12/28/98 07:04:18
My Email:mnotz@yahoo.com
Favorite author: proust
Favorite book: a la recherche de temps perdu, out of which especially A l'ombre de jeunes filles and le temps retrouve

good comments on the recent film. nobody ever makes a book out of a movie, do they? While film is can be an art form, as a derivative phenomenom, which it often is, it does not educate the imagination as does constructive exposure to great literature.

RaShani - 12/21/98 00:13:02
My Email:ShaLy1212@aol.com
Favorite author: Valerie Wilson Wesley


Randy - 12/20/98 06:14:02
My Email:rkstanton@home.com
Favorite author: Hemmingway, Hugo, Tolkein, etc. etc.
Favorite book: couldn't pick just one.

I'm glad that there are people that are willing to take the time to put together web sights like this one; that are very helpfull and informative. I hope that you will continue to bring knowledge to the world. Thank you!

Kara Drummond - 12/19/98 23:23:35
My Email:jimd@crosslink.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Thank you for such an informative website on the greatest author of all time!

james rozoff - 12/19/98 18:53:38
My Email:jrozoff@hotmail.com
Favorite author: jack london
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Glad to see sch a thing as this on the internet. How many people have read the novel in French?

Caitlin - 12/18/98 03:13:30


John walker - 12/15/98 02:39:26
My Email:John_Walker@3com.com
Favorite author: Anybody who puts pen to paper and makes me hang on every word.
Favorite book: Les Miserables

It is a joy to be able to digest the background of the Author of my favourite book. May it always be, that anyone who wishes to know of the truly great authors,need only to avail of such well put together sites such as this.

Katherine - 12/15/98 00:21:56
My Email:katrien@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Shakespeare
Favorite book: The Wheel of Fortune (Dutch Book)

I love Victor Hugo and your webpage is really great. I did my selected author project on him, and am currently playing Hugo in an enlightment roleplay in my world history class. Your page has been a great help. Hint to everyone: Try to enjoy Les Miserable in it's original language, it's even better then in English!

fynjry - 12/13/98 22:54:36
My Email:ethyhyt
Favorite author: ehtehy
Favorite book: ethteh


Gary Lenzi - 12/13/98 11:38:27
My Email:glenzi@yahoo.com

I am pleased to see a page devoted to this great author. In deed, Les Miserables is the greatest novel ever written. It evokes emotion. It is a shame that I cannot enjoy it in its original language.

April - 12/10/98 23:34:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Villa/7105
My Email:aprilp@gte.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I am currently writing a research paper for English class and your website has been a great help. Thanks.

Elizabeth - 12/10/98 22:58:21


Beatriz Bartelt de Morelos - 12/07/98 21:53:03
My Email:bbartemz@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Michael Ende
Favorite book: Neverending Story

I got to this place when looking for a poem by Victor Hugo from which I only know the Spanish translation, but I'd like to know it in French. It's name in Spanish is "Las Grandes Diferencias entre el Hombre y la Mujer". I'll go on looking for it.

Amanda - 12/05/98 22:45:45
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Erin Fortier - 12/05/98 00:39:25
Favorite author: Steven King
Favorite book: The Stand


elise mignon - 12/03/98 21:11:48
Favorite author: Emily Bronte
Favorite book: The Mists of Avalon

This is the most helpful page on Victor Hugo that I've found so far. I'm doing my senior english paper on the life of Victor Hugo and one of his novels. Thanks for your help!!!!!!

Bethany - 12/01/98 04:04:42
My Email:AlienHero1
Favorite author: William Shakespeare
Favorite book: Twelfth Night

I'd personally like to know more about Victor Hugo's wife, Adele Foucher. Do you have any information on her?

Tabatha Wharton - 12/01/98 00:27:16
My Email:whartont13@aol.com
Favorite author: L.J. Smith
Favorite book: Huntress


Jessica - 11/30/98 22:18:57
My Email:ducky1615@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

I came across your page while looking up some stuff on Victor Hugo for french class! I have to say that Vitor Hugo is the man! I loved your webpage! It help out alot!

tara - 11/29/98 21:00:14
My Email:arat316@yahoo.com

Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into such an awesome site. It really helped me with finding research on Hugo. If you could send me your info so that I can site it in my works cited, I would appreciate it lots. Thanks

Katja und Antje - 11/26/98 01:35:32
My Email:kiki_5@hotmail.com
Favorite author: David Eddings
Favorite book: The mallorean series

Hi you are da bomb wir sind deutsche und wir sind Kuhl toodles sweetie

matt - 11/23/98 18:09:15

thank yoy this really helped

C. Miller - 11/22/98 02:54:57
Favorite book: Currently, A Doll's House

Your website had some fantastic information for my research paper on Victor Hugo, especially the analysis of Victor Hugo's works. Keep up the good work!

matthew p johnson - 11/18/98 14:37:35
My Email:legolas379@aol.com
Favorite author: Surprise Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables.

Your analysis of the recent Les Miserables movie, was wonderful never have I read a critique of the that movie done by a fan of the novel. It had many flaws and the omission of Enjolras, the Thenardiers, and even Marius's plight, is so disturbing. I find that the only correct way to do a movie version is to make it full length saga, I mean perhaps 12 hours could capture the true beauty of the novel in such a brutish medium as motion picture.

Suzanne Nelson - 11/18/98 04:15:14
My Email:abbyanne@worldnet.att.net


allison Keith - 11/18/98 00:31:03
My Email:Volleyali @aol.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: hunchback of notre dame


Derek Gutierrez - 11/17/98 02:27:40
My Email:N/A
Favorite author: Hawthorne
Favorite book: Sam I Am

This page helped me with my research paper. Thank You!

Florence Shirakawa - 11/14/98 06:34:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Metro/3058
My Email:amethyst@humboldt1.com

Hi :) ! I enjoyed getting to know you through your web pages!! Keep up the great work :) ! BTW, please sign my guestbook, too!
Florence *bushy tail swishing happily in the wind* :) !

Richard Nichols - 11/14/98 04:06:09
My Email:ricnic@tfb.com
Favorite author: Hemmingway
Favorite book: Old Man & the Sea

To choose a favorite author and book is almost an impossible task. Tomorrow I might have a different reply. Being in my very late seventies; I have no shame at being indecisive.

MIKE - 11/09/98 19:01:09
Favorite author: MANY
Favorite book: MANY


Bert & Ernie - 11/06/98 17:03:42
My URL:http://THHS.com
My Email:????????????
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: Where the wild things are

This is boring.(no offence.) It doesn't print very fast.

Ed Bryan - 11/03/98 07:43:05
My Email:bryan@livewire
Favorite author: John Marsden


Robinson Arteaga - 10/31/98 16:40:54


Raul Trevino - 10/31/98 13:17:30
My Email:treraul@aol.com
Favorite author: Miguel de Unamuno
Favorite book: The Old Man and the sea

you must have invested a lot of time to put such a good page together Excellent

Elvira Hernandez - 10/30/98 14:24:46
Favorite author: Victo Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I loved Les Miserables and it was the greatest book Hugo has ever written. I want to find some more critics on Marius and Cosette the love story.

Michele Gibson - 10/29/98 23:03:58
My Email:FinsFans@earthlink.net
Favorite author: Too many to list
Favorite book: Too many to list

Looking for a Victor Hugo poem entitled "Les Djinns" in French. Can you help me?

Lina - 10/29/98 16:47:35


john griffith - 10/28/98 19:31:04


Raymond - 10/28/98 17:12:16
My Email:Haboob180@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I really loved Les Mis even before i knew who wrote the novel, but after studying him for a report in my College Prep English Class, because I am junior in High School. I found this site to be helpful with my research. Thanks

Marlene.S.M - 10/28/98 16:53:47
Favorite author: i really dont .................
Favorite book: its many books


Jon Den Houter - 10/28/98 03:46:03
My Email:jdenhou@umich.edu
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Wonderful site of a wonderful author

Blondo - 10/23/98 15:53:56
Favorite author: David Pelham
Favorite book: Anastasia

Great page, I'm a big fan Les Miserables and would love to know more about the movie.

john griffith - 10/23/98 13:40:11
My Email:john71@hotmail.com


ed black - 10/22/98 05:40:13
My Email:bideddie@aol.com
Favorite author: steven king


- 10/20/98 05:50:42


JEN - 10/14/98 10:06:55
My Email:jen887@hotmail.com


MATT VILBAS - 10/14/98 00:11:16


Marc - 10/11/98 02:03:29


Puffy - 10/08/98 17:59:42

He is cool

Patrick wilson - 10/07/98 02:52:17
My Email:gawilson@tcia.com
Favorite author: Mark Twain
Favorite book: Jurassic Park

Great analysis of the movie/book LES MISERABLES!

Janel - 10/06/98 23:34:38
My URL:http://pw1.netcom.com/~utopian5/janel.htm
Favorite author: Roald Dahl
Favorite book: I love most!!!

Nice site. Keep it up!

Alexandre - 10/06/98 17:29:07

Your page sucks

10/06/98 14:36:40
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Michael - 10/04/98 15:25:17

Thank you and Congrats on a great page. Hugo's works are great. Family loved the play(Les Miserables). My 10 year old repeatedly plays the score & acts out each character in Les Miz.

Christine - 10/03/98 23:05:56
My Email:
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I believe Victor Hugo is a very brilliant man. Who else can write a story so profound that even now peole can learn and relate to even after his death. Even at my young age I have already read the story twice and the inpact has never worn off and I pray it never will.

Christine - 10/03/98 22:59:17
My Email:
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I believe Victor Hugo is a very brilliant man. Who else can write a story so profound that even now peole can learn and relate to even after his death. Even at my young age I have already read the story twice and the inpact has never worn off and I pray it never will.

Alexandre Paoli - 10/03/98 17:08:02
My Email:alexandre_paoli@zipmail.com.br
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Congratulations for the page ! I have read 'Les Miserables'. My life has changed. Jean Valjean must be a example for all of us. Hugophyles around the world, email me, please !

Cindy - 10/01/98 12:57:32
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Sophie Gagnier - 09/25/98 23:58:31
My Email:Porsche_007@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Flaubert, Gustave
Favorite book: Madame Bovary

Very Nice!

- 09/21/98 12:43:18
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: "demain, des l'aube" (a poem)

i really like the site, but could we have a little more on the poet's life???

Brenda - 09/17/98 21:10:23
My Email:bnachte@connect.ca
Favorite author: Patrick Suskind
Favorite book: Das Parfume

I just want to congradulate you on your effort to put such a great site in. I was amazed at all the information on this great author. Do you know what else he did during his life? If you have any answers can you e-mail me? Thanx.

Susan - 09/05/98 16:19:54

I like this sight

Fabian Murillo - 09/04/98 08:00:27
My Email:fabsatico@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Los Miserables

Grandioso, inspirador, lleno de esperanza. De todo esto esta cargado este libro. Espero que me escriban para intercambiar opiniones y algun verso.

Lauren - 09/01/98 20:00:02
My Email:Lauren8300@aol.com
Favorite author: Robert Cormier (I haven't read THAT much, I'm just a senior) :)
Favorite book: the Bible of course

I haven't really looked at your pages yet but I am going to in just a minute. I am writing a research paper on Victor Hugo for French class; could I have your credentials to cite your work? Email me if you get this soon. Thanks!

- 08/31/98 16:03:16


Kim - 08/23/98 21:23:20
My Email:person_nice@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Hugo, and Tolstoy
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I have read Les Miserables recently, and through this book I have found that I can no longer look at my life as I once did. Here in this book I found the trials of both man and woman, and have found that to look at life as i once did is impossible, for I ave learnt to appreciate my life even more since the time I finished the novel. Plus I've never cried so much in my life over a novel

E Leal - 08/22/98 18:09:06
My Email:Eleal@accompressor.com
Favorite author: Dostoevsky
Favorite book: Brothers Karamazov

I enjoy your Victor Hugo site. Les Miserables is one of the books that has strongly impressed me, in few books (and authors) can you find characters so powerful and full of goodness as in Jean Valjean I was dissapointed with the movie.

B.Gauden - 08/20/98 23:07:40
My Email:barrie.gauden@tesconet
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables


Joe - 08/16/98 12:31:13
My Email:cani.com@aol
Favorite author: Plato
Favorite book: The Republic

I read Victor Hugo's Les Miserables over my summer break from college. I was astonished by the beauty and artistic mastery of this novel. At times I read over 100 pages in a sitting, not being able to place the book down. Like The Republic, I am going o read Les Miserables several times over.

Felicity - 08/11/98 10:59:38

I'm doing a french honours thesis on Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris.

Bishopess of Digne - 08/01/98 11:48:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/broadway/stage/9334
My Email:blackbishopess@hotmail.com
Favorite author: *G* Guess!
Favorite book: Les Miserables!

Wow! You've REALLY gone through all of Hugo's works, and everything based on them, haven't you? I'm really impressed with this page - it has helped me a lot in understanding some undelying meanings of Hugo's works! Keep it up!

K.L. Williams - 07/29/98 07:20:40
Favorite author: Hugo of the Hugo and Rice
Favorite book: Les Miserables

As a beginning author myself I have long admired Victor Hugo's works, and I admire anyone who has the genius to create a website solely dedicated to the greatest author who's words have turned upon pages. K.L. Williiams

Daniel - 07/22/98 02:58:52
My Email:thesmallone@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Favorite book: Great Expectations

Les Miserables was the first musical I watched and it made me feel more for the suffering of others as I have never felt before. I like it ver much and although all man have sin and society condemns, as long as we don't condemn ourselves, there is still hope.

Cary Rice - 07/04/98 01:38:55
My Email:HAC4EAE@aol.com
Favorite author: Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Dickens, Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables and too many others to name

I appreciate your dedication to keeping Hugo's inspiration alive. I would like to know if someone is aware of a Les Mis resource that includes a map for reference to settings in the novel. Having never visited France, such a map would be of great assist nce to the general reader. Again, my thanks!

Cary Rice - 07/04/98 01:37:03
My Email:HAC4EAE@aol.com
Favorite author: Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Dickens, Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables and too many others to name

I appreciate your dedication to keeping Hugo's inspiration alive. I would like to know if someone is aware of a Les Mis resource that includes a map for reference to settings in the novel. Having never visited France, such a map would be of great assist nce to the general reader. Again, my thanks!

Gordon - 06/07/98 23:55:25
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Cool Page

dayne venn - 06/05/98 14:57:16
Favorite author: walter scott
Favorite book: l'arthur


Alavall19 - 05/30/98 01:31:16
My URL:http://www.alavall@aol.com
My Email:alavall@aol.com
Favorite author: William Shakespeare
Favorite book: Othello

I thought your page was going to help me a bit more on what I needed. I needed an entire summary on Les Miserable, including main characters, plot, setting, etc., for the completion of my book report. Your page didn't really help me on what I needed, but thanks anyway.

Loren Morrison - 05/28/98 23:35:11
My Email:jackielorn@aol.com

Visited Hugo's home in Paris a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised to learn that he was an artist as well as a writer. One of my favorite vacation pastimes is to follow an author or poet's "trail" through his native country. Have done this with Hu o, Burns, Cervantes, Dylan Thomas, Hemingway in Paris, etc. Visiting Paris with "Hunchback" and "Les Miserables" in hand made both Paris and the books come to life. Sorry that I can't give favorite books and authors--there are just too many that I live, Hugo among them.

Rebecca Harvey - 05/28/98 00:36:55
My Email:lafemme17@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Dostoevsky
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I really enjoyed your comments on the book, as well as the origine of Fantine. With so few pages dedicated to this great author it was nice to find yours. I will be back;)

Adriana - 05/27/98 13:03:21
My Email:110102.515@compuserve.com
Favorite author: Hugo, Victor
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I read Les Miserables. I loved the book. My father had bought it for me and I'm only 14. I only wish I knew of more of his works

Erica - 05/22/98 19:25:48
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I would just like to say this in honour of Hugo himself and to praise his book Les Miserables. I am a big reader and out of all the various books I have read, never before have a read such a wonderful novel. This book had more impact and more meaning on my life than any other "award winning" novel. For those of you who are interested in reading the novel, don't be discouraged by it's enormous size, its well worth your time. My praise and thoughts go out to the wonderful man who wrote this stirring nove , Victor Hugo.

laura - 05/18/98 19:17:43


Joey - 05/16/98 23:15:51
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Night

Love the new movie!! Love the book!! Love the musical!! Love Victor Hugo!!

GISELA MOLINUEO - 05/15/98 17:40:05
Favorite author: E. HEMMINGWAY
Favorite book: THE SUN ALSO RISES


Kim Ingino - 05/15/98 03:43:34
My Email:AdidasRose@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Mis..

I love Victor Hugo..and ur site.. it helped me with my school report.. thank u so much.. LES MIS RULES!!!!!

Vicki B. - 05/14/98 16:03:33

I don't yet have email but I would love to have you write me at 156 Highview Ave. Stamford conn. 06907 I have been looking for a quote from Hugo for years...it's about a bird sitting in a tree afraid to fall and then all at once remembering that he has wings and even if he should fall, his wings would protect him from harm. Could you please send me this qu te, it was not on your site. Many thanks and I hope to join the email croud soon. Vicki B.

ED STERN - 05/13/98 17:18:59
Favorite author: I DON'T HAVE ONE
Favorite book: I DON'T HAVE ONE


cicie - 05/11/98 23:50:17
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, of course!
Favorite book: Les Miserables

i like your page, nice job! I'm hoping you could put in some stuff about the influence that Hugo had on other people (besides you!) I need it for a research paper. Thanks!

Nick - 05/11/98 05:41:04
My Email:occhiblu@ozemail.net.au
Favorite author: David Eddings
Favorite book: Sons and Lovers


Tom Walsh - 05/08/98 00:35:12
My Email:tombomb@bellatlantic.net
Favorite author: Tolstoy & Dickens
Favorite book: War&Peace/Nicholas Nickleby

Thank you for all your work. You're right: there isn't much on Hugo. I'm rereading the unabridged "Les Miserables" and I am so impressed! I'm going to recommend it for my Book Club.

Rachel - 05/07/98 01:53:11
My Email:nike34@aol.com
Favorite author: ummm dont have one???
Favorite book: Alive [from the movie based on the true storie, but i forgot the author, sorry! =oP]

hello there! i am doing this thing for school and i have "Victor Hugo" as the author and I am really glad you had this page cos it realy helped me out a lot and im just saying thanks for making your pade helpful to anyone. by the way how did u get those p ctures i think they are cool. Bye! =o) [smile face] -Rach

- 05/06/98 21:04:32


- 05/06/98 20:59:12


Theresa Farrow - 05/06/98 00:46:34
My Email:tfarrow@rvcc.raritanval.edu
Favorite author: Jane Austin
Favorite book: little Women

I know you have a lot to finish on this site, but I'm sure it will be great. This site has been very helpful for my french class. Thanks!

fellow admirer - 05/03/98 18:14:37
My Email:prentices@msn.com
Favorite author: -------------------------------------------
Favorite book: Jurrasic Park

nice page but i could't read the biography

C.A Pelletier - 05/01/98 15:18:38
Favorite author: Victor hugo
Favorite book: les miserable


sandra - 05/01/98 03:10:46
Favorite author: shakespere
Favorite book: henry the fith

Found out many things of victor huge i never knew before. Made me understand the book better.

robin ann - 04/30/98 17:48:33
My Email:robin_annm@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo/maeve binchy
Favorite book: umm..i have to choose?

this page has helped immensely on a research project! thank you very much.

Johnie m howard - 04/30/98 17:07:06
Favorite author: C.S.Lewis
Favorite book: Magitions Newew


Stephen R. Myers - 04/30/98 17:06:59
My URL:http://O.M.S.Com
My Email:None
Favorite author: Violet Jessop
Favorite book: Titanic Surviver

This is a very imformational web site.

Gail.C - 04/29/98 17:34:53
My Email:princess_hype@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Albert Camus
Favorite book: The Outsider

Thanks for your page. I needed it for research for my French class. Maybe I'll visit again when the consrtuction is complete. Thanks again!

- 04/28/98 15:21:52
My Email:trombonium @ aol.com
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: It's really hard to say!

This is really a great website. There are some great quotes in there. Keep up the good work.

Ligia De Leon - 04/28/98 12:53:16
My URL:http://www.cedopex.gov.do
My Email:sibelis@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Isabel Allende
Favorite book: paula


Emily Cleveland - 04/27/98 17:43:52
My Email:EmilyC123@aol.com
Favorite author: Alice Walker
Favorite book: The Temple of My Familiar


E Kavanaugh - 04/27/98 00:05:21
My Email:kavinauf@hotmail.com
Favorite author: undecided
Favorite book: Of Mice and Men

I know this comment will probably get trashed on this page, but I have never read Les Mis. Wait - before you condemn me, I have every intention of reading it in its entirety this summer. I hear it's wonderful, and that I'll love it. For now, I have a r port to do on Victor Hugo - thanks for your help.

- 04/26/98 22:57:08


Lizzie - 04/26/98 03:35:12
My Email:Rei2000@aol.com

i've too many favorite authors and books i can't list them. one of each is Victor Hugo and Les Miserables, accordingly

Xian Wu - 04/23/98 00:44:26
My Email:wuxian@shaw.wave.ca

It is tiring to read small print on paper and particularly so on the electronic screen. Try give us large font and even color so as to reduce eye fatigue. On the whole it is great to stay home and enjoy your labor for which I thank you. Xian Wu

Andrea - 04/22/98 21:38:58
Favorite author: many!
Favorite book: many!

Great page! good info!

Mary ( age 12) - 04/21/98 23:04:35
My Email:lolita01@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas
Favorite book: Les Miserables, Sans Famille, Notre Dames de Paris

I think that the genius that Victor had is far to hard to inderstand. To be able to right so many great novel and poems, no offence but the man had to have many psychiatric problems. Only someone who has inner pain will express it these ways. Although I t ink his work is great, that fact remains that he still was a nut. As a very lucky chield our teacher gives us some of poems to read and explaind and that is how I manage to understand his work and reach to the very bottom of his soul during the tome he wr te it. (Do pardon my spelling, I go to a french school and...)

Sharon - 04/21/98 15:13:09
My Email:sharon@hotmail.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: las meserables


Cindy Samson - 04/21/98 15:10:14
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Notre Dame de Paris

If it wasn't for my teachers giving us the chance to write about a good author I would never have known how amazing of a writer Victor Hugo really was. Or for that matter of fact I would never have known that if it wasn't for Victor we wouldn't have his great play "Les Miserables" in Canada today.

Jen - 04/21/98 02:18:47
My Email:Jen_n_juice@hotmail.com

Thank you for the use of your page. It will come in handy for my research paper of Victor Hugo. He lead a very interesting life and I am glad I am getting to know the person who wrote Les Mis better. I have always had a facination with the story. I ha e seen parts on CD rom and TV, and our school did a drama of it during the year but I have yet to see it live. Thank again:)

Scott - 04/19/98 22:15:39
My Email:ssmallridge@hotmail.com
Favorite author: do not have one
Favorite book: Stars Shine Down (Sidney Sheldon)

your page was very helpful and insightful. very well written and organized. full of good info. I chose Victor Hugo as the subject of my research paper in Lit. class. his poem Et nox facta est really sparked my interest in him. thanx!

Maggie - 04/18/98 21:26:30
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Notre Dame de Paris

Great page... very informative and helpful with a presentation.

NASSER KHEZRIAN - 04/15/98 r>
NASSER KHEZRIAN - 04/15/98 14:21:46
My URL:http://WWW.tabario1@emirates.net.ae
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Toilers of the sea

Your site is really interesting. Thanks for yor time donated to others.

Sidney Andrews - 04/09/98 02:49:10
My Email:sandrews@staffnet.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Gread site for a great author. I wish someone would write a sequal to Les Mis. I find that sequels are rarely as good as the original, but I think that a sequel would still be interesting in the hands of a skilled craftsman. Thernardier and his daughte Azelma are left alive and headed for America. Cosette and Marious are just starting out in life. I think she was born in 1815; she could could live to 1905 without much of a strain on the imagination. Marius could revive the industrial process that Va Jean developed and make the town prosper again. Then, Marius and Cosette could come to America for Marius to sell the product here. They run into the Thenardiers, and then the intriques begin. Even have them meeting Scarlet O'Hara and Rhett Butler. We ve characters from two great novels together. Anybody interested? Please send me comments.

Sidney Andrews - 04/09/98 02:50:33
My Email:sandrews@staffnet.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Gread site for a great author. I wish someone would write a sequal to Les Mis. I find that sequels are rarely as good as the original, but I think that a sequel would still be interesting in the hands of a skilled craftsman. Thernardier and his daughte Azelma are left alive and headed for America. Cosette and Marious are just starting out in life. I think she was born in 1815; she could could live to 1905 without much of a strain on the imagination. Marius could revive the industrial process that Va Jean developed and make the town prosper again. Then, Marius and Cosette could come to America for Marius to sell the product here. They run into the Thenardiers, and then the intriques begin. Even have them meeting Scarlet O'Hara and Rhett Butler. We ve characters from two great novels together. Anybody interested? Please send me comments.

Janele Weatherston - 04/08/98 22:11:20
Favorite book: Shumway


Naomi - 04/08/98 04:26:43
My Email:ENTOZOON@aol.com
Favorite author: Mark Twain
Favorite book: The Prophet

I love and collect classic literature. Trying to get Edgar Rice Burroughs books at this time. Any ideas e-mail me. Thanks, Naomi

Winona Poulton - 04/07/98 21:36:15
My Email:sjp100@mindspring.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Basically, I would be putting the book down if I were to say anything about it because it is far to awesome for a lowly sophomore to comment on.

phon wang man - 04/07/98 03:11:44
My Email:hongboon@mailcity.com
Favorite author: shakespeare,charles dickens,hugo&mark twain
Favorite book: a tale of two cities

Your website is excellent!

karen coghlan - 04/03/98 19:55:08
Favorite author: hugo victor
Favorite book: les miserables


- 03/31/98 00:23:01


Wanda Rosario - 03/26/98 23:01:06
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

This is a story that touches the soul. What is an honest man is turned into a cold and ruthless being by a society, that by its own hypocrisy, condemns him. We are reminded however, that as evil exists, so does good. The love of God for his child, Jean Valjean, is exquisitely represented by the bishop who opens his heart to the "inocent sinner" corrupted by evil thoughts and in so doing fills Jean Valjean's heart with freedom of spirit, by lifting his burden as Simon the Cyrenee lifted the cross from th shoulders of Jesus. I highly recommend you read this book. And if you should ever feel the burden is too heavy to carry, remember Jean Valjean. Your burden too will be lifted.

Adrienne - 03/25/98 19:15:32
My Email:Adrienne10@mailexcite.com


roger parks - 03/25/98 17:35:44
My Email:roger19@hotmail.com
Favorite author: hugo
Favorite book: all of them


Cookie - 03/25/98 17:13:28
My Email:none
Favorite author: Caroline Cooney
Favorite book: Whatever happened to Janie

This really helped me on my report on Victor Hugo it was so good in detail and very specific thanks !!!!!

Cookie - 03/25/98 17:10:07


Larry Porter - 03/24/98 01:01:05
My Email:porter@pilot.msu.edu
Favorite author: proust
Favorite book: A la recherche du temps perdu

I've just completed a study of Hugo as an imaginative writer and sent the typescript to Twayne's World Author's Series, which invited it. The book should be out in about a year. You can find my earlier publications on Hugo in the MLA on-line bibliograph , and a chapter in my book The Renaissance of the Lyric in French Romanticism (Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1978] The Twayne book has big chapters on Les Miserables, on Notre-Dame de Paris, and on Hugo in popular culture. Le Theatre de la Jeune Lune, in Minneapolise (1 Front St) has put on outstanding productions of both Les Miserables and of Notre-Dame de Paris just recently, each by a different director. Don't miss this theater if you like the stage!

Hovi Nguyen - 03/23/98 03:50:34
My Email:caulo@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Misera

I wonder if you or any body out there heard of the book called Nobody's boy. Please reply. Also, can I have the Disney web site that you mention. Thank

Anneponine - 03/22/98 02:06:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Broadway/Alley/3768
My Email:Anneponine@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables!

I love your page! It's so informative, and I can't wait 'til you add more! -Anne

Diana Cox - 03/19/98 16:56:18

You are a very appreciated person. Heard of the new movie? See ya around!

Ali Sabzevari - 03/19/98 06:52:53
My Email:ahwho@aol.com
Favorite author: Aldous Huxley
Favorite book: Brave New World

Nice page. You might find some essays to publish on it, though. Otherwise, nice job.

Jodie Sanders - 03/17/98 16:54:00
Favorite author: Henrik Ibsen
Favorite book: A Doll's House

Hugo is a great writer and a great contributor to the classics.

Barry Hickford - 03/17/98 03:15:21
Favorite author: Robert Frost


Carrie Anne Schmidt - 03/13/98 22:34:16
My Email:34eugr7@cmich.edu
Favorite author: Hugo/ Gaston Leroux
Favorite book: Les Mis./ Phantom

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! Finally, a webpage that gives Victor Hugo some justice. I am in the process of a research paper on Hugo and his works, paricularly Hernani. Your site was full of work analysis' and information that will do me justice in my paper. Thank you for such a wonderful job of capturing Hugo. I look forward to any additions to this page. Your fellow Hugo enthusist... Carrie Anne

Deborah and Matthew - 03/13/98 16:04:16
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Mis

We found the book to be quite enthralling. The scene where Marius walked into the garden for the first time brought us to tears. Beautiful. A wonderful work of art and literature. We especially loved the way Javert expressed his feelings. A book ever one must read.

J. Musgrove - 03/13/98 04:50:52
My Email:JAMusgrove@WorldNet.ATT.NET
Favorite author: Tolstoy
Favorite book: War and Peace

I would be interested in chatting about Hugo or any other literature if you're interested....thanks for the great site.

J. Musgrove - 03/13/98 04:47:03
My Email:JAMusgrove@WorldNet.ATT.NET
Favorite author: Tolstoy
Favorite book: War and Peace


- 03/12/98 14:11:10


Dave Falls - 03/11/98 13:19:29
My Email:dgfalls@julian.uwo.ca
Favorite author: John Irving
Favorite book: Great Expectations

Where would I be able to find a bibliography of Victor Hugo's english editions ?

david wharton - 03/11/98 05:25:47
My Email:dvdwn@aol.com
Favorite author: dostoyevsky
Favorite book: the possessed

in les miserables, they were so many characters who were men of principle. today, principles are in very short supply. thank god victor hugo passed them on to us.

TERESA CANALS - 03/10/98 15:24:21
Favorite author: CHARLES DICKENS
Favorite book: TALE OF TWO CITIES

GREAT site...

TERESA CANALS - 03/10/98 15:23:24
Favorite author: CHARLES DICKENS
Favorite book: TALE OF TWO CITIES

GREAT site...

jeffm - 03/09/98 22:08:06
My Email:buzzkid13@aol

thank you!

Dana Wesley - 03/07/98 20:31:34
My Email:sunshin267@aol.com
Favorite author: Khalil Gibran
Favorite book: The Prophet


Dana Wesley - 03/07/98 20:28:04
My Email:sunshin267@aol.com
Favorite author: Khalil Gibran
Favorite book: The Prophet


Dana Wesley - 03/07/98 20:25:12
My Email:sunshin267@aol.com
Favorite author: Khalil Gibran
Favorite book: The Prophet


Dana Wesley - 03/07/98 20:24:40
My Email:sunshin267@aol.com
Favorite author: Khalil Gibran
Favorite book: The Prophet


Dana Wesley - 03/07/98 20:24:38
My Email:sunshin267@aol.com
Favorite author: Khalil Gibran
Favorite book: The Prophet


Amy Loewy - 03/07/98 17:49:31
My Email:amyloewy@earthlink.net


manos,Crete,Greece - 03/06/98 22:41:09

The Miserables is one of the books I will never forget because it has got a place in my heart. I encourage those who have not lost the child 's feelings to read this book.

manos,Crete,Greece - 03/06/98 22:26:45

The Miserables is one of the books i will never forget because it has got a place in my heart.

jules j klein - 03/06/98 20:37:36
My Email:jules.j.klein@mailexcite.com
Favorite author: Aesop

Thank you for the great effort. Your gift is most appreciated. JJK

Kira Blaco - 03/06/98 19:05:52
My Email:KiraAce@aol.com
Favorite author: too many to write
Favorite book: same here

I loved your page, I am making a page about Victor Hugo in my class. Please contact me, I would love to here what you know about Victor Hugo.

Amanda - 03/05/98 02:00:04
My Email:u4trams2@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo or Margaret Mitchell
Favorite book: Les Miserables or Gone With the Wind

Thank you. This has been a great help and very informative. I think Victor Hugo is a fabulous author which is why I chose to read his works for my term paper. Despite the daunting task of rereading Les Miserables. You seem, however, to have only focused on the "popular novels" and overlooked the less read works. It is ok though you have done a wonderful job.

Byron Jensen - 03/01/98 17:09:55
My Email:jbensen@goodwill-indy.org


Thomas E. Moore - 03/01/98 15:49:46
My Email:temoore1@erols.com

Thanks for the site. I'm looking for resources...where can I find copies of works (internet).

Richard - 02/26/98 14:09:00
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

There are so few good sites devoted to Hugo. This is a good one.

- 02/26/98 10:45:35


Iris Asllani - 02/25/98 05:01:18
My Email:irelas@u.washington.edu
Favorite author: Hugo Hugo Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables


kristel leivo - 02/24/98 15:51:25
My Email:kristell@mhs,tartu.ee
Favorite author: cervantes
Favorite book: bram stroker's dracula

I'm writing some kind of research work on victor hugo and I was very pleased to find your page. Thank you!

kristel leivo - 02/24/98 15:51:16
My Email:kristell@mhs,tartu.ee
Favorite author: cervantes
Favorite book: bram stroker's dracula

I'm writing some kind of research work on victor hugo and I was very pleased to find your page. Thank you!

Starbuck Fleet - 02/24/98 06:38:06
Favorite author: God
Favorite book: life

I enjoyed the efforts you have given to this truly great author.

Sasha Zuter - 02/24/98 01:03:53
Favorite author: J.R.R. Toltien
Favorite book: Ruturn of the king

Thank you for your time and effort for putting this together it was great help! THANK YOU! Sasha

Joel Drulard - 02/24/98 01:02:29
Favorite author: J.R.R. Toltien
Favorite book: Hobbit

Thank you for your time and effort for putting this together it was great help! THANK YOU! Joel Drulard

Nigel Appler - 02/24/98 00:55:31
Favorite author: J.R.R. Toltien
Favorite book: Lord of the rings

Thank you for your time and effort for putting this together it was great help! THANK YOU! NIGEL APPLER

victor hug me - 02/23/98 01:57:26
My Email:@@@@@suck@@@@
Favorite author: vorgotoide
Favorite book: victor hugo sucks


not giving it - 02/23/98 01:47:02
My Email:oh yeah aha
Favorite author: larry flint
Favorite book: playboy

why dont you have the biography of victor hugo, your site sucks

nelson ferreira - 02/19/98 01:12:43


Alecia - 02/17/98 18:52:07
Favorite author: Dahl
Favorite book: Brave New World


Alecia Peters - 02/17/98 18:50:22
Favorite author: Ronald Dahl

Just read Les Mis. C'est Magnifique.

Shannon Pardue - 02/16/98 19:14:12
My Email:Shannon.Pardue@lcu.edu
Favorite book: Les Miserables


Gale Harding - 02/15/98 18:06:12
My Email:QGVY61A@prodigy.com
Favorite author: L. Sanders

I found your page through a link from Dames & Moore, where a friend works. My favorite quote of all time is from Les Miserables and you have included it - "Where the telescope ends, the microscope begins. Which of the two has the grander view?" Brings ogether so many people, don't you think? Gale

Kristen Morgan - 02/11/98 17:00:57
My Email:Seserdy
Favorite author: Marry Higgens Cark
Favorite book: Devil In Vienna

I love you you Victor Hugo! I'm a huge fan and it's too bad your dead otherwise I would be your best friend! Ijust wanted you to know how much I love you and hope to see you in heaven! Your biggest fan, Kristen Morgan

ishannah - 02/07/98 18:42:01
My Email:ishannahpeg@hotmail.com
Favorite author: shakespeare
Favorite book: midsummer nights dream

great web page!

- 02/03/98 18:43:50


Jonnie & Nancy - 02/02/98 22:23:18
My URL:http://franklin.derf
My Email:same
Favorite author: Mark Etzkorn
Favorite book: The Biography of Mark Etzkorn

"Once upon a time, there was a little man named Etzkorn. He was a jaunty li'l kipper, so bright and titillating he could always make you smile. And smile he did himself, that old chap, not young like you rascist folk would believe he was. Nope. One day hi dad, Earl Schwiezer (notice, it is a different last name, ye old bastard that he was), came a walkin' down the patio. He walked with the grace of an ox, however graceful you can imagine that to be. Oh, what hell broke loose when the sky started fallin' t at day, metaphorically of course." (Etzkorn p. 1380) If you would like to read more of this fantastic work, which I can send you a free copy of, write to: Hoopspa A. Grassrootin 36 Kilroy Ave. Ithaca Bay, Crooss County Wo 65625 Anyway, if you have the preference of the above enclosure of a hypothesis (you know what I mean), then I'll be a visiting you soon. Au Revoir!

Myriam Schleiss - 01/31/98 10:47:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Hills/7121/myriam.html
My Email:schleissfm@bluewin.ch
Favorite author: almost every!
Favorite book: I read everything!

I have to work on Victor Hugo for school, so I am very pleased to see your page: really complete and accurate! Thank you very much!

Drizzt - 01/30/98 02:03:21
My Email:Drizzt@quartz.qc.ca
Favorite author: Sk
Favorite book: Desolation

This is a very cool page dont bring it down continue your good work

Victor Hugo Henao - 01/29/98 18:44:49

My mother named me after Victor Hugo and I really didn't know much about him or ever that I was named after HIM. Im 14-Years-old and she told me a couble of weeks ago so I decided to look for more information about him. Know that Ive read up on him Im r ally glad my mom named me after him. I reaaly what to be an actor so Im hopping to work in one of his great masterpieces, so if anyone thats reading this can do anything for to help me out I live in New York and I go to school at White Plains High School located in White Plains. Spread the word out.

Victor Hugo Henao - 01/29/98 18:39:11

My mother named me after Victor Hugo and I really didn't know much about him or ever that I was named after HIM. Im 14-Years-old and she told me a couble of weeks ago so I decided to look for more information about him. Know that Ive read up on him Im r ally glad my mom named me after him. I reaaly what to be an actor so Im hopping to work in one of his great masterpieces, so if anyone thats reading this can do anything for to help me out I live in New York and I go to school at White Plains High School located in White Plains. Spread the word out.

Victor Hugo Henao - 01/29/98 18:29:24


fred markey - 01/28/98 20:37:09


Dan - 01/28/98 05:38:37
My Email:prakalasa@yahoo.com
Favorite author: Salman Rushdie
Favorite book: Catch 22

Great to see other people appreciate great writing.

Vincent - 01/24/98 12:08:15
My Email:vroy5853@vax2.winona.msus.edu

I was looking for some works of Victor Hugo for a couple of times and your page helped me a lot. Thank u. I had no interests reading novels and poetries before but recently i'm very much into it. Hope more people out there get into u'r page, it will help hem a lot, specially who are new like me. Thanking you Vincent.

Troy Dawdy - 01/23/98 19:01:47
My Email:tdkw@hotmail.com

I haven't ever read any of Victor Hugo's works. I came here because my grandmother was putting together a family tree and found out that we are related to him. He is my great great great great uncle. I just thought it was very interesting, so I wanted to ind out more about him, and came across your page. I really enjoyed it, it was full of valualble information. Thanks again for the wonderful homepage.

John Eames - 01/21/98 20:35:30
Favorite author: Robert Montgomery
Favorite book: HomeRun


People - 01/19/98 21:04:52
My Email:stuff


John King - 01/17/98 04:48:33
My Email:john@vianet.com.sv
Favorite author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Thanks for such a wonderful site devoted to so noble a writer. This is the information superhighway at its best!

Nancy Oberinger - 01/15/98 17:29:01
My Email:nope
Favorite author: Dean Koontz
Favorite book: The Fling

I'm only 16, and I ran across this spread while doing a project for school. I think that it's great that you're commemorating such a great author! And, as you may know, that's alot for a teenager to say.

jackie - 01/12/98 21:51:04
My Email:j.piglet@mailexcite.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les miseralbes

This was extremely helpful on a report i have to do. Thanks for your time and effort

Paul Dean - 01/11/98 11:59:44
My URL:http://maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/pad
My Email:pad@maths.nott.ac.uk
Favorite author: Dostoevsky
Favorite book: Moby Dick


Prya Beharry - 01/11/98 01:27:50
Favorite author: Sherryl Jordan
Favorite book: ?????????????????

I liked the website alot and the quotes are great

Edgar Vazquez (McArthur) - 01/08/98 23:45:28
My URL:http://xxxx
My Email:xxxx
Favorite author: Pablo Neruda

Nice page!!

anna nilsson - 01/07/98 13:00:08
My Email:anna_50@hotmail.com
Favorite book: ringaren i notredam

väldigt bra böcker

Dryfter - 01/07/98 05:45:45
My Email:Luvefeks
Favorite book: Romeo & Juliet, Les Miserables


Dryfter - 01/07/98 05:45:28
My Email:Luvefeks
Favorite book: Romeo & Juliet, Les Miserables


shawn - 01/07/98 02:47:35
Favorite author: me
Favorite book: green eggs and ham

as a fine connosore of great literary works this page was a great information smorgesborg. i feel enlightened just to have visited this enchanting site. I am now a frequent visitor.

Michelle Mariano - 01/06/98 22:08:03
Favorite author: Undecided
Favorite book: Ditto

I adore Les Miz! Also, I'm doing a research paper on Victor Hugo w/ a concentration on Les Miserables. The page really helped. Merci beaucoup!

Megan Cuppernell - 01/06/98 21:46:53
Favorite author: R.L. Stein
Favorite book: The Face on the Milk Carton

This was vary helpful with my french 2 mid term project thank you!

AMY WILLIAMS - 01/06/98 06:15:20
My Email:williams@fidnet.com
Favorite author: VICTOR HUGO
Favorite book: ALL HIS WORKS


AMY WILLIAMS - 01/06/98 06:11:56


Abu Ahem - 01/05/98 18:14:57
My URL:http://www.arab.com
My Email:arabshit@hotmail.com
Favorite author: guy de mauppasent
Favorite book: roots


Mark Capoccia - 01/03/98 16:11:47
My Email:alternativestaff@teleweb.net

Thank you for spending the time on this site. My daughter needed more specific information on this author. Hope your travels were enjoyable. Regards

Fabian Murillo - 01/03/98 09:52:15
My Email:leonara@racsa.sol.co.cr
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

This book turn the curse of my life into a explotion of good feelings and poetry

Scott - 01/02/98 04:52:11
My Email:Scooter_h98@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Michael Crichton
Favorite book: Lord of the Flies


Heather - 12/29/97 16:46:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/4014
My Email:haislynn@juno.com
Favorite author: Franz Kafka
Favorite book: The Complete Short Stories of Franz Kafka


Ian - 12/21/97 23:37:22
My Email:imacintyre@upei.ca
Favorite author: W.B. Yeats
Favorite book: Ulysses


Sarah Livingstone - 12/18/97 02:32:07
My Email:supersar@hotmail.com
Favorite author: St-Exupery
Favorite book: Le Petit Prince


florence - 12/17/97 16:28:31
Favorite author: garcia marques

Un grand merci ŕ Victor

mohammed alaraimi - 12/17/97 12:08:22
My Email:9759671x@mmu.ac.uk
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: lis miserable

thank you very much, you help me in my project

Lyndsey - 12/16/97 17:37:23
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: Needful Things

Thanx 4 the info.!

Amy Hengst - 12/16/97 03:17:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/6605
My Email:cryshellia@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I'm writing a report on Victor Hugo and his works, thanx for the help! :)

Johny Laine - 12/15/97 15:28:52
My Email:Laine@hcfa.org

I don't think that I can limit myself to one favorite author and book. But here are a few of my favorites that jump to mind: Authors - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Victor Hugo, Robert Jordan, Michael Crighton, Piers Anthony, Orson Scott Card, Edwardo Galeano, John Grisham... Books - To Kill a Mockingbird, Ender's Game, A Time to Kill, The Ugly American, Les Miserables...

Johny Laine - 12/15/97 15:26:26
My Email:Laine@hcfa.org

I don't think that I can limit myself to one favorite author and book. But here are a few of my favorites that jump to mind: Authors - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Victor Hugo, Robert Jordan, Michael Crighton, Piers Anthony, Orson Scott Card, Edwardo Galeano, John Grisham... Books - To Kill a Mockingbird, Ender's Game, A Time to Kill, The Ugly American...

Hunter Wells - 12/14/97 13:45:58
My Email:Hunter7101@aol.com
Favorite author: Stephen Lawhead
Favorite book: Byzantium

I'm back, declamation.

mark shipley - 12/14/97 03:22:47
My Email:shipley2@juno.com
Favorite author: victor hugo
Favorite book: les mis.

i have read it over 6 times and i'm only 15 (unabridged)

eworth - 12/13/97 21:49:08
My URL:http://www.u.arizona.edu/~eworth
My Email:eworth@u.arizona.edu
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Your page looks really good. I especially like the quotes page. He wrote some beautiful things didn't he? I hope you don't mind if I link to your page. Thanks Erin

Jayson Stewart - 12/11/97 01:31:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Chamber/8696
My Email:ecoboy@efni.com
Favorite author: Richard Bach
Favorite book: "One" by Richard Bach

I enjoyed your page and found some of the quotes to be useful for a friends' essay. I have to be honest in saying that I have neither read "Les Miserables" nor seen the production, but this site has given me some idea on why Hugo's works are so well-read Thank you!

Christian Roy - 12/10/97 22:27:43
My Email:christian@vercasso.com
Favorite author: Hugo and Dickens
Favorite book: L'Homme qui rit and David Copperfield

I am making a French site dedicated to Hugo and be sure that your site will be in my link page! I hope you can do the same for me. I will let you know when it is finished. Bravo! Bon travail.

Mary Ann Seremeth - 12/10/97 15:14:15
My Email:maseremeth@juno.com
Favorite author: Stephen King


Lisa Vergeer - 12/08/97 17:59:20
Favorite author: Stephan King
Favorite book: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Used this site to complete my OAC English project. I was so grateful to finally find some critism! Thanks!

brooke - 12/04/97 16:00:41


katie b - 12/02/97 23:36:28
Favorite author: girsham
Favorite book: A Time To Kill

I ned some info for a speech on Les Miserables. Your site was great. Thanks so much for the info

Hunter Wells - 12/01/97 21:38:12
Favorite author: Stephen Lawhead
Favorite book: Byzantium

Used your site for research paper. Thanx

Tanya Stoehr - 12/01/97 18:11:02
Favorite author: Dean Koontz
Favorite book: The Outsider


- 11/28/97 16:01:05


shun - 11/28/97 10:26:16
My Email:shun.unique@rocketmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

I like ur site!!

Beverly K. Menges - 11/26/97 19:46:55
My Email:bev.menges@cplc.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

Thank you!

Cindy Lou - 11/24/97 22:24:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj/singhispraises
My Email:cclemens@bellatlantic.net
Favorite author: Too many to list!
Favorite book: Ditto

I just started reading "Les Miserables" for the first time. After only a few chapters, I am completely mesmerized! Hugo wrote so beautifully. I came to your site to see other books he wrote, and I am going to read "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" next. T anks for the site!

denise paxton - 11/24/97 18:26:39
Favorite author: annette curtis klause
Favorite book: the silver kiss

good job!!!!!

Paul Layton - 11/20/97 18:42:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yosemite/rapids/2884/
My Email:livingstonjim@oocities.com
Favorite author: A tie between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien
Favorite book: Too many to list.

Great site! It is always nice to find good literary sites on the web. I enjoyed learning about Victor Hugo on my visit and had no idea that he wrote so many books! I read Les Miserables a few months ago and was quite moved. Anyway, it looks as if I wi l have to read more Hugo when I get the urge to return to french romantic literature.

Jarad Van Wagoner - 11/19/97 06:16:34
My Email:slnym@cc.usu.edu
Favorite author: J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis
Favorite book: Too many.

I've just recently started reading books by French authors. I've read a few of the works of Alexander Dumas which I have really enjoyed. I am presently reading Les Miserables. I have previously read The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Scott Detweiler - 11/18/97 13:33:10
Favorite author: someone
Favorite book: something


michelle montgomery - 11/18/97 01:38:35
My Email:mxm374

i loved the picture!

Bob Back - 11/16/97 18:31:56
My Email:rback@juno.com

I am looking for an english translation of Hugo's poem "Waterloo." We lived in Belgium for three years and my father always had a copy of the poem, in french, in his office wherever we lived. I can't find a bookstore that has the poem in English. I tho gh you might be able to help. Thanks.

John-Paul Scoville - 11/16/97 02:22:02
My Email:jpscovil@nuskin.net
Favorite author: Tolstoy
Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

You wouldn't happen to have some more information as to Hugo's goals in writing Les Miserables, would you?

Sarah - 11/15/97 19:12:27

I'm back and I'm doing my research paper. I'm in the middle of Les Mis. It's a great book! I'd love to read more of Hugo's work. Thanx again for this "tres super" page. It's really helped.:)

Amiracle Johnston - 11/14/97 18:08:57
My URL:http.www.selu.edu/
My Email:ISTU 22353


Michal Fram-Cohen - 11/13/97 22:10:16
My Email:miche77312@aol.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Ninety Three

I hope one day Ninety Three is made into a movie or a TV mini-series.

Max - 11/13/97 04:32:59
My Email:ivano@pacbell.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Congratulations!!! You made a wonderwork

Alex - 11/13/97 03:27:34
My Email:Double07up@AOL.com
Favorite author: Terry Brooks

I'm sure I would have enjoyed Les Misérables infinately more had it not been an assignment to do in English class. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.

megan - 11/11/97 03:19:05


Steve Sipe - 11/07/97 19:13:41
My Email:srsipe@aol.com
Favorite author: Robert Bly
Favorite book: Iron John


Amy Starr - 11/05/97 16:07:32
My Email:nkn15@wiu.k12.pa.us

Hurry up and get done with this page because I need to do a report on Victor Hugo and I need this page. Please!!!!!

josh mancebo - 11/04/97 19:18:50
My Email:cottonjosh@hotmail.com
Favorite author: i dunno
Favorite book: i dunno

I am doing a report on Victor Hugo and would appreciate it if you e-mailed me some info on his lifenadstuff.

Tabi & Betty - 11/04/97 16:38:08
Favorite author: Shakespeare
Favorite book: Gone With The Wind

Your page on Hugo was very interesting, but not exactly what I was looking for. I needed more along the lines of critical essays for a term paper.

Michael - 11/02/97 02:43:42
My Email:jrieper@mail.cybernex.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Bravo! A site decicated to the greatest modern author. It's also nice to see a page with more than just the musical version of the book.

erin mobilian - 10/29/97 13:25:36
My Email:e_mo98@hotmail.com
Favorite book: Les Miserables


Sarah - 10/27/97 22:12:54

For my 8th grade English class, I'm going to be reading Les Mis and I was supposed to find info on Victor Hugo. Your site was a big help. I'll definately (sorry, I can't spell) come back in a couple weeks to do more research for my report. Thanx! :)

- 10/27/97 16:05:17


Shannon - 10/24/97 02:34:57
My Email:gte093@prism.gatech.edu
Favorite author: Beloved
Favorite book: Toni Morrison

Les Mis is also one of my favorite novels; I'm very impressed with this web page. I'll be back!

Muggy - 10/23/97 11:58:47
My Email:muggy@bdg.centrin.net.id
Favorite author: Tolstoy, Hugo
Favorite book: War and Peace

Your site is good!

Marsianen1 - 10/23/97 10:09:04
My Email:skit i det du
Favorite author: vera haug
Favorite book: välkommen till mars

Have it nice and love mars and you vill be happy all your life . So get a life and fuck all day thats what I´m doing all day. Smoke a ciggarett and be happy./M3

troy kaili naumu - 10/22/97 18:50:15
My Email:Naumu@rocketmail.com
Favorite author: rober e howard
Favorite book: the Iliad

This is a great site. Love and Peace. TROY

DVB - 10/22/97 04:10:11


Em - 10/21/97 20:44:45
My Email:gesn@ludl.tds.net
Favorite book: Catcher in the Rye

You're page is really nice!! I'm very much a book worm and I enjoy all sorts of stuff on different authors. One suggestion I would make is that you need mor info on Vitor Hugo, besides telling us he's an author you don't tell us anything about him.

- 10/20/97 14:22:10


Katherine Racz - 10/19/97 01:04:51
My Email:pig13@wku.campus.mci.net
Favorite book: East of Eden

Thank-you for such a wonderful page!! It was a great help while writing my junior year research paper on Hugo's Les Miserables. I look forward to the finished product.

Katherine Racz - 10/19/97 00:58:39
My Email:pig13@wku.campus.mci.net
Favorite book: East of Eden

Thank-you for such a wonderful page!! It was a great help while writing my junior year research paper on Hugo's Les Miserables. I look forward to the finished product.

Katherine Racz - 10/19/97 00:54:19
My Email:pig13@wku.campus.mci.net
Favorite book: East of Eden

Thank-you for such a wonderful page!! It was a great help while writing my junior year research paper on Hugo's Les Miserables. I look forward to the finished product.

Casey Wilson - 10/17/97 20:49:31
My Email:thwilson@infoave.net
Favorite author: Anne Rice
Favorite book: Interview With the Vampire


Diane Mulvale - 10/16/97 22:10:22
My Email:bmulvale@idirect.com
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: The Stand

Thanks for the help on my OAC french project.

R.J. - 10/12/97 22:42:36


Michel Goyette - 10/10/97 23:36:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Baja/Dunes/3992/index.htm
My Email:mgoyett@total.net
Favorite author: Stephen King
Favorite book: Cujo

Great Page!!!

Kevin Chung - 10/10/97 04:46:10
My URL:http://www.hcc.hawaii.edu/~kevinchu
My Email:kevinchu@hcc.hawaii.edu
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserable

It should be noted that the title "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" was given by the englishman who translated the orginal. The original title was "Notre Dame de Paris." The "Hunchback" title seemed to stray the english readers toward the plot of Quasimodo nd away from the other plots. "Notre Dame de Paris" on the other hand, gave french readers the impression that Hugo, in his genius, wanted to focus on the WHOLE society of Paris; Not just the deformed and ridiculed bellringer.

mf calenzo - 10/09/97 05:13:39
My Email:mkram@aol.com
Favorite author: hugo/steinbeck
Favorite book: les mis

bellismo! wonderful page for all who admire and love Hugo's brilliant compassion and understanding.

al-star - 10/08/97 19:19:41
My Email:al-star@usa.net

Great site!!!!!

Celina Fuentes - 10/07/97 19:38:52
My Email:cfuentes@utep.edu
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Was a pleasure to be in your web page.

Jimmy Albert Judson - 10/07/97 18:53:59
My Email:ajudson@flc.foshay.k12.ca.us
Favorite author: Maya Angelo
Favorite book: The Jungle

This is an very interesting page I feel will give me some assisstance on my report.

Hanna - 10/07/97 16:05:47
My Email:hanna_the_hacker@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: The Huchback of Notre-Dame

Thanks! Thank u so much for all the info and pictures about v. Hugo! I´m writing a essey about him and i have learnt alot! Love Hanna in Sweden

greyfox1 - 10/06/97 02:01:49
My URL:http://grefox1@bellatlantic.net
My Email:greyfox1@bellatlantic.net
Favorite author: irving stone
Favorite book: lust for life

thank you for the information

Colin Murray - 09/30/97 04:15:50
My Email:cmurray1@callisto.uwinnipeg.ca
Favorite author: Noam Chomsky
Favorite book: Manufactoring Consent


Kelly Murray - 09/30/97 04:13:11
My Email:ummurra3@cc.umanitoba.ca
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

Very disappointed over the lack of sights representing Hugo's Les Miserables compared to the amount of Les Mis the musical sights.

Sarah Robinson - 09/29/97 23:09:41
Favorite author: Lurlene McDaniel
Favorite book: A Season for Good Bye

HI!I love to read.

Victor Hugo Garza - 09/26/97 19:11:53
My Email:chutas@hotmail.c
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: all

no coments

Victor Hugo - 09/26/97 05:23:05
My Email:victor.hugo@dgj.com


Bloch, Andy - 09/19/97 15:15:58
My Email:Angfauglir@rocketmail.com
Favorite author: Ken Follett
Favorite book: "Name of the rose" Umberto Eco

Thank's for the help. Have the possibility to get around a test writing an essay about life and work of V.H. Waiting for the "Coming soon's" being menshioned. Andy, Germany

Lori - 09/16/97 19:53:53
My Email:seventh_muse@hotmail.com

You need to give more info. about Hugo's life.

Steven Weng - 09/12/97 14:46:39
My Email:stevhao@pl.jaring.my
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les Mis

Really appreciate the cite like this in the Net!

Leah Shy - 09/10/97 18:42:37
My Email:lkshy@pepperdine.edu
Favorite author: C.S. Lewis
Favorite book: still looking...

Thanks for the help--I'm researching Hugo for school.

Gregory Tasian - 09/10/97 05:11:38
My Email:gtasian@trinity.edu
Favorite author: James Joyce
Favorite book: Les Miserables


NaIhr - 09/09/97 16:09:59
My URL:http://www.home.pages.de/~jonask
My Email:naihr@hotmail.com
Favorite author: Douglas Adams
Favorite book: Hitchhikers Guide...

Great page man ! Thanx..I need this stuff for boring classes... CU then !

Julie Noe - 09/04/97 17:23:56
My Email:rlxnjksn@gte.net
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

Hi! My mother had written down some quotations and poetry by Victor Hugo that she wanted read at her funeral and I cannot find that notebook. She passed away a few days ago and I would like any help you can on writings about Mother and/or death and dying...Sh loved Victor Hugo as I do also....Thanks for your help...

Michelle - 09/02/97 21:27:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/7509
My Email:ozzy2@oocities.com

I just began reading Hugo's works yesterday and found them very much to my liking. This is a very informative site and I will be here many times over the next several months as I am doing a school project on Victor Hugo.

Eddie Hartman - 08/30/97 05:26:24
My Email:karddie@sprynet.com
Favorite author: John Steinbeck
Favorite book: Cannery Row

I am currently reading Les Miserables for the first time and wanted to learn more about Victor Hugo. Thanks for providing the means in which I am able to.

Slats - 08/24/97 03:54:07
My Email:slats@interaccess.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Les Miserables

I'm very close to finishing "Hunchback of Notre Dame". Ever since college, I've been intrigued with Hugo. I was particularly delighted to visit his Paris residence recently. I look forward to a tour of the Paris undergroun tunnel system on my next retur . I've read they're quite interesting.

VISHAL JOSHI - 08/18/97 04:56:25
Favorite author: AYN RAND
Favorite book: ATLAS SHRUGGED


Catherine Coker - 08/16/97 16:37:19
Favorite author: Do I really have to pick JUST one??
Favorite book: Three-point tie between Les Miserables, Outlander, and The Mists of Avalon. (So I have bizarre taste, so sue me! :)

Cool website!! Victor Hugo is a very good guy! Still don't understand why his book was called Les Miserables; by Hugo's standards, it was downright perky!

A.R. Michaud - 08/16/97 16:24:56
My Email:tallyhoo@freenet.mb.ca
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les travailleurs de la mer

Just re-reading Les Misérables in the original. I hadn't touched it since High School, it's still is one of the best author I've come across. Thanks for the site.

A.R. Michaud - 08/16/97 16:22:48
My Email:tallyhoo@freenet.mb.ca
Favorite author: Hugo
Favorite book: Les travailleurs de la mer

Just re-reading Les Misérables in the original. I hadn't touched it since High School, it's still is one of the best author I've come across. Thanks for the site.

Wells McCurdy - 08/13/97 20:17:32
Favorite author: Victor Hugo
Favorite book: Notre Dame de Paris


Roldano Guerra - 08/09/97 12:18:15
My Email:Roldano@pobox.com

Great site!!! I have learned something from your site today... Keep up the good work.... Roldano

Ethan Cliffton - 08/09/97 00:42:01
My URL:http://monoptec.com
My Email:monoptecfsd@monoptec.com
Favorite author: Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo is quoted on our website, in the realm of Astronomy and Aerospace. We will be linking to you to add to the richness of our site. Thanks for being on the Web.

Sarah Stephenson - 08/06/97 05:49:20
My Email:sarah.stephenson@vuw.ac.nz
Favorite book: too many to count


Donna Bryant - 08/05/97 22:40:10
My Email:dbryant2@bellsouth.net

I am trying to do a critical analysis of Hugo's poem Reverie. I need some help. Got any ideas. Thanks, Donna Bryant

Brian D. Howard - 08/02/97 21:56:36
My Email:phoward@emich.edu
Favorite author: Nietzsche
Favorite book: Thus spoke Zarathustra.

I do like Victor Hugo a lot I also like Ayn Rand, has well. I amazed at Machiavelli views don't like him at all

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