Hi there and welcome to some wonderful poetry I've found in some old books,I did have these on five different pages but decided to put them all together! Enjoy! A friend’s eye is a good mirror~English Proverb True friendship is like a single soul split in two to fill two bodies
Pass It On! Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on.
It was not given for thee alone,
Pass it on.
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
Till in heaven the deed appears~
Pass it on.
Did you hear the loving word?
Pass it on.
Like the singing of a bird?
Pass it on.
Let it's music live and grow.
Let it cheer another's woe.
You have reaped what others sow.
Pass it on.
Tis the sunshine of a smile~~
Pass it on.
Staying but a little while.
Pass it on.
April beams a little thing,
Still it wakes the flowers of spring.
Makes the silent birds to sing~~
Pass it on.
Be not selfish in thy greed.
Pass it on.
Look upon thy brothers need,
Pass it on.
Live for self you live in vain.
Pass it On!!
~~Henry Burton~~
A Friend I think that God will never send
A gift so precious as a friend
A friend who always understands
And fills each need as it demands
Whose loyalty will stand the test,
When skies are bright or overcast,
Who sees the faults that merit blame,
But keeps on loving just the same.
Who does far more than creeds should do,
To make us good,~to make us true.
Earths gifts a sweet enjoyment lend.
But only God can give a friend.
~by Dr. Rosalie Carter
If you hear a kind word spoken.
Of some worthy soul you know.
It may fill his heart with sunshine.
If only you tell him so.
If a deed however humble,
Helps you on your way to go.
Find the one whose hand helped you.
Seek him out and tell him so.
THE THINGS THAT COUNT Not what we have but what we use:
Not what we see, but what we choose~~
These are the things that mar or bless
The sum of human happiness
The things nearby,not things a far,
Not what we seem,but what we are~
These are things that make or break
That give the heart its joy or ache
Not what seems fair or what is true;
Not what we dream,but what we do.
These are the things that shine like gems,
Like stars in fortunes diadems.
Not what we take,but as we give,
Not as we pray but as we live~~.
These are the things that make for peace.
Both now and after time shall cease.
by~Clarence Urmy
GOD BLESS You I seek in prayerful words,dear friend,
My hearts true wish to send you,
That you may know that far or near,
My loving thoughts attend you.
I cannot find a truer word,
Nor better to address you:
No song or poem have I heard
Is sweeter than GOD BLESS YOU!
God bless you! So I wish you all
The brightness life possesses.
For can there be any joy at all?
Unless God blesses!
And so through all the days
May shadows touch you never~~
For this alone~~I say,"God bless you."
And you'll be safe forever!~by unknown
Take Care Of Your Friends Friend is a word that I don't throw around
Though it's used and abused,I still like the sound.
I save it for people who've done right by me
And I know I can count on if ever need be.
Some of my friends drive big limosines
Own ranches and banks and visit with queens.
And some of my friends are up to their neck
In overdue notes and can't write a check.
They're singers or ropers or writers of prose
And others,God Bless 'em,can't blow their own nose!
I guess being friends don't have nothing to do
With talent or money or knownin' whose who.
It's a comfortable feelin' when you don't have to care
'Bout choosing your friends or being quite fair.
'Cause friends'll just listen and let go on by.
Those words you don't mean and not bat an eye.
It makes a friend happy to see your success.
They're proud of your good side and forgive all the rest.
And that ain't so easy,all of the time.
Sometimes I get crazy and seem to go blind.
A hug or a shake,whichever seems right
Is the high point of giving,I'll tell you tonight.
All wordly riches and tributes of men
Can't hold a candle to the worth of a friend.
~Baxter Black