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Review: Anastasia DVD
Reviewed By: Kelly

Riding the wave of technology, I was presented with a DVD player for Christmas that just happened to have a copy of Anastasia in it!

You're probably saying, "And why exactly do I need Anastasia on DVD?".  For one precise reason -- it's 50 times better!

Instead of spending $16 on the pan and scan version, then an additional $20 on widescreen, I get both in on disk!  AND it'll never wear out (like my 3 VHS copies).

The scene selection is a major plus.  I can flip from the Audition Sequence (entitled "Dimitri and Vladimir's Plan"), to the meeting of Anya and Dimitri ("Anya and Dimitri"), to the end ("A Perfect Beginning") in a flash when I utilize the handy chapter function.  My antsy niece wants to skip through Bartok and Rasputin she says -- so I press one button and bam! we're there!  The main scene selection page is very nice too, with a picture of the scene inside a frame.

The language option is something to practically hug Don Bluth himself for.  Besides the surround sound in English, I can use the French as credit in my French II course.  Likewise for Spanish.  It also becomes a game -- I competed with my 28 year old sister to translate.  And who resist Vlad eagerly blurting out "Ah, Oui!  Oui!", Anya questioning, "C'est vous, Dimitri?", and Dimitri crying out "Est-que tu voir?!"?

The extra features, however, make it all worth while.  Don't want to dish out the money for the Sing-Along and Making of Videos?  They're on the DVD.  A special featurette?  On there.  The original theatrical trailer, three interactive games, and a preview for Bartok The Magnificent?  All waiting for you!

Want to fast-forward through Meg Ryan on the Making Of?  FF 30 times as fast!  Want to watch an especially cute Dimitri on slow-mo?  Try it 8 times as slow!  Wait, what's that hanging on the chair??  Zoom in 3 times as much to see!

The possibilities are ENDLESS, and what better movie to try them all out on than Anastasia?

Review: Anastasia DVD
Reviewed By: Jen

I got the Anastasia DVD for Christmas 1999 along with a new computer equipped with a DVD player.  Even being able to only play the DVD on the computer since I don't have a DVD player for the television, I must say that it's so much better than the video.

The DVD includes trailers, documentaries, scene selection, the ability to watch Anastasia in three different languages and so much more!  I highly recommend this DVD for any fan of Anastasia.

The quality is amazingly clear and you can even watch Anastasia as it was originally filmed in widescreen without having to spend more money on the actual widescreen video tape.

Being the huge Anastasia fan that I am, I'm constantly making up stories in my head about the movie... Sort of my own little Fan Fiction world... :)  What better way to complete this then to actually be able to hear the Anastasia characters talking in French which they would have done for half of the film.  This was really the biggest excitement for me on the DVD since I did in fact get to see everything else it features on video before I got it, but I was also excited to see the incredible quality and how wonderfully everything was put together.

I love being able to quickly skip scenes without having to wait for a video tape to rewind or fast forward (that way you can get to all the good Dimitri scenes. :)).  I also love the subtitles.

Besides the DVD's features, it's also a big money saver if you think about it: If you were to buy separate videos of everything the DVD features like I did before I got it, it would probably cost you around 60 dollars.  So now you can buy a cute little shirt with Dimitri on it and pick up an Anastasia doll with all the money you saved!

It's really cool to watch Anastasia on your computer.  You can write e-mail and have instant message conversations with someone right while you're watching your favorite movie on the same screen!  I can't compliment this DVD enough.  Buy it and see what I mean.

Review: Art of Anastasia
Reviewed By: Meg

Any fan of beautiful art and Anastasia will love this book!! It's got anything you could ask for!! The story, facts on the real Anastasia, beautiful paintings created for the movie, oh-so-cute sketches of Dimitri!!, and scenes straight from the movie!! Whether you like to read or draw, this book is perfect, it'll keep you looking through it for hours!! (and most of that time will probably be spent looking at Dimitri  :OD You may think the price is too much, but believe me, it's definately worth the buy!!

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