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One of the most useful tools that I've found personally in aiding and diminishing symptoms with anxiety is relaxation techniques. There are numerous tapes available.

Years ago, with the aid of biofeedback, I was trained to "The Relaxation Response". This program was developed by Dr. Herbert Benson who was the pioneer in developing the relaxation response which elicits a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress (i.e. decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension). Biofeedback was used as a tool to measure the success of my attaining deep relaxation.

Relaxation techniques take time, practice, and commitment! I haven't personally seen much being done with biofeedback to date.  With some individuals it is difficult to attain deep relaxation as you find yourself competing with the biofeedback readings. With or without the aid of biofeedback, with time and practice, you can bring about a reduction in your symptoms.

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Dr. Herbert Benson has six books published along with numerous publications.

  • The Relaxation Response, 1975

  • The Mind/Body Effect, 1979

  • Beyond the Relaxation Response, 1987

  • The Wellness Book, 1992

  • Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief, 1997

Dr. Benson is also the Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the founding president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. This new program....Medical Symptom Reduction Program....he has developed not only for those suffering from panic/anxiety disorders, but for the benefit of anyone suffering from physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, sleep disorders, allergies, any disorder complicated by stress, etc. This program's treatment is to also attain useful tools by learning the relaxation response, along with cognitive-behavioral strategies to aid in coping skills, yoga, nutrition and goal setting. You may want to check this site out!  The books I note above can be found at the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Beth Israel or at   The Mind/Body Medical Institute also offers audio tapes focusing on relaxation and some video tapes.

As I mentioned above, there are numerous tapes, books and programs available in teaching relaxation. I cite some of the book and tape resources on the Panic Disorder page. Relaxation therapy is a very resourceful tool to use in managing your symptoms.


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