Ever in the need for THE perfect quote? Turn to "Anastasia" for all your comeback needs! Take a look at some of these quotes for use with ANY occasion.
"Everything's going according to plan - All we need now is the girl! Just think Vlad, no more forging papers, no more stolen goods! We'll have three tickets out of here - one for you, one for me, and one for Anastasia!" - Dimitri, about his plan to find an Anastasia imposter."The biggest con in his-tor-y!" - Dimitri, speaking of his plan.
"Be greatful Anya...well I am greatful! Greatful to get away!" - Anya, as she leaves the world of the orphanage behind for good.
"Send me a sign! A hint! Anything!" - Anya, as she asks for a sign to tell her which way to go.
"People always say, life is full of choices! No one ever mentions - fear!"
- Anya, as she starts on her Journey to the Past."Years of dreams just can't be wrong!" - Anya.
"It's like a memory from a dream..." - Anya, arriving at the Catherine Palace for the first time in her life - so she thinks.
"Perhaps, that all depends on who's looking for him!" - Dimitri, on being asked if he was, who else, Dimitri!
"I need travel papers. They say you're the man to see, even though I can't tell you who sent me...And hey, why are you circling me?! What, were you a vulture in another life?!"- Anya, after meeting Dimitri for the first time."Not to worry, I got it ALL under control!" - Dimitri, as Vlad doubts his actions.
"Anastasia? Yeah, just one problem there, fella. Anastasia's dead. All the Romanovs are dead. They're dead. Dead, dead, dead!" - Bartok, before he finds out the TRUTH about Anastasia.
"Sir, is this the face of a bat that would lie to you?" - Bartok, after Rasputin doubts his word.
"Little Anya, beware, Rasputin's awake!" - Rasputin, after finding out the truth about Anya and Anastasia.
"Yeah, I HATE that in a woman!" - Dimitri, after finding out first hand that Anya DOES have a mind of her own.
"Please, just don't talk anymore, alright, it's ONLY going to upset me." - Anya, when she and Dimitri are in the middle of one of their many fights.
"It's a place I once lived, end of story." - Dimitri, upon being asked if he'd miss Russia.
"Oh no! An unspoken attraction!" - Vlad, sharing his outlook of Anya and Dimitri's relationship.
"It's what I hate about this government - everything's in Red!" - Vlad, when he finds out about their color problems.
"Men are such babies!" - Anya, telling it like it is.
"The baggage car? There wouldn't be a problem with our papers, now would there, Maestro?" - Anya, after realizing the REAL reason they're in the baggage car.
"I don't know - but there goes the dining car!"- Vlad's distressed cry.
"Uh, Dimitri! I think someone has flambayed our engine!" - Vlad, after taking a peek out.
"Did you say JUMP?! After you!"- Anya, after being told they need to jump - off a cliff!
"That'll work!" - Dimitri, as he realizes that Anya has given him the perfect tool to uncouple the cars.
"What do they teach you in those orphanages?" - Dimitri, to Anya."Don't worry, we've got plenty of track we'll just...coast to a stop!" - Dimitri, in one of his "all in control" moments.
"You were saying?" - Anya, after she realizes Dimitri's coasting plan won't work.
"If we live through this - remind me to thank you."- Dimitri, after Anya saves his life on the train.
"I hate trains. Remind me NEVER to get on the train AGAIN." - Dimitri's thoughts on trains.
"I get it, I get it - You break it you bought it!" - Bartok, after almost breaking Rasputin's reliquary.
"Anastasia, sir, just wishing I could do the job for you, sir. I'd give her a HA! And a Hi-YA! And Whooooo-wa! And I'd kick her, sir!" - Bartok, to Rasputin.
"That's nice." - Anya, rebounding off of one of Dimitri's sarcastic remarks.
"Sophie, my dear, Vladdy's on his way!"- Vlad, calling to his far off flame.
"VLAD, ix-ney on the ophie-say!" - Dimitri, testing out his pig latin.
"Is this a person or a creampuff?" - Anya, wondering about Sophie.
"Show up, yes, look nice, fine, but LIE?!"- Anya, questioning ethics.
"I just thought this was something you had to see through to the end, no matter what!" - Dimitri, trying to calm a livid Anya."I see an engaging and fiery young woman - who on a number of occasions has shown a regal command equal to ANY royal in the world." - Vlad, being the true father figure that he is.
"Your hand recieves a kiss!"- Vlad, teaching royal manners.
"You can learn to do it, nothing to it, you can learn to do it too!" - The Group, in a triumphant moment.
"Anything's possible. You taught Dimitri how to waltz after all!" - Vlad, to Anya.
"There was a boy...a boy who worked in the palace...he opened a wall..." - Anya, remembering a long forgotten fact.
"WEEEEEEEEEEE DID IT!" - Vlad, in a moment of joy!
"Ooh la la!" - Sophie, summing up the emotions running through the air perfectly.
"I was the boy. In the palace. The one who opened the wall. She's the real thing, Vlad." - Dimitri, finally getting through to Vlad the information he's found out about Anya and her past.
"Princesses don't marry kitchen boys." - Dimitri, in a sad moment.
"Please let her remember me." - Anya, thinking about Marie and the soon to be reunion.
"I'm NOT Ilya. And I WON'T slow down. Not until you LISTEN." - Dimitri, after hijacking Marie's car.
"I know you've been hurt. But it's just POSSIBLE that she's been as lost and alone as you." - Dimitri, stating the truth to Marie.
"It starts with like a WHOOSH! And then you crazy with the hips, Sir, it's fun!"- Bartok, teaching Rasputin the latest dance steps.
"Oh, I'll get a life, Bartok. HERS!"- Rasputin, making a threat."It was more a change of heart. I must go." - Dimitri, after Marie asks him why he changed his mind about the money.
"Bum bum bum bum bum be bum!" - Vlad, singing his favorite tune.
"Of course...of course it is! I found what I was looking for! I found out who I am...I found you!" - Anya, trying to reassure herself of her choice to stay with Marie.
"My Darling, he didn't take the money."- Marie, telling the truth to Anya/Anastasia at last.
"Whatever you choose - we will always have each other."- Marie, making an everlasting vow to Anya.
"You're on your own, Sir, this can only end in tears!" - Bartok, standing up to Rasputin for the first time.
"This is for Dimitri! This is for my family! And this - this is for you. DASVIDANYA!" - Anya, getting rid of Rasputin for once and all.
"They've eloped! Isn't it romantic?!" - Sophie, as she and Marie read the note from Anya about her and Dimitri's choice for the future.
"It's a perfect beginning." - Marie, about Dimitri and Anya's new journey - together.
"So long everybody!" - Bartok, ending the movie!
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