On November 1, 1996 my friend Thera Waldren was on her way home from college for the weekend. Her mother, Chris and her 10 year old sister Autumn went to pick her up from school. While returning home from the college, Chris's car was struck head on by a drunk driver that was going up the wrong side of the road. . . Thera was killed instantly. Her little sister Autumn died the next day. Thera's mother Chris was in a coma for a long time. She is finally starting to recuperate but life will never be the same for the Waldren family.
Thera was only 17 years old when she died. Her sister only 10. The hardest thing I have ever done in my life was to go to the viewing and see them lying there in their coffins. But I had to. I couldn't let go without saying goodbye.

This was all very avoidable. If only the drunk driver had choosen not to stop by the bar on the way home from work or had not driven, Thera would still be in my life. I would have seen her graduate from high school last year with my sister. I would still be able to give her a hug and tell her how much I missed her when she came home from college sometimes. Instead I go and lay flowers on her grave and tell her how much I miss her. I am sure that somewhere she hears me, but I can't give her a hug. I can't see her smile or joke around. She's gone.

We need to keep the drunk drivers off of the streets. I don't think I could bear it if I had to lose another friend this way. It isn't fair to deny people like Thera and Autumn their futures.

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