Road to Royalty
So I had to meet problem. I was going to learn EVERYTHING from Vlad and Dimitri that I could about Anastasia, the Romanovs, and being a princess. Could all this fluff and tradition be tied up in my past? Maybe, but nonetheless, I was determined to "Learn to Do it, too"!
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The Harbour
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Road to Royalty
Anya, Dimitri, Vlad and Pooka had to walk for days to reach a port where they could get on a ship bound for France. As they walked, Vlad hummed and kept repeating the name Sophie.
"Who's Sophie?" Anya finally asked.
"She is the Dowanger Empress's ravishing first cousin," answered Vlad.
Dimitri shrugged. They had sort of forgotton to tell Anya about Sophie... on purpose.
Anya stomped off to a bridge. Vlad followed Anya to the bridge.
"There's nothing left for you back there, you know," Vlad said gently. "Everything's in Paris. Anya's hand when to her necklace. Maybe she wasn't the real Anastasia. But whoever she was, the answers to all her questions lay in Paris.
Dimitri and Vlad had known their share of royalty. They taught Anya how to walk, talk and act like a princess. They made her memorize the names of all the Russian royalty, what they wore and ate, and so much more. Anya's head was spinning, but she eventually learned.
Visit The Tasha for more of the story!

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